Nubsic Bashing |
04:55:51 Jun 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:
Ok, I really don't want to clutter up the Fantasia thread with the petty, but fun, squabbles of me and Music. Anyone is welcome to bash Music in here!
So I'm going to start with this!
Duke Fafnir The Odd
6/5/2008 10:37:08 PMSorry guys I was very busy for quite awhile, I'm sure all of you missed
me. For everyone who defended me or attacked Nubsic good
job.........Nubsic you are still *beep*s.
ended the war with Ford right after you ended the war with LGC. That
was roughly tick.......100 AT MOST. If you guys really did set up
armories right away then at tick 200 (once again that's extreme, I gave
you 60 ticks to travel in that estimate) you would have had armories
set up and pumping easy. Even Nubsic could handle that.......I think.
Then by tick 300 you guys SHOULD of had 100-200k merge easy if what you
say is true (that almost everyone in Nubsic was pumping) and would have
moved out.
(Nubsic+Gauls) when are you going to get this through to your tiny
little brains? We where pushing.......(you know making them retreat, or
is that a too long of a word for you too?)......them back by the time
Gauls attacked. Also Nubsic wasn't even close to attacking them. Yes,
we rebuilt, but you said it right "you sudenlyget a lot of troops and started growing till get the first place of Mantrax". We
actually came out with troops to help Nubsic......unlike what Nubsic
did this era. Anyway Mantrax doesn't matter so why argue? *NOTE* I am merely stating the facts, not arguing.
"about 8k but thats because i have a huge amount in our merge and they
haven't died yet;) i said it the wrong way but i meant i made them to
help trio but because sheol has fought so hard we couldn't get through" I couldn't stop laughing after this one, honestly! You lost 8k? WOOO
that's A LOT of troops......*beep*. Another thing on that........SHEOL
has only a few troops up north. Nothing major, they where fighting us
very well, just Nubsic was too *beep*y to move out their *beep*y merge.
Now I get to the good part, you said one thing right "but i MEANT i made them to
help trio". That's right, you MEANT to help us, but you didn't.
"in that case you canīt see the spot we are fightinh. its sheolīs
northern frontier and we have a stand off between 2 giant merges..." Another
case of *beep* you even know what a large merge is? No
it's not 5k troops. It's more like 500k+ and in Fant it should be a
Horde, I seriosly doubt that SHEOL had a horde or even an Army
(100-200k). SHEOL had everything fighting us, and we had everything
fighting them. They had what? 50k troops there? Pathetic
Nubsic.......very pathetic.
If you don't want to read the above just read this for a summery: We
where MAP'd with Nusic. Our MAP'd ally (Nubsic) NAP'd our enemy (LGC).
Then on top of that they did not help us with SHEOL. PA-THE-TIC
BTW never really said it, but good job SHEOL. We'll get you next time ;-).
