Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Era 43

Nirvana Era 43
04:35:55 Nov 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

sup guys!


The Knights of the Black and White

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Knights of the Black and White
Members: 13
Created: 9/21/2009 4:16:12 AM
Leader: Sir Uther Pendragon

04:38:11 Nov 2nd 09 - Mr. Swiss:

I'm the most powerful ruler :D

I'll enjoy it while I can lol

04:43:27 Nov 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

yeah, Nirvana is going to be smoking hot...

im a little nervous actually.

alot of people i played with and against in the past are here.




04:45:11 Nov 2nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Dude, sooo many people on this world. Huraay for a 9 man KD!

04:47:38 Nov 2nd 09 - Duke Pesty Bear:

Alright. Before things get out of hand im going to say this.

I know yes these threads are great to have and enjoyable but last era we had a few members (not mentioning any names) that took it to another level of spamming and flaming..

Its against the rules so dont do it. Its annoying to filter out the bad stuff.

So try and keep it clean.

on the other hand.


04:49:24 Nov 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

hahaha alright will do

so any predictions as to how things will unfold on this world?

04:51:18 Nov 2nd 09 - Duke Pesty Bear:

I wouldnt know I am on Zetamania right beside another top notch kingdom(cant mention name)

well see.

I have my bets on BoW though,

"Once a wolf, Always a worlf"

Sorry lol I was once a wolf :P

04:53:56 Nov 2nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Yay, so would everyone like to tell me where you are? ;)

05:05:40 Nov 2nd 09 - Duke Kevdwayne:

Sir Uther Pendragon


22:49:24 Nov 1st 09
hahaha alright will do

so any predictions as to how things will unfold on this world?


There will be rumors of wars, then (about the time everyone comes oop) there will be wars, then there will be much whining and flaming on this thread.

05:30:10 Nov 2nd 09 - Mr. Horus III:

Booo, stop making obvious predictions and really put your money where your mouth is. Thats such a n00b post. You must be gay, or a girl. Every era there is someone who says something really dumb and congrats, you win that award. I bet you voted for Obama too! You racist



05:42:54 Nov 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

ME a racist? No i didnt vote for Obama, i just said this to get some people active here. Quite frankly i know its impossible to tell the outcome, but it is interesting to see what others say.

see those little charts that they make and spend too much time and effort on.


05:52:20 Nov 2nd 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

um beside the 2 post above, good luck everyone and i cant wait to meet you. Also please fall on the pointed end of the sword, its far more effective that way.

"struggles to unsheath his blade."

:) well besides that if i may ask, anyone else hiding out?

06:45:47 Nov 2nd 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Good luck to all of you!

07:09:48 Nov 2nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:


07:24:15 Nov 2nd 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

ay and we be her crew of scalawags and ruthless mercenaries, we be sailing the rivers of Nirvana searchin for mines and farms to plunder


07:40:57 Nov 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

they sound like they want booty...

: (

They cant have mine...

07:56:25 Nov 2nd 09 - Pirate Suqah:

shake shake shake, shake shake shake, shake your booty! shake your booty!

So how about them starting positions?

08:52:14 Nov 2nd 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

ay where ye be so we can come take ye women and slaughter thy men, then we recruit ye chilrdren to burn down ye homes and plunder ye mines and kick in ye shins hazar hazar hazar. And how ye be knoin our secret dance rutine we be usin that for war, me lady hav you been spillin ye beans?

