Forums / In game politics / OwnerfiedPzornification Signup

OwnerfiedPzornification Signup
15:02:02 May 7th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

The long forshadowed return of Sir. Dogga, and the Kingdom of Ownerfied Pzornification is upon us all.

I invite all my brothers to forget about their petty wars, and join us in victory, casting a name for themselves in the halls of Destiny.

Sir Dogga,
Sir Jesus Left Toe
Flame Lord Pheonix
Sir Grim Reaper

Anyone is welcome to apply for the kingdom, just contact Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier, with your stats, (Era's played, other names, experience) and join on Saturday the 15th of May. Aiming to make a name for ourselves in Fantasia next era.

Looking for 5-10 more members.
PM : Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier or post below.

15:30:23 May 7th 10 - Dr. Willie Hardigan:

Best of luck to you Left Toe

15:33:30 May 7th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

GL mann :D

01:45:20 May 8th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Thx Guys, if you know any new people who are looking for a kingdom, we are also offering to train up a few. So Send them our way. :)

09:57:21 May 8th 10 - Sir Ozymandias The Warrior:

dont forget me

15:07:13 May 8th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

I didn't forget you Ozy... i just didn't think you were leadership material... And besides, typing up the whole list would talke some time. :)...


16:16:28 May 8th 10 - Mr. Legend:

Great KD.
Was fun in the good old days.

17:56:20 May 8th 10 - Ms. Cute Fluffie Purple Bunnie Gal:

Wut would u give to have humble me among your humble ranks to make a humble kingdom?

17:56:46 May 8th 10 - Sir Raistlin Darkmagi:

They have milk n cookies.

23:18:44 May 8th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Gl Jesus's left toe!

10:06:18 May 9th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix Burned:

next era should be fun jlt  >=-D

join us for a good time!  =-D

11:01:56 May 9th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

We will not only share our Milk and Cookies with members, but we will also give you a position amongst the greatest, most awesome, best looking humble people in all of Vis-U...
What more could a girl want?

11:21:11 May 9th 10 - Mr. Legend:

Maybe a good looking guy JLT?

11:26:01 May 9th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Thats why i am in the kingdom... :)...
I just have 2 get rid of my GF... :P

12:23:53 May 9th 10 - Mr. Legend:

Or just cheat on her? :P

13:01:50 May 9th 10 - Sir Ozymandias The Warrior:

"We will not only share our Milk and Cookies with members, but we will also give you a position amongst the greatest, most awesome, best looking humble people in all of Vis-U...
What more could a girl want?"

You forgot that im in the kd, that cancels just about all of those out...

13:03:52 May 9th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Ozy... we needed a token loser.. :P

Legend... dissapointed that you would suggest something like that...
1. it is highly inappropriate.
2. It is common knoledge that that is how it is done... :P

13:05:25 May 9th 10 - Sir Ozymandias The Warrior:

haha i got that position covered, also i shotgun first to die, worst income, and most useless in kingdom... coz im going to be them all anyway

13:11:36 May 9th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Let that be a warning to all our enemies... Ozymandias is our worst player, and he could probably beat half of you with a scout... (not that he is good, just a lucky guy... you should see his sister.... mind you, thats probably unlucky, he can't get with her... :P ) So Owenrfied Pzornification will be strong... join now... :)

13:20:25 May 9th 10 - Sir Ozymandias The Warrior:

that scout is a nazzie against a farmer, you do have to clarify these things JLT. OP will be strong, just not cause of me

13:24:46 May 9th 10 - Mr. Legend:

Sorry JLT. And Ozy your just terribly pro in this game :P

13:26:54 May 9th 10 - Sir Ozymandias The Warrior:

haha yeh mate im prob the most pro noob ever

13:42:56 May 9th 10 - Mr. Legend:

:D what a self esteem.

13:45:58 May 9th 10 - Sir Ozymandias The Warrior:

haha yeh mate, thats 4 years of living in the same place as JLT

13:46:43 May 9th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Yeah... Ozy cheer up mate... Maybe head down the pub, and get some hot chick drunk.... no better way to raise your self esteem... :)...

13:48:28 May 9th 10 - Sir Ozymandias The Warrior:

yeh thats wat the best facebook stalker/pedo i know would do... *cough JLT cough*

13:51:34 May 9th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Yeah, well your sis is only 2 years younger than me... :P

JOIN Ownerfied Pzornification for some good fun, and to abuse Ozymandias. :)

13:56:14 May 9th 10 - Sir Ozymandias The Warrior:

struggling for ppl arent we, if we are going to own fant next era we mite need one or two more

18:32:56 May 9th 10 - Mr. Legend:

Why are we even trying on fant we know that Fate or FEAR will win. Why don't we try 1 rank lower and go to Mant?

05:33:59 May 10th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Zeta will ultimately decide where we end up... but Fate and Fear are not as good as they appear, they are just extremely organised.
Stop being negative Ozymandias... it won't help.. :P

05:55:50 May 10th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix Burned:

lol ozy stop being aggressive?  is this possible? not from what ive seen =-)

06:37:08 May 10th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Ozy your a great guy n a great player. :) when you want to be. >_>

08:23:51 May 10th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Anyone who has been in a kingdom with you knows how skilled you can be Ozy... as long as you put your mind to it... :)...

Join OP!!

08:27:54 May 10th 10 - Sir Ozymandias The Warrior:

haha yeh everybody ive been in a kingdom with knows about my negative skill. btw nice FLP in with relegated

08:27:33 May 11th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix Burned:

lol thanks ozy  not doing so hot though  =-P

09:25:03 May 11th 10 - Sir Ozymandias The Warrior:

yeh i can see that, would have thought that you lot could have put in a bit of effort. and thanks teirdel

14:40:24 May 11th 10 - Sir Roheran:

gl guys

01:47:50 May 12th 10 - Sir Ozymandias The Warrior:

cheers roheran. You wouldnt be interested in joing by any chance would you?

04:10:13 May 12th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Hahaha. For a man who has been trying to quit for the past year. You do seem to pop up a lot Roheran.

Kingdom is open to anyone who has served with me, good times or bad.

10:19:32 May 13th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix Burned:

lol ive both with and against jlt a few times =-D

01:36:19 May 15th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

I still haven't forgive you for killing me in era 42 Flame Lord... :P

The kingdom is now up... join and be merry... :P

Requests will be accepted ASAP

06:55:36 May 16th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix Burned:

if we are all merry who is pippin  >_>

14:26:36 May 16th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe The Pzornifier:

Wow... if we don't get any more members Flame lord, i will blame you... that joke was shocking...

19:33:30 May 16th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix Burned:

=-(   in my def it was late.   >_>

we are still recruiting =-D  

11:01:30 May 17th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe:

Join OP for a good time... Still Recruiting...

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