Forums / In game politics / Nirvana just a bunch of pussys

Nirvana just a bunch of pussys
13:29:39 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

Mr. Camel Rider [BOOYAH] (6/19/2009 4:42:38 AM) GOOD BAD
im sorry to see that you missed the nivana summit but we came up with an idea to invade fant and work as a team and this is the proposal. it seems like crazy, and godlike are on board. bunnies not so much

Fantasia Invasion

As we spoke about before this is the proposal I have promised. I left if simple, if you feel that you need to revise it in anyway please do so and send it back. The goal of this agreement is for our kingdoms to extend our power to Fant, where it matters. We will work together to achieve this goal. This is basically a cross between a map and a nap.

1. We will open blockers for each other to allow easier access to fantasia, but only for this purpose.
2. We will share Intel (i.e. eits, battle reports, information about anything relating to the common enemy etc.), this will only apply to the common enemy (fant kd’s), and will not apply to anything else.
3. We will assist each other with magic (if possible) and share strategy and tatics.
4. We will ONLY be assisting each other with fant, any wars that may occur after this agreement, or that were existing before this agreement with non fantasia kingdoms will not be anyone’s problem but the ones at war.
5. We agree not to attack each other.

I may have forgotten a few things so feel free to add, but this is the basics. I think we should start with juicy as they dominate the eastern part of fant. We can then move on to de and rebirth. Also let is be known that we have an era long cf with fate and will not be attacking them. Once the terms are agreed upon I will draw up an attack plan. If you do not want any part of this then that is fine, but I would appreciate it if this was kept between us.
You (6/19/2009 1:49:42 PM)
this is the dumbest idea to go into fantasia while juicy is getting gangbanged we are sending more people to *beep* with them. it would be more fun to invade strong kingdoms like fate or RVL . it just shows how of pussys you all guys are.
Mr. Camel Rider [BOOYAH] (6/19/2009 2:14:13 PM) GOOD BAD
listen here you dumb mother *beep*er, if you dont have anything good to say keep you *beep*in mouth shut dumb ass. you *beep*in fool
Mr. Camel Rider [BOOYAH] (6/19/2009 2:22:12 PM) GOOD BAD
dont you ever call me a pussy, i will hunt ur ass down mother *beep*er
You (6/19/2009 2:23:37 PM)
how easily you show that you are seriously dumb and have problems with nerves :) call how you want dude cause i dont care and you are a *beep*ING HUGE PUSSY
Mr. Camel Rider [BOOYAH] (6/19/2009 2:24:06 PM) GOOD BAD
go *beep* youself,
You (6/19/2009 2:24:26 PM)
i wish i could :( wouldnt need my gf :)

this dont belong here but still funny :D

Mr. Throatslasher [CRAZY] (6/19/2009 2:10:05 PM) GOOD BAD
I hearz dat you don't much care fer our ceasefire, and dat you wuld be just az happy to come down and try yer handz at kickin' some CRAZY ass. Dat iz gud newz, cuz I won't mind smashin' yer face against a rock, crackin' yer skull open like an old melon and den usin' yer brainz as da base in a festive dippin' sauce fer da party we will haf afta' happily massacrin' da troopz you wasted tryin' to attack us! You fink youze are da only onez dat know how to train troopz and kick ass? Or maybe you fink dat we iz scared of youz. HUR HUR HUR!! How about dis fer a plan, we open our gatez for whoever we wantz, whenever we wantz. If you are havin' a tough time wif da *beep* dat iz goin' on dis game, well dat suckz ta be youze...we iz havin' a fine time down here buildin' up our armiez and waitin' fer someone to beg us to kick their sorry ass. So if you is smart den you will give CRAZY landz a wide berth and hope dat da commanderz on da east side of our massive empire don't get bored and decide to tear thru yer kingdom like rabid dogz after a cat wif a pork-chop leisure suit and a limp.

Sincurly yerz,
-Throatslasha, Da Big Orc Chief
You (6/19/2009 2:26:36 PM)
omfg my eyes are burnin from this *beep*ty english. you are threatening me ? while you are just a nub like all your kingdom vs me? ROFL good thing there isnt merges ill show ya how to play ;)


13:31:31 Jun 19th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

haha wow nirvana is worse than zetamania complaining because i used my BTs to take their cores :)

13:48:10 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Crazycrissxcross:

Lol, now I got confirmation what I allready thought earlier when I read about the invitation....

So no news for me, but the weird orcish english, thats realy something new :D

13:49:49 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

orcish english rofl

13:59:06 Jun 19th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

wow peng, he uses even worse english than you!

seriously though... wtf, stop pussying out, proposing a 4 kingdom MAP is lame as hell.

