Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Era 42

Nirvana Era 42
06:24:28 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Ninja Gonosite:


Kingdoms in Nirvana
Royal order of Claidmore 23 Duke Kevdwayne 100
Rebirth 25 General Gokken 1
Flamming Aces 5 Sir Pure 0
Mujahideen 5 Mr. Mujahid 0


good luckz!!!!

06:46:57 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Troll:

Thank you indeed.

06:49:04 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Ninja Gonosite:

lol np

07:00:39 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Malius Ignis:

rebirth is here

13:07:15 Sep 7th 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:

flamming aces here

16:30:56 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Rexar:

And Rexar is here also :P

16:38:35 Sep 7th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Who? :P

16:56:09 Sep 7th 09 - Sir Thomaas:

Rebirth on Nirvana too pwn I see :D

17:03:01 Sep 7th 09 - Duchess Medusa:

Still many members did not even restart, but now the KD percentages are little bit different then when you posted it here Ninja Gonosite

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Rebirth26General Gokken100
Royal order of Claidmore22Duke Kevdwayne58
Flamming Aces5Sir Pure The Italian Lambo14
Hamish3Mr. Hamish6
Mujahideen4Mr. Mujahid0
Genocide2Mr. Bartimaeus The Ressurected0

Good luck everyone!

17:07:32 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Malius Ignis:

 medusa shhh i want the other to think we are weak and war us :p

19:17:13 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Magic Troll:

Mr. Malius Ignis


17:07:32 Sep 7th 09

 medusa shhh i want the other to think we are weak and war us :p


LOL Ignis, guess most of us know better than just trust the ranking. At least the first week.

22:18:47 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Malius Ignis:

still i hope you attack  me

22:25:34 Sep 7th 09 - Sir Middle Earth:

If u attack him, then youshould listen to this song... Karma Police - Radiohead.

'this is what you will get, when you mess whit us... (C, Bm, D)'

so dont try it xD (no offence)

22:26:27 Sep 7th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Sounded like a threat to me, Max....

03:45:44 Sep 8th 09 - Duchess Medusa:

Nirvana is starting to heat up \o/

06:50:12 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:


09:19:11 Sep 8th 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:

jas that only cause the flaming aces are here o and I recreated it I had a typo in it :P

12:46:32 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Dropkick The Australian Muscle:

so any wars yet????

13:50:16 Sep 8th 09 - Sir Thomaas:


Everyone is still in Protection... wait :D

btw, I'm fighting with my other evil side... thats about it

15:06:44 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. Rexar:

..may the force be with you, man :D lol

22:59:57 Sep 8th 09 - Sir Middle Earth:

Hes not a jedi!

00:27:39 Sep 9th 09 - Duke Kevdwayne:

ROC is farming, we beat our swords into plowshares.... we are now known as ROP (Royal Order of Plowshares).

02:43:50 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

*mixes some cannabis seeds into ROP seeds*

03:42:36 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

sounds like a plan is anything happening any one plan on kicking some one elses butt yet

06:11:41 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoooom:

greetings guys

08:13:51 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Magic Troll:

And a cruel warmonger of Rebirth started the war against a peaceful :angel and glory: member of the ROP (Confused?? See some posts above for explanation ).......

I call all fat farmers of ROP, clean your dishes, get your forks and knives, saddle your sheeps, cows and horses and go to WAAAARRRR................. Dinner is served :big-grin:.

08:51:13 Sep 9th 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:

Hang on so
Rebirth vs Royal order of claidmore

im really confused if it isn't lol

08:54:10 Sep 9th 09 - Sir Thomaas:


We all know to Roleplay right?

09:10:03 Sep 9th 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:

cause im stupid hehe
I only know how to rp messages

18:10:55 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Rexar:

So it begin :)

Rebirth27General GokkenXX


Royal order of Claidmore27Duke KevdwayneXX

Good luck ROC :) Let this war does not break the honor and spirit between our two kingdoms, and may the wiser one wins!!!

19:18:00 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Magic Troll:

Eiiiiii Rexar.

You know just as we do, that RoC is the most wise kingdom........

But well, if that is your wish, we shall do our utmost.

20:29:04 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Rexar:

:) I cant say a word :P

00:22:07 Sep 10th 09 - Duke Kevdwayne:

LOL.... Good Luck to Rebirth, it will be enjoyable to have a worthy advesary and a nice 'clean' war.

00:30:23 Sep 10th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Nobody here really has much faith in honour, huh..?

01:53:33 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Overcome:

who does not have faith in honor here?

02:45:35 Sep 10th 09 - Duke Kevdwayne:

05:41:39 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoooom:


06:59:25 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Desol:

The more Sweat In Peace, the less Blood In War.

Blood makes the grass grow green.

10:28:41 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Magic Troll:

Mr. Desol


06:59:25 Sep 10th 09
The more Sweat In Peace, the less Blood In War.

Blood makes the grass grow green.

Yes, blood is a very good fertilizer.

11:20:58 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:

Hamish attacks without warning so i think ill post it :)

Flaming Aces
Sir Pure The Italian Lambo


Mr. Hamish

11:52:32 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Overcome:

"I have the utmost faith Sir Overcome, the utmost  ;)"

glad to hear;)

and those were wise words. all though im sure many would have a say on it as honor is very different from culture to culture. im not a exepert on the subject, but i know that some think they are born with it and some think they have to achieve it. so its per definition.

but lets have an "honorable" battle to be rememberd=)

11:55:53 Sep 10th 09 - Lord Wraith:

I said what i did as everyone seemed to be using quotes " " when mentioning it :P

15:12:26 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Dropkick The Australian Muscle:

lol u no what is funny hamish attacked us cause he thought we had an NAP with rebirth. we do now but we didnt when they attacked lol :P

22:41:29 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

'Thinking' gets you to worse places than LISTENING and READING. DeeDeeDee!!!!

03:44:25 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Dropkick The Australian Muscle:

lol i guess hamish has no comment

04:03:16 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Vangard:

Wat that doesn't even make any sense???

08:26:50 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Zippo:

Ye,i know hey Vangard :D .

09:08:55 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Dropkick The Australian Muscle:

r u retarded how can that not make sense???

11:59:20 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Malius Ignis:

this is booring

02:02:52 Sep 12th 09 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

yes it is cause all i see is a large build up of troops and no action

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