Forums / In game politics / Nirvana II

Nirvana II
17:05:35 Feb 25th 08 - Sir Evans:

Someone sell some stone please??????

oh and of course who........reckons whats going to happen?

17:25:40 Feb 25th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Always with Evans making the world topics   ^^

18:15:28 Feb 25th 08 - Sir Evans:

yeh but look at the amount of posts in them :P


22:03:29 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Edd:

i think something is wrong with the nirvana HOH

22:49:42 Feb 25th 08 - Sir Evans:


23:07:06 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Edd:

those people on most powerful aren't on most powerful army or city so why r they there.

02:45:21 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Thizzle:

nice to see AP on Nirvana
remember last era Nirvana??
wish i was der...

03:51:41 Feb 26th 08 - Dark Cruelity:

Excalibur will dominate!

06:07:49 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Ilia:

The Kingdom of Phantom is ready for any Kingdom in our path.

11:22:43 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Premium:

Go me!!

Anyways... any one out of protection yet?

15:39:13 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Ilia:

nope im not
PHI will die by the hands of Phantom!!

17:48:03 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Evans:

now i know nobody cares but:

Fuk Yas All lifeguards
owned by Mr. Fuk Yas All

Fuk Bein Happy lifeguards
owned by Mr. Fuk Bein Happy


multi?? or can two people not spell :P either way, co-incidence ??

18:21:08 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Anardur:

looks well dodgy doesnt it

18:33:23 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Wampy:

im coming to nirvana :D:D:D:D

18:58:15 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Killer:

I reckon it's a multi. More than two people can't spell though... I don't know how such names are allowed though...

19:04:14 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Evans:

suppose it gets through the filter...just

22:24:47 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Revengicus V:

or does it...

22:29:19 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Evans:

well uh yeah :P

23:50:29 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Ilia:

Hey is there somin wrong with the HOH on this wold
these same guys have been on the HOH for the whole time
They dont have any HOH citys or armys so how are they there
for so long

Mr. Goran Silverhead
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Jarky
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Hemi
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Broken Lizzard
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Vaniz
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Lantheas
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Marcrucio
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Phelan
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Fettvadd
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Insanly Hawkins
Member of: Not a member of a group

00:36:30 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Evans:

not a clue but i have a hoh city with no troops (at the mo :P)

01:07:16 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Ilia:

I think the HOH on nirvana is really messed up
kuz i got a city with ponys and am not on the HOH
do u think we should report this?

13:32:06 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Revengicus V:

yeah cos i sent messages to all of these people and half arent even on this world!!!

16:06:23 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Evans:

lmao thats dogy, army hoh seems fine, cus im near top but the armies about suit that for this stage

09:06:42 Feb 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Ghost Phantom 9 Sir Ilia 334
PHI PHI Recruting 11 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 301
Excal Excalibur 5 Dark Cruelity 223
Score The Great Empire of Score Check 1 Sir Evans 100
Sparta Sparta 3 Mr. Chuck Norriis 97


should be an interesting game :) bring em on :)

17:38:26 Feb 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

PHI PHI Recruting 11 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 328
Ghost Phantom 10 Sir Ilia 322
Excal Excalibur 5 Dark Cruelity 248
Sparta Sparta 3 Mr. Chuck Norriis 132
Score The Great Empire of Score Check 1 Sir Evans 100
i fell behind a little:(

19:00:55 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

its just a little dont worry u will win :D:D:D

19:24:34 Feb 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

i want to :P

21:32:08 Feb 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

cus im bored

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Excal Excalibur 5 Dark Cruelity 256
Ghost Phantom 9 Sir Ilia 243
PHI PHI Recruting 10 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 238
BT BURNT 3 Prince Sprout 206
Sparta Sparta 3 Mr. Chuck Norriis 132
Score The Great Empire of Score Check 1 Sir Evans 100

22:30:00 Feb 28th 08 - Dark Cruelity:

Yay #1 .... for now hehehe. My sword shall rid this world of Evil and spare only the holy. Any one wanna be only the holy crusade with me? (Excalibur)

23:11:35 Feb 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

I take my hat of to Mr. Killer for successfully holding off my army atm. more coming though mate :)

23:49:39 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Hmmm... You'd be better off going for those other dudes... I've only a bit of gold and food left, enough to keep me going until you take me over. You'll just get lots of losses of troops, and waste your time. So, just wander off over to those other cities, and I'll just take some of your cities, and keep in them in careful order for you when you decide you want them back...

09:24:06 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Evans:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Excal Excalibur 8 Dark Cruelity 260
BT BURNT 3 Prince Sprout 187
PHI PHI Recruting 10 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 144
Ghost Phantom 9 Sir Ilia 125
Score The Great Empire of Score Check 1 Sir Evans 100
Rose Order of the Blood Rose 2 Ms. Vampire 89


and killer, give in :P you know ill win eventually
although your doing what I'd do so well done! :P

09:46:25 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

Nirvana has some good songs, yeah.

11:07:01 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Evans:

killer fell. he fought well though :)


16:53:27 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Evans:

The Native People [] (2/29/2008 3:52:24 PM) GOOD BAD
An article of the English language.

(I am the game NPC, you have to take my cities to finish the tutorial)

wow, you learn sumin new everyday, shame im on nirvana

19:02:21 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:


19:06:01 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Evans:

cheers thomas, wokring on killing another city on the hoh :P the native people one :P

22:14:35 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Evans:

PHI PHI Recruting 10 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 120
Score The Great Empire of Score Check 1 Sir Evans 100


PHI have a regiment (halfling) walking towards my area.... looks like a fun fight :)

22:15:58 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

lol evans

22:25:31 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Evans:

What ? i think it will be fun :P

22:29:49 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

yea it might be, your prob in war with everyone ;) and kicking everyone's but ;)

22:30:25 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Evans:

not quite everyone, all but one KD....

and thats cus they occupy my core with me :P

22:31:44 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

core mates ;P

22:36:18 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Evans:

yup, well i realised i cant do EVERYTHING.... or can i ;)

22:40:33 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:


09:09:21 Mar 1st 08 - Sir Evans:

seems the army refuses to turn around (well its blanking me)

a fight is inevitable

09:13:10 Mar 1st 08 - Sir Evans:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Excal Excalibur 16 Dark Cruelity 359
BT BURNT 5 Prince Sprout 155
PHI PHI Recruting 10 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 133
Ghost Phantom 9 Sir Ilia 103
Score The Great Empire of Score Check 1 Sir Evans 100
Rose Order of the Blood Rose 4 Ms. Vampire 82

18:39:42 Mar 1st 08 - Sir Evans:

Can someone in PHI please tell malakas to get away from my bases before he gets hurt..... and army not even on the hoh can deal with him :P

18:54:56 Mar 1st 08 - Sir Evans:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Excal Excalibur 18 Dark Cruelity 408
BT BURNT 7 Prince Sprout 235
AC Assassins Creed 5 Sir Plague 115
Score The Great Empire of Score Check 1 Sir Evans 100
Rose Order of the Blood Rose 4 Ms. Vampire 90
PHI PHI Recruting 8 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 77
Ghost Phantom 10 Sir Ilia 73
Angels Angels 9 Mr. Trendkill 65

can anyone in PHI please explain their attacks ?

19:04:17 Mar 1st 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, well Evans i guess you can have fun with PHI

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