13:59:55 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

yeah thats why i was so shocked about it :(

13:59:57 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Loony Goatsin Nursing:

hahaha Throatslasher cracks me up.  burned your eyes did he?  lol

14:01:20 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

i got some water (cause im water but nvm) , everything is okay :D

14:04:37 Jun 19th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Bunnies decided to decline the invitation, even before seeing those psychotic messages :)

14:17:56 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

yeah well is out in the open now, we booyah are comming for juicy. and thats that this *beep* is a dishonorable *beep*. BIG *beep*ing DEAL

14:20:39 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

what na?

14:22:28 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Crazycrissxcross:

Oh and I thought, your big armies are chasing my little troops there ^^

14:23:41 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:


14:48:30 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Jondrus Rok Booyah:

Oh and I thought, your big armies are chasing my little troops there ^^`

No, Mr. Miggitymiggitymacdaddy I am coming for you, quit running.

What I call a pussy is someone who is allowed to farm all era while their kingdom mates fight. cough cough.  Secret weapoon my ass. More like a teenage crybaby.

15:06:46 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

LOL thats funny cause you dont know a *beep* how its go :)
im such a pussy that i killed more then you yeah im PUSSY ;) i was PUSSY MONSTA so yeah by calling me a pussy you are right + i love pussy, i dont know about ya ;) maybe your more in men

15:08:12 Jun 19th 09 - Duke Insane VIII:


15:09:00 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

faggot faggot faggot faggot, shut yo mouth ho

15:10:01 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

every time i see camel rider i think about camel toe :p

15:11:44 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

Mr. Throatslasher [CRAZY] (6/19/2009 2:10:05 PM) GOOD BAD
I hearz dat you don't much care fer our ceasefire, and dat you wuld be just az happy to come down and try yer handz at kickin' some CRAZY ass. Dat iz gud newz, cuz I won't mind smashin' yer face against a rock, crackin' yer skull open like an old melon and den usin' yer brainz as da base in a festive dippin' sauce fer da party we will haf afta' happily massacrin' da troopz you wasted tryin' to attack us! You fink youze are da only onez dat know how to train troopz and kick ass? Or maybe you fink dat we iz scared of youz. HUR HUR HUR!! How about dis fer a plan, we open our gatez for whoever we wantz, whenever we wantz. If you are havin' a tough time wif da *beep* dat iz goin' on dis game, well dat suckz ta be youze...we iz havin' a fine time down here buildin' up our armiez and waitin' fer someone to beg us to kick their sorry ass. So if you is smart den you will give CRAZY landz a wide berth and hope dat da commanderz on da east side of our massive empire don't get bored and decide to tear thru yer kingdom like rabid dogz after a cat wif a pork-chop leisure suit and a limp.

Sincurly yerz,
-Throatslasha, Da Big Orc Chief
lmfao rofl, this is halrious, go crazy!!! i just read throught this. and i like that dippin sauce idea

15:12:24 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

Sir Water


09:10:01 Jun 19th 09
every time i see camel rider i think about camel toe :p


i said shut yo mouth ho

15:13:36 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

oh camel toe , oh

15:14:43 Jun 19th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

hahah listen to the 12 year olds act tough on an online game!
go back to playing with your toys and come back in a few years time when your grown some pubes and matured more

15:16:08 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

camel toe is on FIRE

15:18:11 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

its funny how nubs like jondrus , camel toe are talking so much while they are just huge nublets , wow you played in PKS thats great and was dendarii before and i killed you guys THATS SO AMAZING . Camel toe grow up atleast, pretending to be "mature guy" makes everyone laugh ;)

15:18:55 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

Sir Water


09:16:08 Jun 19th 09
camel toe is on FIRE


I SAID shut ur mouth ho

Dark Prince Stirlin


09:14:43 Jun 19th 09
hahah listen to the 12 year olds act tough on an online game!
go back to playing with your toys and come back in a few years time when your grown some pubes and matured more

i shaved my pubes because that the way your mother seems to like it

15:21:18 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

you dont have any "power" in here retard lol
shut up your mouth ho > wow amazing way of speaking there camel toe
shaved your pubes? OMFG camel toe shaved her pubes :( cant believe that

15:23:32 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

as long as i can post i have power mother *beep*er

15:26:47 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

sorry that i *beep*ed your mother but you dont have to be all pissed 24/7 for that ;) ill visit her again, you will get used to that :)

15:26:53 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Crazycrissxcross:

Well I wouldn't be forced to run away IF

- I wasn't busy fighting OOP with 3-5 dynamite players at once, without gaining ground and unable to raise my income.
- Dynamite mages wouldn't have hit us so often hard with rof and freezes when you attacked us in the unprotected flank
- Godlike wouldn't have showned up again and forced me to split forces and open boarder again for dynamite who tried to invade (but somehow I manged to counter this, because the attack was weak (bunny allready attacked dynamite then and most attention from dynamite went from us to bunnies) but my hoh army never recovered from it, because I have not farmed all era long and were unable to reproduce as fast as my enemies)

-your kingdom would have had an OOP war aswell and would have been unable to farm the first two weeks and then attacking from behind an enemy who is allready busy, only able to defend himself and hold the line.
Booya, you are soo brave, whoooha :b

And now you are planning to do the same with Juicy, a kingdom who is fighting in all direction in fantasia allready.
And because you are soooo brave, you are asking all nirvana to help you against an enemy who is allready unable to counter attack you, because he is busy to fight on his blockers....

AND I think, this is really a reason for beeing called a pussie you pussie

15:28:39 Jun 19th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

i shaved my pubes because that the way your mother seems to like it

and this is how all of us know your only 12 and dont even have a single pube yet, run along youngster and let the older ones carry on

15:30:26 Jun 19th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Camel Rider, personal insults? sad.

Insulting someone's mother? sad and low.

for probably the first time... I have to... oh my... I don't know how to say it... :O

agree with penguin? :O

15:39:19 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

first time was long ago babe :) it will be probably 10th

15:41:38 Jun 19th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

I prefer to forget about those times ^^

15:42:40 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

Good to know that you love me :)

16:22:02 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Jondrus Rok Booyah:

When did you kill us Peng?  When you hid in Juicy last era and did nothing while the other members attacked us. Nice try, I may be a nub, but I am helluva lot better than you. I would have a ton more kills if PHI didn't run away from me or their armies didn't abandon cities when I attacked. You know youv'e just been killing halfer armies. LOL


@crisscross   You guys should be ashamed that you let 2 attackers and mage do this to your kingdom. I thought you guys were all stars?  Now, you know why we wouldn't merge with PHI at the begining of the era when it was offered?

16:23:50 Jun 19th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

wow you fail massively

16:24:34 Jun 19th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Phi did a remarkable job holding out as long as they did being squeezed from two sides with no real blocking points.

16:26:16 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

Mr. Jondrus Rok Booyah


10:22:02 Jun 19th 09

When did you kill us Peng?  When you hid in Juicy last era and did nothing while the other members attacked us. Nice try, I may be a nub, but I am helluva lot better than you. I would have a ton more kills if PHI didn't run away from me or their armies didn't abandon cities when I attacked. You know youv'e just been killing halfer armies. LOL


@crisscross   You guys should be ashamed that you let 2 attackers and mage do this to your kingdom. I thought you guys were all stars?  Now, you know why we wouldn't merge with PHI at the begining of the era when it was offered?

^^ good point

16:27:17 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

Chancellor Ademo


10:24:34 Jun 19th 09
Phi did a remarkable job holding out as long as they did being squeezed from two sides with no real blocking points.
stay out of this ademo, you have made your position clear and thats all you need to say.

16:36:41 Jun 19th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

I've every right to express my opinion on the discussion. If you don't like it, skim my posts and go back to your ranting and name calling.

16:39:03 Jun 19th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Yup, DMC lost all my respect today.

What is with this game? all people suddenly turning stupid? <.<

16:42:11 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

Jondrus i killed the kingdoms you were been alot of times, not only when i was in juicy ;) you know a thing called RL ? i bet you dont, i am not a geek like you and dont sit 24/7 . i kill when i have time for pc ;)
2. Yes you are the bigger nub helluva bigger , thanks for admitting it <3
3. i didnt kill only "halfling armies" more like orcs/dwarfs/humans :) ask who you want ;)
4. when you will accomplish something what scottology did then you can come and try to talk with me that you are better

16:44:22 Jun 19th 09 - Lady Sexier Than Quietone:

Dark Prince Stirlin


15:14:43 Jun 19th 09 hahah listen to the 12 year olds act tough on an online game!
go back to playing with your toys and come back in a few years time when your grown some pubes and matured more

Notice how even our enemies think your a bunch of nub tards?

16:45:29 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

and i was just thinking about you lol

16:46:10 Jun 19th 09 - Lord Death Proof:

Why are we fighting with our allies anyway?

16:46:57 Jun 19th 09 - Lady Sexier Than Quietone:

Me peng? Oh, thanks babe!

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