Forums / In game politics / Official DOW vs Carnage

Official DOW vs Carnage
11:54:56 May 13th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Since there was some whining last era about certain kingdoms not being clear with their intentions(eventhough they only did what they said they would do). Here is an offial statement from our holyness, the reincarnated 3rd Messiah:

Good Morning Gentlemen.
To celebrate my 7th birthday I have decided to send my warriors to attent a party in Carnage's core area. Carnage recieved a NAP proposal from my advisors several months ago and have since last month been camping outside one of our blockers. Eventhough they never stated their intention I would say their actions speak for themselves. Now consider yourself in war with Zeon.
We are the choosen people and we will now exercice our right to smite heathens such as yourselves. Eventhough some of your lot where true believers once upon a time you have now fallen sway to a hedonist religion and must all be zedified.

If you wish to repent your sins and come back into the light you should throw down your weapons and fall to your knees, alternatively look into your crystal ball and contact me on my msn.

Kind Regards
The king of kings.

14:56:56 May 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Dude Carnage is 3 times as powerful then you. WTF Are you doing?

14:59:08 May 13th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

Well its not our fault Carnage wants to kill us Sigheart :-(

15:00:21 May 13th 07 - Lord Osiris:

3 times as powerfull? are you smoking crack? :D

15:06:10 May 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Scratch that 50% higher.

15:08:28 May 13th 07 - Mr. Hemmer Swallows:

Sigheart. Scores don't mean that much.Organisation is the trick.

15:10:53 May 13th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

Organisation? Not good for Zeon i guess ^_^

Anyways, we wanted peace but Carnage chose war. We know how to play that game, for better or for worse.

15:15:53 May 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Trust me on this one 50% higher is enough we fought LGC and it was only 50% higher then us at one point and we got destroyed. Even though were very organized.

15:16:56 May 13th 07 - Lord Osiris:

warring LGC is a whole different ball game you cant compare warring them to the other kds

15:34:06 May 13th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

The east is yellow, the sun is rising.
Visual Utopia has brought forth a Messiah.
He amasses fortune for the people,
Hurrah, he is the people's saving star.
The saviour Messiah loves the people,
He is our guide,
To build a new Visual Utopia,
Hurrah, he leads us forward!
The eternal kingdom of Zeon is like the sun,
Wherever it goes, there is light.
Wherever there is a Zeon,
Hurrah, there the people are liberated!

16:47:34 May 13th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xix:

you guys havent been around fer a while have you? u used to be massive :P.....but kinda crazy with the whole religion thing

17:46:41 May 13th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

I'm a heathen? Cool:P


@Messiah: Love the term zedified^^

20:42:38 May 13th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

DOW  Jones  VS.  Carnage ,  I'd buy some stocks

21:21:59 May 13th 07 - Lord Marche The Halfnaked:

All hail the Messiah for inviting Carnage on his birthday party! Dont worry! We will come over to celebrate it! Im sure most of us can make it on time. I might come later as Im having fun with the Shinobi Empire and the Jester Empire, but I hope you dont mind that.

Carnage is coming! Time to party!

21:38:33 May 13th 07 - Princess Nefarion:

I brought bbq and beer and Bailey's. Uh, Happy -Day Messiah.  For your 7th, I have brought you a fine gift.  A miniture of Marche himself :D

Oh and can we sacrifice something?? :D

21:49:02 May 13th 07 - Sir Fizban:

3x as powerful? Well, maybe they think that they're greeks and that 3 to 1 is good odds for them?

21:50:21 May 13th 07 - Lord Osiris:

i likes those odds

22:01:14 May 13th 07 - Lord Marche The Halfnaked:

The miniature even comes without pants, so you can really call it Marche The Halfnaked!

Pah, I still need to find a good present myself. Luckily Ill be late so I have some extra time.

00:31:50 May 14th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

They have 8 more members than us, if you want to look at score and score alone.  We'll see how the war progresses.

01:35:21 May 14th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Carnage are just a group of guys that wana *beep* somwhere, all their names have 'naked' in them , the naked pizza delivery , Take the naked, etc and many more, ffss

This Is Bawston, Here are My rules ok, If not come fight me Ill give u a lesson

02:10:12 May 14th 07 - Mr. Draven The Naked:

all we could learn is how to lose, of what use is this? to all you posers who think Carnage is a joke, bring it! don't sing it! with all their "we're gonna do this and we're gonna do that crap" rap, i can teach a parrot to talk, don't mean it's gonna win a game.

02:41:19 May 14th 07 - Sir Yarlin:

<--- pants, shirt, socks and a hat.

Sorry, my *beep* don't fit in my undies so I go without.

Still no "Nakid" in my name. =P

*Ponders the thought* "Sir Yarlin The Nakid" Hmm.....

02:54:13 May 14th 07 - Lord Arzun:

Mr. Naked Pizza Delivery Guy


5/13/2007 3:13:39 PM
I love Pizza and Sodomy...=)


What the hell is DOW? And I thought Morgan was Messiah! Are you Muhamad then?

03:10:04 May 14th 07 - Mr. Naked Pizza Delivery Guy:

Mr. The Gladiator


5/13/2007 4:35:21 PMCarnage are just a group of guys that wana *beep* somwhere, all their names have 'naked' in them , the naked pizza delivery , Take the naked, etc and many more, ffss

This Is Bawston, Here are My rules ok, If not come fight me Ill give u a lesson

What kd you in?Don't mine me just making my personal hit list...=)

I'm not Muhamd!!!!!