09:31:59 Nov 2nd 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

good luck to everyone :) and especially karac, and as pesty bear said:

"Once a wolf, Always a wolf"

I have been in BoW too :P

12:18:46 Nov 2nd 09 - Mr. Ares Maliusbum:

yeah good luck to everyone here in nirvana

18:41:16 Nov 2nd 09 - Duke Drakos:

Gl to all.....and if we could ever get all the ex-wolves(once a wolf, always a wolf) back together for one era, it would be something to see. :)

18:48:22 Nov 2nd 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

I was a wolf but no1 knows me :(

18:55:28 Nov 2nd 09 - Mr. Offensivename:

my ear is swollen and it hurts

21:43:11 Nov 2nd 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

We have taken the lead

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Domination 27 Pirate Suqah 100
Rebirth 30 Lord Overcome 70
The Knights of the Black and White 14 Sir Uther Pendragon 35
Royal order of Claidmore 18 Duke Kevdwayne 32
Nibiru 7 Prince Sprout 29
Brotherhood of the Wolf 9 Wolflord Karac 27
Lightning Hearts 6 General Zondervan 25
Death List 9 Sir Uroril 5
Peaceful Beguinings 6 Ms. Avenging Angel 5
Girl Power 6 Lady Lillith 0
Army of Two 1 Mr. Vuggy 0

22:38:00 Nov 2nd 09 - Endless Spans:

so... Domination vs Rebirth for OOP wars?

23:53:18 Nov 2nd 09 - Mr. Samual:

Well whatever happens good luck to you all

01:21:08 Nov 3rd 09 - General Zondervan:

lets all play now :)

02:29:05 Nov 3rd 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

Spans. We've already NAPed Rebirth. We're going for oopwar vs you guys instead.

Oh, and we also NAPed Nibiri and RoC. Rebirth has too. We're all gonna gang up on you guys.

Hmmmm... I dont know if I was supposed to tell you all this... Ahh well.

02:48:46 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:


: )

bring it then, sounds like fun to me


02:49:07 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

but once again you are not going to get my booty

02:55:55 Nov 3rd 09 - Endless Despair:

57 vs 9, sounds like awesome fun there Nat ;)
been there done that  :p

02:56:34 Nov 3rd 09 - General Zondervan:

dont leave me and my guys/gals out :P

03:01:03 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

You want to be wiped out as well?

03:03:56 Nov 3rd 09 - General Zondervan:

now now, i think no wiping out will be done.

04:10:02 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

the only wiping will be of your face to my hind side

*Pendragon spits*


04:46:26 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

well i think rebirth, dom and some other kds on this world are gonna get pwned and mauled to death so have fun guys see you all on the field of battle i just hope some of you guys choose the right side to be on

05:17:26 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

I concur, the right side is the best to be on.


05:24:07 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

Thanks for alerting us to your position

05:57:56 Nov 3rd 09 - Prince Sprout:

Hi everyone  delighted to see so many faces here in Nirv this 43rd era.
 Looks to be a gain of fun for this map lets kick back and enjoy the active start of yet another amazing era of VU.

 I wish you all the best of luck, well not really...

06:03:38 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

Sprout what are you on man jesus chris, sound like you had to much to snort and not nough death of your troops by DOMINATION

06:03:57 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

i guess that will come later

06:24:48 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

someones a little vain


06:25:39 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:


my bad

06:31:26 Nov 3rd 09 - Lord Wraith:

Lol... its vain......

07:41:25 Nov 3rd 09 - Prince Sprout:

Its gonna be funny when the maps get opened......that is when things really get started.

 I think he knew I posted odd just to get a reaction from some one like himself witch i did. So that in mind maybe Mr. Not Fits post is no different than mine. A Conspiracy of Drug Lords could be behind it all tho never know.

08:04:07 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

I was a member of CRAZY for two eras, two eras of playing alongside throatslasher changes a man and I guess the others helped me turn insane, I actually went in to see if I could find someone sane but turned insane myself, how ironic is that

Mez gonnaz killz uz all (evil hysterical laugh)

09:19:13 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Ares Maliusbum:

oop  is the most fun part of vu

09:55:19 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Stoned Polar Bear:

And sometimes the most annoying part of vu. That is, of course, if you lose ;p

10:43:38 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Ryan The Archblade:

I see RoC again. I want to kill them again esp. those from Midgrard last era. I wanna see if they have any improvements.

13:52:21 Nov 3rd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

I wonder...

I see bongs, but are there any other ex-DLords in Rebirth?

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