05:00:59 Jun 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:
Here is chat ;-)
[21:20] Welcome back to Fantasia. The topic is: "Welcome all rulers in the world of Fantasia" [21:29] * Sir Surviver has left Fantasia [21:40] * Mr. Giggy has joined Fantasia [21:44] Duke Fafnir The Odd: LOL [21:44] Duke Fafnir The Odd: hey Gig [21:44] * Mr. Daryl has left Fantasia [21:44] Duke Fafnir The Odd: you should tell daryl to shut up [21:44] Duke Fafnir The Odd: because he is making Nubsic look ever worse [21:45] Duke Fafnir The Odd: even* [21:45] Mr. Giggy: Your constant *beep*ing and inability to shut the *beep* up makes you look more immature by the day SWEARING alert!!! (he said the F word =P) [21:45] Mr. Giggy: Your constant *beep*ing and inability to shut the *beep* up makes you look more immature by the day [21:46] Mr. Giggy: Cro-cop would not be proud. [21:46] Duke Fafnir The Odd: cro-cop? What's a cro-cop??? [21:46] Duke Fafnir The Odd: btw I'm fine with being immature [21:46] Duke Fafnir The Odd: it [21:46] Duke Fafnir The Odd: it's fun ;-) [21:46] Duke Fafnir The Odd: I have nothing to lose [21:46] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Nubsic on the other hand....... [21:47] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Nubsic should go back to Mant where they really belong [21:47] Mr. Giggy: Maybe trio should go there, because were kinda still alive, as opposed to trio. [21:47] Duke Fafnir The Odd: well Trio fought hard [21:48] Duke Fafnir The Odd: and died fighting [21:48] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Music on the other hand.... [21:48] Duke Fafnir The Odd: NAPed almost everyone [21:48] Duke Fafnir The Odd: not only are you *beep*s.......but you have to NAP everyone to survive What happened??? Why didn't he defend Music when I said that they needed to NAP everyone to survive. I think someone agrees with me!!! [21:48] Mr. Giggy: Can't speak for the rest of my kingdom, But i was taught by people i would not consider nubs. [21:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: lol [21:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: am I speaking about the people who taught you? [21:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: No [21:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Learn to read *beep* [21:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: YOU are a *beep* [21:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: in a *beep*y kingdom called Nubsic [21:49] Mr. Giggy: man your *beep*ing annoying. AH the F word again......that's soooooo cool! [21:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: oh there goes the swearing! [21:50] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Dam I wish Surviver was here [21:50] Mr. Giggy: and spending 4 eras on fantasia with adelbert is why i don't think im a *beep* [21:50] Duke Fafnir The Odd: LOL [21:50] Duke Fafnir The Odd: I've spent eras upon eras with vets [21:50] Duke Fafnir The Odd: btw wow 4 eras? [21:50] Mr. Giggy: And your still immature as *beep*. Why does he keep swearing! His mother would definably not like this! [21:50] Duke Fafnir The Odd: At least I can pump troops, unlike Nubsic [21:51] Mr. Giggy: Not at the moment, (your pretty much dead) Does he realize I'm still in Fantasia fighting? [21:51] Duke Fafnir The Odd: lol [21:51] Duke Fafnir The Odd: ask any Carnage [21:51] Duke Fafnir The Odd: I'm far from dead [21:51] * Mr. Incyte The Infamous has joined Fantasia [21:52] Duke Fafnir The Odd: actually I probably already have more troops then Nubsic has [21:52] Duke Fafnir The Odd: and better quality too [21:53] Duke Fafnir The Odd: oh you agree with me? [21:54] * Duke Fafnir The Odd is happy that Gig the *beep* of Nubsic finnally shuted uped
Tried to goad him on, but he's a little smarter then the rest of Nubsic=P
05:01:27 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Reno:
Choose your allies wisely next time =)
05:03:25 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Giggy:
05:05:08 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Giggy:
i swear cause its not going to end the *beep*ing world you *beep*ing immature chimp.