03:43:33 May 14th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Im in Jester, and why do you ask what kd im In its with me not with the kd so bring it on so I can show you who's the boss, one on one no backups.

I make the rules In the Gladiator Arena, I have survived for long, I did not die Im alive, so step in the arena and let's see what you've got. Let's make the crowds cheer for the winner.

03:50:25 May 14th 07 - Mr. Kongdust:

O.o a party??? how come no one told me??? i'm so in, i'll bring the party hats!!!!!

07:14:27 May 14th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

<5/13/2007 4:35:21 PMCarnage are just a group of guys that wana *beep* somwhere, all their names have 'naked' in them , the naked pizza delivery , Take the naked, etc and many more, ffss >



Hey!!! Wait a minute! I thought we weren't allowing outsiders to any of our meetings! Apprently someone broke that rule or else he wouldnt know about them:(

07:30:17 May 14th 07 - Mr. Naked Pizza Delivery Guy:

*beep* the hats!!!!!!!!!!!!That would make me less naked!!!!!!!!!!!I like naked!!!!

09:35:12 May 14th 07 - Mr. Saint Just:

They are just doing what they have seen Utopia kingdoms do.

11:52:38 May 14th 07 - Lord Marche The Halfnaked:

Sorry, but I have no clue what your talking about, Saint Just.

@Gladiator: Ill visit you some day :) I see Tak is already close to you.

12:20:46 May 14th 07 - Lord Arzun:

Mr. Naked Pizza Delivery Guy


5/13/2007 10:10:04 PM
Mr. The Gladiator


5/13/2007 4:35:21 PMCarnage are just a group of guys that wana *beep* somwhere, all their names have 'naked' in them , the naked pizza delivery , Take the naked, etc and many more, ffss

This Is Bawston, Here are My rules ok, If not come fight me Ill give u a lesson

What kd you in?Don't mine me just making my personal hit list...=)

I'm not Muhamd!!!!!

Not you, I was just comenting on that message... ewww... lol
But is Morgan Muhamad?

19:01:31 May 14th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

Ehm. I am Morgan not some Muhamad guys :-S

21:12:00 May 14th 07 - Mr. Architect:

My Nazguls speak for themselves.  They'll be in your Base owning your dudes soon enough.

Oh, and DOW stand for Declaration Of War.

In other words, they want a one way ticket to Mantrax, Starta, or Zetamania.

21:35:58 May 14th 07 - Mr. Woopie:

And i am sure they will have that ticket :p =D

Guys take it and don't feel sad :p

21:37:45 May 14th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Ya know, I'm really not even gonna have a second thought about taking and/or destroying thier citys, you know since they declared war on us and all.  Usually I like to let a person live after being thoroughly beaten down, however not with Zeon...

21:59:06 May 14th 07 - Lord Marche The Halfnaked:

Apparently the Gods want the King of Kings in a other world ;)

22:02:57 May 14th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

Relax Archie:D We dont want to do something that will affect the state of our spiritual existence. I mean, do we really want to take the chance that their religion isnt real? I mean, it would suck to die and go to heaven and be greeted by a very pissed off Zeta wanting to know why we were figthing his acolytes.....


Last thing I want is to be zedified:O

00:56:20 May 15th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Damn, I'm zedified daily, it sure suxxorz :(

03:51:07 May 15th 07 - Mr. Architect:

True, true.  I may have to re-think my strategy here...

07:19:40 May 15th 07 - Mr. Draven The Naked:

thinking hurts my head, i'd rather just kill all others in sight :) i have to think all day, vu is my escape, ummmm i was still waiting for the party in our core, how did i miss it? did i blink or something? :P

07:23:02 May 15th 07 - Mr. Architect:

The party was post-poned.  They recieved the package from my Nazgul delivery service and....well, yeah...I think you know how the rest went. :D

17:58:19 May 15th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

whats this we have found ? huh?
cant be ? can it ? must be :P
HankyPanky owns you!

Mcikan Lifegaurds
owned by Mr. Hanky Panky

18:07:54 May 15th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

so it is Mirror and Carnage vs Zeon and Music?

18:18:16 May 15th 07 - Mr. Adelbert:

Mirror has independently decleared music, regardless of their relation to any other kingdom. And our intensions stretches no further than to the destruction of Music. That being said, i wish to confirm that our relation towards zeon remains the same on our behalf. And we consider them neutral.


18:22:45 May 15th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

It is Dark blood and Carnage vs Zeon.
And Mirror and Carnage vs Music.

Thats what i understand from all this confusion.

22:12:32 May 15th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Talk about picking on weaker enemies.

A gangabang on Zeon from Carnage and Dark Blood just doesn't seem fair.

Let Zeon prove their worth, don't freaking set on tearin them down...

22:13:56 May 15th 07 - Lord Marche The Halfnaked:

Its Zeon who declared War on us. Its pretty fair we attack them.

22:24:00 May 15th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Weird you talking about gangbanging? bwahahahha

22:32:40 May 15th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

Actually Weirdgrivi, get the story right before assuming:P We in carnage, although not having any formal relations with zeon, still did not instigate any attacks, aside from the scouts that were placed near their area. They announced their intentions on attacking us (right decent of the gents), we just responded:)


Besides, what else is zeon supposed to do? Carnage are the hedonist infidels after all;) (Especially Efrandor and Danny Boy)

02:35:16 May 16th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Ok sorry sorry, if they declared war on both I suppose they have something going on :)

It's just that I like them too much to know they're getting killed in a 2v1 war.

Not condemning you... sorry :)

Osiris, nice title :P Remember Phi's been gang banged too :)

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