Forums / In game politics / Nirvana?

23:18:36 Dec 31st 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
SilK Silicon Knights 44 Mr. Jones 6
AoA Army of Anubis 3 Mr. Anonymous 2
Rev Revolution 6 Mr. Arthion 2
DE Dorian Empire 4 Sir Evans
 erm is this a joke or what?

23:33:27 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


BTW have you ever heard of liposuction?

23:42:52 Dec 31st 07 - Lord Crom:

go AoA !

00:11:29 Jan 1st 08 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

Trust me Jones, thats never gonna get you anywhere.

00:20:47 Jan 1st 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Too girly?

00:25:37 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

whats the point

the other three kingdoms should disband kill each other until they can all restart and leave silk on their own lol

18:01:15 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:


I'm Silk Vice
n most of our members are new
we r training members so they can survive on VU on their own
Then once they leave us, we kill em burn all they cities
they are considered traitors =]

BTW revolution is goin extinct soon, they are recruiting our newer players, so we have to kill our new players leaving us to join them =]


18:06:06 Jan 1st 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

so your training them how to survive by trying to be the only kd on the map? riiiight you train  by fighting you know ;)

19:00:43 Jan 1st 08 - Sir Santa The Elite:

You know you dont really have a core or anything, do you? So do you know how easy it is to kill you? Im close to 6 Silk members and Ive taken out several bases with only 15 troops :S

19:12:18 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

By the sounds of it, everyone in the KD needs to learn how to play VU :P

04:09:48 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

Lol as i have stated before
our KD is mostly new players

we accept new players and protect them from other KD's
they are new and do not know what top do

sir santa
FYI we do have a base
in a matter of fact
we have 2

and DE attackin our new players
that is just sad
their next in line after we kill REVOLUTION
have a good short era =]

12:55:50 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

lol id be surprised if u kill de

13:34:04 Jan 2nd 08 - Sir Dramborleg:

Tongan please atack us!! my troops are desperate for some resistance. 4 HoH army's isn't fun anymore.

13:43:51 Jan 2nd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Attacking new players is sad?..


wow... Nirvana = new players ?

17:02:25 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:


Lmfao dude, you may have HoH armies but they move slow
I'll just come in with an all Nazzi crew n mess wit u =]

17:19:54 Jan 2nd 08 - Sir Santa The Elite:

I have a nazzi HOH army, strongest now, so SU :)

Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI


1/2/2008 12:55:50 PM
lol id be surprised if u kill de

Thank you for your trust :)

And Tongan, we need something to do. Nirvana is almost only new players. The vets are in AoA, DE and Rev, only you remain :)

17:39:20 Jan 2nd 08 - Sir Santa The Elite:

Ohh, and may I just say a little thingie here, its about Nirvana:

Mr.Sezgin Bey!!!!!

Mr.Sezgin Bey is a member of the noble Army of Anubis, led by Anonymous, friends and naps of DE and the predecesor of DE, FA. This era on Nirv we were naped again and all was going well. Then DE decided to kill Hyphy and Sezgin Bey asked us whether we could make a personal nap with him, we said no. Then he betrayed Hyphy and attacked them, killing them all because our armies couldnt attack. Since Sezgin Bey had joined the AoA before we could attack him or Hyphy. I warned Anonymous for Sezgin bey but of course you got to try.( Dont get me wrong, im not blaming Anonymous)

So we stopped attacking but I told Anonymous that if Sezgin gave us one reason to attack, we would do so immdediately because he was being such a jerk. We just hated him. So, being naped to AoA and thus Sezgin Bey we ignored the guy and decided to fight the Silk people around us. So I asked Sezgin Bey to open the AoA gates so I wouldnt have to make a detour to a Silk city. He kept them closed and went to the city itself(total jerk action) I PMed Anonymous to inform him of another jerkaction while my armies were moving towards another Silk city. Now I come online and I see this:

  • 14:09:51: Mr. Sezgin Bey attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 14:09:58: Mr. Sezgin Bey attempted to cast a spell upon us.

    And while C/Ping this I see this one 2:
    17:27:17: Mr. Sezgin Bey attempted to cast a spell upon us.

    I PMed Anonymous with this and told him this was the kind of reason I was talking about. I refresh my page and what do I see? One of DE's armies has disappeared, an army close to Sezgin Bey's army. This report was pmed to me:
    17:00:25: Balrog of Morgoth lost a battle against Senin Icin Geliyorum from Mr. Sezgin Bey. The army escaped to Lifeguard. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 1385 Axemen, 0 Runemasters, 0 Cavemasters and 0 peasants in the battle and 1385 of our soldiers got injured.

    I confronted Sezgin Bey wih this:

    You (1/2/2008 4:53:08 PM)
    You are such an *beep*!

    14:09:51: Mr. Sezgin Bey attempted to cast a spell upon us.
    14:09:58: Mr. Sezgin Bey attempted to cast a spell upon us.

