Forums / In game politics / OOP

02:20:04 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Fred:

how can this person be out of protection already if the era hasn't even moved one tick and bonus turn don't speed up the process.

02:20:27 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

who is OOP?

02:20:30 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Fred:

the wizard

army info
commander: ms. annihilation kingdom banner
kingdom: oz
size: scout (1-5)
status: moving west


lol forgot to post the actual person before.

02:21:07 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

thats weird?

02:21:20 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

put it in Bugs and Errors...

03:43:37 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

peter jackson lifeguards

army info
commander:mr. peter jacksonkingdom banner
kingdom:the dacians
size:platoon (20-50)

var frame = new object(); if(window.opener) else frame=top.huvud try{ frame.document.getelementbyid('gold').innerhtml='223 '; frame.document.getelementbyid('food').innerhtml='9,900 '; frame.document.getelementbyid('stone').innerhtml='1,360 '; frame.document.getelementbyid('tree').innerhtml='14,496 '; frame.document.getelementbyid('slaves').innerhtml='0 '; frame.document.getelementbyid('message').src='' } catch(e) { ; } you do not have any army close enough for a merge.
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16:04:13 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

BT'd their way oop? Could happen if they were total *beep*s.

16:15:14 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Don't worry much fred. It is nothing big actually. Because how is he going to attack people with others are still in protection?

And that person who is already OOP should be worried because she is OOP 1st and there chances for people to own her. xD But on 2nd thought, how to own her if we are still in protection. xP

What does it has got to do with LDK in this thread? =/

Can BT really speed up the OOP? And correct me if i am wrong but i thought you only get one BT per vote for a day (which you can vote how darn many times you want but at last, you just got one BT) . =D

16:24:38 Feb 8th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Can BT really speed up the OOP? And correct me if i am wrong but i thought you only get one BT per vote for a day (which you can vote how darn many times you want but at last, you just got one BT) . =D

BT don't speed OOP last time I checked.

You can buy BTs too.

16:25:47 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

BTs don't lower protection. I have screenshots somewhere when I proved that to someone..

16:56:47 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

we also have someone oop

he settle after some of the guys who have already settled too

refresh his oop plz and let him mass a army in someones core :D

18:31:43 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Justanius The Accident:


18:37:30 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol? Faster people! Own his cities.. xD

19:21:34 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

huh? how did you do that justin?

00:36:42 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Justanius The Revengful:

dunno i restarted now but another member of my kingdom is and i dunno how it happened i just logged on and found out it didnt say how long i had in protection

00:59:11 Feb 9th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Lots of people OOP already.

01:14:50 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Arvious IIII:

*like you*

01:33:04 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

hey justin, you do know that this is Paracelzus right?

03:00:27 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Justanius The Revengful:

ye lol how can i forget

05:50:48 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Link:

i've been OOP for 20 turns now.

the Gauls
size: platoon (20-50)
status: camping
this ruler has been OOP for a really long time...



07:05:50 Feb 9th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol. I am still in protection. Heh heh. But darn. A platoon size of army camping at my city. =/

10:18:23 Feb 9th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Jar Jar Banks


2/8/2008 4:25:47 PMBTs don't lower protection. I have screenshots somewhere when I proved that to someone..


11:43:21 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

VU Day 32

We are still under protection for 18 more days

everything adds up for me and yes i did use lotsof BT's

14:36:36 Feb 9th 08 - Lady Selkirka:

I think that with the system down, some squirrelly stuff happened.  Basically most of my peeps who started or set their first cities down after the system came up were OOP a tick or two later.

06:19:17 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Random:

umm i was oop when i came back when i DIDNT set a city b4 i left =S

06:18:47 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Niveko:

Dont you want to not be OOP, so thats why you use BT's. Although one time I did want to be OOP, cause my Kingdom was being attacked and I could not help =(.

That kinda sucks to be forced OOP so early =(, then again I guess no one else could attack them lol.

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