05:06:30 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Giggy:
[19:41] Welcome back to Fantasia. The topic is: "Welcome all rulers in the world of Fantasia" [19:44] Duke Fafnir The Odd: LOL [19:44] Duke Fafnir The Odd: hey Gig [19:44] * Mr. Daryl has left Fantasia [19:44] Duke Fafnir The Odd: you should tell daryl to shut up [19:44] Duke Fafnir The Odd: because he is making Nubsic look ever worse [19:45] Duke Fafnir The Odd: even* [19:45] Mr. Giggy: Your constant *beep*ing and inability to shut the *beep* up makes you look more immature by the day [19:46] Mr. Giggy: Cro-cop would not be proud. [19:46] Duke Fafnir The Odd: cro-cop? [19:46] Duke Fafnir The Odd: btw I'm fine with being immature [19:46] Duke Fafnir The Odd: it [19:46] Duke Fafnir The Odd: it's fun ;-) [19:46] Duke Fafnir The Odd: I have nothing to lose [19:47] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Nubsic on the other hand....... [19:47] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Nubsic should go back to Mant where they really belong [19:47] Mr. Giggy: Maybe trio should go there, because were kinda still alive, as opposed to trio. [19:48] Duke Fafnir The Odd: well Trio fought hard [19:48] Duke Fafnir The Odd: and died fighting [19:48] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Music on the other hand.... [19:48] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Music on the other hand.... [19:48] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Music on the other hand.... [19:48] Duke Fafnir The Odd: NAPed almost everyone [19:48] Duke Fafnir The Odd: not only are you *beep*s.......but you have to NAP everyone to survive [19:48] Mr. Giggy: Can't speak for the rest of my kingdom, But i was taught by people i would not consider nubs. [19:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: lol [19:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: am I speaking about the people who taught you? [19:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: No [19:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Learn to read *beep* [19:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: YOU are a *beep* [19:49] Duke Fafnir The Odd: in a *beep*y kingdom called Nubsic [19:49] Mr. Giggy: man your *beep*ing annoying. [19:50] Duke Fafnir The Odd: oh there goes the swearing! [19:50] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Dam I wish Surviver was here [19:50] Mr. Giggy: and spending 4 eras on fantasia with adelbert is why i don't think im a *beep* [19:50] Duke Fafnir The Odd: I've spent eras upon eras with vets [19:50] Duke Fafnir The Odd: btw wow 4 eras? [19:50] Duke Fafnir The Odd: At least I can pump troops, unlike Nubsic [19:51] Mr. Giggy: Not at the moment, (your pretty much dead) [19:51] Duke Fafnir The Odd: lol [19:51] Duke Fafnir The Odd: ask any Carnage [19:51] Duke Fafnir The Odd: I'm far from dead [19:51] * Mr. Incyte The Infamous has joined Fantasia [19:52] Duke Fafnir The Odd: and better quality too [20:00] * Mr. Incyte The Infamous has left Fantasia
He chops things in to make himself feel cooler at night or something. Other then that piss off man.
05:07:23 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Ironic:
As a former member of Music I'm not sure weather to feel insulted for Spoon and the rest of them but since I don't know all the facts I'll just sit back and watch the flamming and penis comparison contest begin.
Anyone got popcorn?
05:08:37 Jun 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:
Yes, Reno I agree. We should have been wiser.
Hopefully I can bring back the good ole flames from back then.
Gig that guy is weird! He's barely wearing any clothes AND he has short shorts on. I guess he might be your type......
gig you seriously need to learn how to not swear, it's bad for you! [22:07] Mr. Giggy: Still annoying as *beep* man. F word alert!!!
For background information go to the "Fantasia Wars" thread!!!
I have popcorn but I'm not sharing with you!!!!
05:41:14 Jun 6th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:
This was the last fight I saw Cro-cop in, and it went real bad for him. But luckily he can still walk!

05:47:35 Jun 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:
My eyes! Oh how it burns!!!
Why is he wearing short shorts?!?! That is not right!
05:59:13 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Spoon:
06:02:27 Jun 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:
Oh shut it Spoon.......I already told you what I think and I don't feel like stating the facts to you again. You're one of the few I still have some respect for in Nubsic, so keep it that way.
06:19:10 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:
Best quote: [19:47] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Nubsic should go back to Mant where they really belong [19:47] Mr. Giggy: Maybe trio should go there, because were kinda still alive, as opposed to trio.
Fafnir, calm down. Stop acting like the fantasia police. As if Spoon cares what you think about him.
08:19:31 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Giggy:
Don't worry about it wyzer! he'll be fine over in k1 and dream. the high kick never dies.
Fafnir, if you ever told mirko cro-cop that to his face, he'd kick your face off, go watch Some cagefighting and pride, maybe you'll find out what real men do off of forums.
08:24:06 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Spoon:
I don't even get what Fafnir is talking about Niko, Nubsic? bweh =p
08:53:09 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Melow:
Mr. Giggy
6/6/2008 8:19:31 AMDon't worry about it wyzer! he'll be fine over in k1 and dream. the high kick never dies.
if you ever told mirko cro-cop that to his face, he'd kick your face
off, go watch Some cagefighting and pride, maybe you'll find out what
real men do off of forums.