    You think thats allowed when naped? Preapre to be kicked or killed, or both.
    Mr. Sezgin Bey [] (1/2/2008 4:58:33 PM) GOOD BAD
    Eye in the sky mate, i was just clicking around :S first time i took magic level higher than 0. It didn't do any harm now did it?
    You (1/2/2008 4:59:33 PM)
    Right... you cant play sucker for ever
    Youre going down, trust me.
    You (1/2/2008 5:12:14 PM)

    Just clicking around eh?
    Mr. Sezgin Bey [] (1/2/2008 5:13:46 PM) GOOD BAD
    Ah well, because some people had complained about me, my leader lost trust in me and after this very innocent spell casting thing he would certainly kick me out :) So I rather have a head start on you guys..
    You (1/2/2008 5:14:54 PM)
    Ahh, you know that when I post this on the forum, about no good and honourable kingdom will take you in again?
    Mr. Sezgin Bey [] (1/2/2008 5:16:07 PM) GOOD BAD
    Why is that exactly? I didn't break any NAP did I?
    You (1/2/2008 5:17:30 PM)
    Yes you did. And next to that, you decided to play dishonourable. Instead of apologizing and explaining it to your leader and trusting his fair judgement.
    Mr. Sezgin Bey [] (1/2/2008 5:19:25 PM) GOOD BAD
    I resigned from my Kingdom before attacking, i wasn't part of anything so no NAP was broken.
    No offence to my leader but he was loosing trust in me because a couple of people had complained about me, I didn't get the chance the defend mysel*beep*ainst those claims but ah well, with this complaint you would make he would have kicked me out either way :)

    You (1/2/2008 5:35:06 PM)
    Stop Lying, I have a printscreen of you having attacked Dramborlegs army before resigning :)

    Prepare to defend yourself, I can finally attack you :)

    And to prove that last thing of mine, the printscreen:

    There where you see Sezgin Bey's army, a DE army used to be 2.

    I think this is enough to prove that Sezgin Bey is a lowlife, napbreaking, jerkacting, piece of scum :) 
    And once again, this is not AoA's fault or that of Anonymous, this is just Sezgin Bey being himself.

  • 17:42:32 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

    I don't see anything.

    17:43:58 Jan 2nd 08 - Sir Santa The Elite:

    18:43:25 Jan 2nd 08 - Sir Dramborleg:

    what do you mean might? that my army is gone?

    (off the record it was my army, balrog of morgoth that he attacked)

    my army was right there before 5 pm (GMT +1) and after 5 it was gone.

    04:15:31 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Shadow:

    That is fine this Kingdom of the Knights are nothing but a player hungry empire that likes to win the easy way instead of wining with a bit of strategy. How easy is it for you to win this way.. I bet pretty damn easy Knights have no damn sense of a real fight! You Mr. Jones created your Kingdom out of boredom I bet you were pretty damn bored getting a max of 45 players to join your Kingdom I am lucky to get some of those Kingdoms off your hands to get a bit more of a challenge.. Do you really need 45 players to win while we only had 6 this is pretty much pathetic on your part.. You have no room on calling my actions dishonorable of getting some of those kingdoms to join us they only joined you because you had 10 or more kingdoms surrounding them! Good win there knights I think for one it is pretty pathetic.

    04:17:25 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Shadow:

    I am the ruler of the Revolution and I have never seen this kind of play in a while.

    12:27:02 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

    Sir Santa The Elite
    I truly agree that Sezgin is a low life
    He has been in Every KD possible on Nirvana, except DE ofcourse

    Mr. Shadow is just a *beep* tryin to recruit our players into joining his *beep*y KD


    Mr. Jones


    12/27/2007 10:25:50 PM
    Well it looks like war with Revolution is on. They have prepped some of our cities and are threatening others. One of their members (Tobie) thought they could have an HOH army go through our territory with no consequences, and didn't turn back until I sent an army (past his using 2 bonus turns) towards his cities.

    They staterted prepin on our cities no notice no nuttin

    14:47:04 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

    Mr. Tongan Boii


    1/2/2008 4:01:15 AM


    I'm Silk Vice
    n most of our members are new
    we r training members so they can survive on VU on their own
    Then once they leave us, we kill em burn all they cities
    they are considered traitors =]

    BTW revolution is goin extinct soon, they are recruiting our newer players, so we have to kill our new players leaving us to join them =]



    sounds like the iraqi government to me :P

    15:01:01 Jan 4th 08 - Sir Santa The Elite:

    Sounds like that if there was a nap between Silk and Rev, Silk broke it by attacking the players who left Silk and joined Rev.

    An yeah, Iraqi government style ;)

    15:13:30 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

    yeah santa the elite, thought so :P

    16:01:09 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

    hahah kill him santa!!!!

    16:24:25 Jan 4th 08 - Sir Santa The Elite:

    We happen to be at war with both Rev. and Silk =P So thats gonna be fun ;)

    23:21:40 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

    Well Rev is not attackin DE so LOL
    I would not consider that DE is at war with REV
    DE is only at war with Sezgin Bey =]

    Sir Santa The Elite


    1/4/2008 6:01:01 AM
    Sounds like that if there was a nap between Silk and Rev, Silk broke it by attacking the players who left Silk and joined Rev.

