Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Wars I

Nirvana Wars I
08:34:28 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Well lets have a look at whos killing who

Round 1:

BT BURNT 7 Prince Sprout 100

AC Assassins Creed 7 Sir Plague 46


Ghost Phantom 10 Sir Ilia 21


Round 2

BT BURNT 7 Prince Sprout 100


Angels Angels 10 Mr. Trendkill 25

Rose Order of the Blood Rose 4 Ms. Vampire 18

Place Your Bets

08:40:48 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

i say AC will take it

09:47:53 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Evans:

Score The Great Empire of Score Check 1 Sir Evans 100

Angels Angels 10 Mr. Trendkill 68



PHI PHI Recruting 8 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 92


should be fun :)

11:05:18 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Evans:

2008-03-02 - Todays News

  • 10:01:55: Mr. Malakas attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 10:01:57: Mr. Malakas attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 10:01:59: Mr. Malakas attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 10:02:02: Mr. Malakas attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 10:02:05: Mr. Malakas attempted to cast a spell upon us.

Fun times :)

11:06:56 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Evans:

woooo :)

11:17:14 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Malakas:

Evans made a waypoint for himself. just joking.let's just enjoy our little war. :)

11:22:58 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Evans:

yeh jsut making sure its easy to find on the map :)

11:29:37 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Malakas:

omg, there's a witness.

11:32:06 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Evans:

more a referee, a friend of mine in fact :)

11:45:14 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Go Evans



12:03:13 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Evans:

They surrendered. Sir Evans. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 1758 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 1758 enemy troops.

i wanted 1 more % for a slaughter

12:16:57 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Malakas:

the battle report is not correct, for real. :)

i lost 1757 troops... and injured 1757 too.


12:26:38 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Woot Go Evans

Phi Suks XD

i said that b4 but its shows you that its true

12:41:06 Mar 2nd 08 - Lord Seloc:

lol thats my scout!

13:10:59 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven:

My god!!! Seloc makes scouts? HEAVENS ABOVE!!!

18:07:55 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Ator:

Don't worry, I shall join you all down there shortly.

18:17:35 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, who is Excalibur warring with? or are they just concurring everybody?

18:41:48 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Ator:

War? We hate war, we are a peace loving, friendly, fun loving and possible a group of anglo saxsons.

18:45:05 Mar 2nd 08 - Dark Cruelity:

i suppose maybe we should be the "police" of nirvanna unless u all like running around being a roit ?

18:59:57 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

Im there too

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey :P I hate being on Nirvana tbh :P

19:29:22 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Evans:

Score The Great Empire of Score Check 1 Sir Evans 100
Angels Angels 11 Mr. Trendkill 94


PHI PHI Recruting 8 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 87

PHI have lost ground....
and can excal please fight someone, i need them to lsoe some strength :P

come take me on :) (just an offer not a declaration)

21:38:19 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Plague:

lol evans, scared?  they will have to fight eventually. when there is the 3 biggest kd will eventually meet up and fight for territory. 

22:12:55 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Ator:

Excal Excalibur 18 Dark Cruelity 100
BT BURNT 10 Prince Sprout 59
AC Assassins Creed 7 Sir Plague 36

Most Powerful Armies

Excal= 1

BT= 2

AC= 1

Evans= 4

Most Powerful Cities

Excal= 3

BT= 0

AC= 2

Evans= 1

Most Powerful Groups

Excal] Excalibur #1
With Dark Cruelity as leader.

With Prince Sprout as leader.

[AC] Assassins Creed #3
With Sir Plague as leader.

Most Powerful Rulers (of the top 10)

Excal= 4

BT= 2

AC= 2

Evans= *Error, subjects ranking is unknown.


*Note: These scores may not be right for I am not going to extra effort to find out what KD some of these people are in.

22:40:11 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Evans:

Evans= *Error, subjects ranking is unknown.
im third :)

loving the way my armies sit high nd mighty

22:50:20 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Ator:

Ahg, your right, I'm wrong, I was only looking at the KD names.

