Forums / In game politics / No More Meat........

No More Meat........
01:35:06 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Sirmeat:

To stick to the point of this thread (As I cant find the exact spot to post what Im here to say) IoK is rocking out, Evolution Kicked it too, Wolven held on strong, and Lord Wraith is evil, Peice Maker is sly, Love sucks, and Pooper is a Hopeless Loser >8) (I love you guys, hush!)


After much debate, and alot of casualtys I have lost the war with the Goddess herself (My Wife) Her mil lvl is somewhere in the 50s and magic the same, She is much to strong for me to hold against any longer, So as such this will be my last era for awhile if not forever, I just wanted to pop in and said, I made alot of friends since I came back and I enjoyed mostly everyones company, I would name you all, But there are alot of you who were my enemys yet also my friends and many who were always just my friends,

Just giving my wave to the crowd and thank you all for such a pleasant last few eras. Heres my era stuff just for reading all this >8)

Mr. Braxis
Lived in Era 24, got 1 heirs (Mystikalrisk) and was a member of The Jester Empire

From far beyond the sunset a scruffy Bulky towering troll named Braxis comes peering thru the hills of compton,battle scarred and torn he smells blood in the air...he slowly walks thru the plains,trees and mountains to find his battlefeild...alas he stands amist the lands of fantasia..his eyes are blood red and His tusks with dryed blood from many battles before,he is ready for combat.
Mr. Mystikalrisk
Lived in Era 24, got 1 heirs (Mystikalrisk) and was a member of The Jester Empire

After the death of his great father this lonley warrior plans to carry on his fathers once great legacy to destroy and cause chaos amongst all who oppose him...he trails off into the sun to find his people.
Mr. Mystikalrisk
Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heirs (Zues).

This troll has been devilishly destroyed in his old hometown but now he is out for blood..he creeps in the dark and awaits the most opertune time....
Mr. Zues
Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heirs (Sirmeat).

Mr. Sirmeat
Lived in Era 32, got 1 heirs (Sirmeat) and was a member of CULT

Waged in the tide of good verse evil this long forgotten warrior has risen!
Mr. Sirmeat
Lived in Era 33, got 1 heirs (Sirmeat) and was a member of CULT

Mr. Sirmeat
Lived in Era 33, got 1 heirs (Sirmeat) and was a member of CULT

Mr. Sirmeat
Lived in Era 33, got 1 heirs (Sirmeat) and was a member of The Sith Empire

Mr. Sirmeat
Lived in Era 34, got 1 heirs (Sirmeat) and was a member of The Sith Empire

Attempting to find his home from home, He assumes his position as a lowly lord of the Black Label Society, But soon they will see, this viciose Knight is worth his keep.
Mr. Sirmeat
Lived in Era 34. Member of Imperium Of Knights

01:44:03 Aug 25th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Noooo! :'(

Finally someone who recognizes my evil genius and he leaves! >.<


Lol, but seriously, it was a great fight and all and I enjoyed it. If you're ever back, PM me ^^

02:12:50 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Piece Maker:

Meat go byebye!  It was fun fighting against you.  Did you try plunder your wife?


02:32:59 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Lay siege to her walls, cast ownage even! Rain of fire helps! Freeeeeze!

04:24:01 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Wolven:

I was looking forward to next era with you, but I can understand your predicament. Sooner or later, RL will make demands and sacrifices must be made.

It's been great knowing ya. ^^

05:22:48 Aug 25th 08 - Lord Nephilim The Redeemer:

Cya Sirmeat

05:25:28 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

stupid women... :)

05:58:43 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Game And Watch:

have fun w/ da wife.

07:38:02 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

It took me a while to figure out that she doesn't actually play VU lol

19:37:25 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Sirmeat:

lol ya she doesnt play vu. thanks guys.

19:39:51 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Justin:

haha even tho i only met you on Zeta with BLS.....Bye sirmeat. Ya one day we all realize that our women control our lives an wat we do. But GL and see you some other time =)

20:04:15 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Love:

I whish there where more time i am just about to destroy your kd. Too bad your leaving after this era :( We coulda player cat and mouse for many eras otherwise.

20:08:11 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

mr love your hilarious.

take care meaty

21:17:10 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:


Mr. Piece Maker


8/25/2008 2:12:50 AM

Meat go byebye!  It was fun fighting against you.  Did you try plunder your wife?


Sir Charley Statler


8/25/2008 2:32:59 AM
Lay siege to her walls, cast ownage even! Rain of fire helps! Freeeeeze!

Those was the best answers as I see it (being married with the same woman  for more than 26 years:

I'll try that anyway :big-grin:


00:05:28 Aug 26th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Ownage gives you power over her =P Use crush walls to lower her defenses!

00:58:04 Aug 26th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

She'd better be hot for this to happen!

01:00:59 Aug 26th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

im going to send my AoD to her...

01:03:48 Aug 26th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:



Oh never mind... not in IRC. Cya dude!

01:35:50 Aug 26th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Sir Charley Statler
Lay siege to her walls, cast ownage even! Rain of fire helps! Freeeeeze!

I think the problem is she is already frozen!  Well since she your Goddess, then there is not much you can do.  Mine was not much of a "Goddess" more like a Gorgon!

Anyways she cast "Ownage" but I countered with "Divorcage"!  My loses were a higher %, but my "Happiness" is always above 100%.

Good luck to you and your Goddess!

03:26:00 Aug 26th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

 how can you have any pudding if you dont beat your meat?

13:56:11 Aug 27th 08 - Mr. Jesus Left Toe:

Shame to hear you are going mate, If you come back look up OP we will always have room for you. Best wishes


18:36:26 Aug 27th 08 - Mr. Poopertrooper:

surprise surprise, big mouth in the game but irl suppressed under the heels of his wife. That is so typical ...

22:26:50 Aug 27th 08 - Mr. Sirmeat:

Well some of us have the ability to find one of the opposite sex.....Sorry your still having problems still suck >8)

22:50:57 Aug 27th 08 - Mr. Poopertrooper:

probably, or I'm just not one of those retards committing  them self, instead I make them moan and scream ... >8)

15:17:59 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Sirmeat:

well the fat ugly ones are easy to satisfy. >8) good job, dirty job, but someones gotta do it, glad your stepping up.

15:32:30 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Heracles III:

you can't beat Sirmeat..

16:00:17 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:


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