    An yeah, Iraqi government style ;)


    FYI, it was after they started the war with us (breakin the MAP) they started recruiting our newer players tellin em to join REV or die.
    So basically Santa
    don't b talkin smack
    coz u ain't know *beep* =]

    Anywayz, wassup Peter Jackson =]

    07:40:05 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

    Here is Shadow's last words in a message he sent to me... It goes to show that no matter how low you think a person can go, they can surprise you by sinking even lower.

    Well I will make sure of it you get no gains I have sold all of my stone food and limber to the natives for .01 each I also Wrecked all building possible with the 24 million I had. Good luck in Armegedon or where ever else you restart I am making a new account for you and you only under a new name I will also attempt to join your kingdom and prepare to take you out at the last moment and defect so I wouldnt trust everyone next time in the map like you so foolishly did here goodluck on your next restart ;-) Ill be watching..

    08:42:41 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Hyphy:

    That low??
    That is really sad Shadow
    You got no dignity

    09:23:08 Jan 5th 08 - Sir Dramborleg:

    if seems like shadow did want to make an appointmend, just for the record Togan Boii isn't as nice as he let you think here. We (santa and me) had both converstations with him and they weren't very nice.

    09:48:25 Jan 5th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

    the fact that silicon knights even DARES to have&nb*beep*AP/NAP says enough.

    you're fighting 13 players at the max....rofl..

    10:05:59 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

    all conversations weren't very nice on your parts =]
    i have kept all conversations i have had from the beginin of the era
    so don't b tryin to do nuthin fish mate
    coz i'll only post the conversations givin yallz a bad name =]

    10:24:08 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

    ooh lol...
    i have just checked all my messages
    and there isn't any wrongs from me or from you guys
    even though there have been alot of arguments =]
    but there weren't any wrongs to my knowledge
    if you wish i can post them here =]

    17:52:23 Jan 5th 08 - Sir Dramborleg:

    I have them too, half of then i dont understand because of your bad english :(

    but feel free to post them, i was just saying that our converstations were not frendly or even like frendly.

    18:39:07 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

    actually it wasn't bad english =]
    it was suppose to go to one of my KD mates
    but i accidentally sent it to u....lolz

    16:48:59 Jan 6th 08 - Sir Santa The Elite:

    DE Dorian Empire 3 Sir Evans 100


    SilK Silicon Knights 35 Mr. Jones 518

    Of course we have about 0% chance of killing SilK because 2 people(#3 is on holidays) cant take over the cities of 35. We can burn them but still it would take us ages. However I dont think SilK has got a really good chance fo winning either. Our core is just to heavily defended with 3 hoh armies :)

    16:55:47 Jan 6th 08 - Mr. Fire Shadow:

    I'm still in shock over what Shadow said.

    01:35:47 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

    I am not so sure Santa, I am really starting to get a taste for Orc, they aren't that bad if you boil them in butter   ;)

    01:39:01 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

    And before Santa says it he and Dramborleg spanked my behind today.... I just didn't want to give him the satisfaction   :)

    03:44:03 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Soc:

     Sir Santa

    the predecesor of DE, FA.




    DE was a kd long before FA....................

    06:41:52 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

    Yeah we have 35 members alright
    atleast 25 of them only go on once every 3-4 days -_-

    i was inactive and DE
    killed my 2 HoH armies
    well i'm bout to have top of the art HoH army comin down to make it rain on DE(m) soon =]

    Oh BTW....i see alot of new little new player REVOLUTION people
    i think SHADOW is goin multi now -_-

    07:14:48 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Santa The Elite:

    He would go that low I supppose :P

    And I just HAVE to post thios, 2 of your HoH armies, owned by mr Xilofone:
    We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Sir Santa The Elite. We have won the battle!

    We killed all of the 11488 troops and 0 peasants.

    We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Sir Santa The Elite. We have won the battle!

    We killed all of the 13662 troops and 0 peasants.

    We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Sir Santa The Elite. We have won the battle!

    We killed all of the 3051 troops and 0 peasants.

    The 3rd was another slap on Kevdwaynes butt ;)

    09:11:56 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

    once i get eyes in the sky casted on u then i'll know what i'm up against =]
    ooh sir santa
    i may be an orc but if you come near me
    i'll b freezin yo ass =]

    10:25:34 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

    this topic is funny


    13:36:03 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Evans:

    Ive jsut come back from a weeks holiday and im still in the strongest rulers....

    doing nothing for a week....


    Kingdoms in Nirvana
    SilK Silicon Knights 34 Mr. Jones 449
    AoA Army of Anubis 3 Mr. Anonymous 142
    DE Dorian Empire 3 Sir Evans 100
    Rev Revolution 11 Mr. Nakki 22

    anyhow looks fun im ready to join in and iva already fielded a hoh army :P

    goddam i cant seem to spend my 432 million tht was there when i returned...all my bases are amxed and not enough pessies for troops

    13:36:37 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Evans:

    also judging by that, its 34 against 6  basically :P

    16:43:05 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Santa The Elite:

    AoA and SilK are naped so its 3 vs 34 :)

    And they used to be 518% of us so were making progress ;)

    17:43:39 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Evans:

    progress, yeh i returned :P

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