Most Powerful Rulers (of the top 10)

Evans= 1

23:02:13 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Evans:

thank you :)

its good being compared :P

23:24:43 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Plague:

actually its most powerful armies AC=3 master assassin, training and ninjas revenge

23:51:03 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Evans:

yeh only cus i merged two of mine :p

i didnt lose one, i just made top one stronger

23:53:33 Mar 2nd 08 - Dark Cruelity:

We are a good kingdom we only rid this land of unholy people, i find Sir Evans to be a neutral atm he will choose his own fate in time.

00:03:03 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Evans:

have added another army for you plague.... happy now :)

00:07:01 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Evans:

1st 3rd 8th nd 10th owned by evans :)
2nd is no KD
4th and 9th for AC
5th for BURNT
6th for Excal

and one other i duno :P

00:31:01 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Evans:

Angels Angels 12 Mr. Trendkill 118
PHI PHI Recruting 8 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 101
Score The Great Empire of Score Check 1 Sir Evans 100

NOOOOO im being out farmed

being alone i cant gain strength as fast :( ah well nothing to be ashamed of still :P

00:47:08 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Evans:

Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Ators Best
owned by Mr. Ator

Bad Move
owned by Sir Evans

hold it while you can, im adding more as we speak, although im then going attakcing sooo :P

00:49:26 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Evans:

ators army ahs dropped again :P this is odd, jsut cus im not fighting yet :P

big emphasis on yet :P just waiting on my mages :) yeh you heard no mages yet :P come and get me

00:50:56 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Evans:

oh LMFAO!!!!

the armies are the same!!

if you refresh they swap :P

chances of that at this stage ? :P

00:59:57 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Ator:

Actualy I was judging your army size to tell what it was, mine is actualy stronger than yours, I wasn't putting all of my troops into it.

04:23:16 Mar 3rd 08 - Dark Cruelity:

Mr. Ator
Member of: Excalibur.

Mr. Borazon
Member of: BURNT.

Mr. Joker
Member of: Excalibur.

Sir Evans
Member of: The Great Empire of Score Check.

Dark Cruelity
Member of: Excalibur.


Is Sir Evans falling behind in power?

05:11:18 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Trendkill is gonna kick everyones a$$es in power by the end of the era

06:07:33 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Ator:

I disagree with that prediction, I believe evans shall pwn all.

12:41:55 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Evans:

yes it seems i am falling behind, but remember, at the moment i have to do all my defence for myself, kingdoms get to share defence tasks...

and ator thanks :)

15:09:13 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Evans:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Excal Excalibur 21 Dark Cruelity 531
BT BURNT 13 Prince Sprout 357
PHI PHI Recruting 11 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 234
AC Assassins Creed 9 Sir Plague 203
Angels Angels 12 Mr. Trendkill 138
Score The Great Empire of Score Check 1 Sir Evans 100

still the strongest power per members ratio :P

15:11:31 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

your powerful ;)

18:23:15 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Evans:

now excal are arriving at my borders.... this should be good, its a nice lil human regiment.... my trolls are HUNGRY :)

19:44:03 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Evans:

"from thor are lol to and from you to and its funny"

does anyone know what this means. or are excal using code?!?!?

20:33:44 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

Uhm.... I think it means thor was having a laugh about a joke "you" made and its funny :S Or maybe its about armynames ;) Maybe thor owns an army called lol and the "you" person owns an army called lol too :) And thats funny :P

20:37:42 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

EVANS *beep* YOU ARE NOT THAT GREAT!!!!! *beep*!!!!!

20:38:51 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

:D evans is doing quite great :D being only 1 in his large KD :D

21:07:46 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Evans:

might i know im not that great, and ive never said i am, a couple of others have said i am though :P


22:06:45 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Hmm lets see....your bragging. Your acting like your a god [Which your not....] and your trying to fight several KDs at once. Your gonna get owned.....NEWB!!!!

22:17:44 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Ator:

This coming from a cow.

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