I hope you meant cage fighting amongst women right? otherwise:

09:13:38 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:
Mielo i think I found the 'cage fighting' he is into.

09:42:51 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:
14:21:33 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:
well Fafnir.. you are flaming us and blaming everything on us. you know what we could have done? not move south at all! and guess what. then Sheol would have even more troops on you. and what happends then? oh-oh you would have died even sooner o.0 please stop acting like a bloody child and grow some balls. i don't blame my allies if i lose a war i just do my best to set it all right. but it seems your days on fant have made you to arrogant to blame things on yourself.
14:40:50 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:
lol...fafnir...ass still burning from my RoF's?? Spoon...great respect for trio...but loose the buying not working so well for u in fant then?
14:45:01 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:
BT buying?? if you think i ever bought a BT then you must be a mad man. maybe some guys do, but true thats really weak. better spent hard earned money in more important things.
15:10:10 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Doublex:
ask Weird, I just know how to use BTs, I remember well the time he and me got accused the same from another direction =D.....
And all others line I will safe for nd of era.
Sry for Faf that we couldn't help, we just were too slow :(
08:20:21 Jun 8th 08 - Mr. Giggy:
11:02:27 Jun 8th 08 - Mr. Overcome:
men having sex in a ring in front of people (not my kind of entertainment)
11:13:47 Jun 8th 08 - Mr. Spoon:
19:27:28 Jun 8th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:
Seen playground fights fought better
19:47:03 Jun 8th 08 - Mr. Surprise:
yeah overcome prefers having sex with men in the privacy of his own home :)
00:25:54 Jun 9th 08 - Mr. Giggy:
Fake lol, if you think pride is fake your retarded.
15:22:46 Jun 9th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:
Anything can be fake, it just depends what said person gets out of 'putting on the show' as it were.
15:24:15 Jun 9th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:
whats fake about it? it just looks funny, but its pretty real...
05:27:15 Jun 10th 08 - Mr. Giggy:
Look at wanderlei's face. and you think thats fake.
14:53:11 Jun 11th 08 - Mr. Gilth:
15:03:26 Jun 11th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:
[21:47] Duke Fafnir The Odd: Nubsic should go back to Mant where they really belong
weren't you the person that was telling everyone mantrax was as good as fantasia? Or am I mistaking?
18:36:05 Jun 11th 08 - Duke Epymon:
yeah! Nubsic sucks! :O :P
20:03:14 Jun 11th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:
Mr. Might The God of Cows [Angels] (6/11/2008 4:10:26 PM) |
That's a slap in the face. I'm not Epyon.....
21:01:02 Jun 11th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:
Well, must be difficult knowing who's who if you're afk 24/7. ;)
23:23:57 Jun 11th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:
19:01:39 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:
Mr. Giggy
6/6/2008 7:19:31 AMDon't worry about it wyzer! he'll be fine over in k1 and dream. the high kick never dies.
if you ever told mirko cro-cop that to his face, he'd kick your face
off, go watch Some cagefighting and pride, maybe you'll find out what
real men do off of forums.
NOT THAT IM *beep* AND WATCH THIS.but didnt pride get BOUGHT by some other company then shut down.......Because only one person watched it prizes for guessing who
00:08:01 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Giggator:
Pride Showdown had a record crowd of 37 thousand people. it was simply the fact that Dayna White was able to turn the UFC into a mainstream sport in the united states and be able to offer Pride fighters such as Quintin Jackson, Heath Herring, Dan Henderson, Anderson Silva, Maurecio Shogun,Minotauro Nogerea, And Mirko Cro-cop better contracts, Ultimatley ending pride's 15 year dominance of Mixed Martial Arts. Although it should be pointed out to finish off mr.knights stupid comment that the Largest UFC event, only holding 19,990 lads, while Pride 25 showdown had ~40 thousand people at it. but you know, no one watched pride. even though it was better and all
Mr.Knight, dont talk about *beep* you don't know
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