Forums / In game politics / PHI townswapping I

PHI townswapping I
15:51:30 Jun 30th 07 - General Konichiwa:

tut tut

15:52:26 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:


16:32:37 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

thats disgracefull

16:35:26 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

Whats a phi? :)

17:16:47 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontaini:

huh a phi

17:25:41 Jun 30th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Ez... you are being foolish... I understand Quietone. She and her Kingdom are probably sore. But you? What is your reason to make such serious accusations without looking a little further?

I will explain this once and I hope it will be clear enough so I wouldn't have to do it again.

We have some new people in our Kingdom. Two of them have resigned.

1.) Snoopy had a bad start, his first town had 400 buildings (built between two other towns) then he built another town too far in DB territory and a small armory in our territory (200 buildings or so). When he came OOP and saw that he would lose his only real town, he resigned to have a better, fresh start.

So Almezo took his 400 buildings town and Durza took his other 200 buildings. DB grabbed the 2k mine (of which I've heard 900 buildings weren't wrecked).

2.) Durza started later than most of us due to internet problems. His eagerness to build a town and lack of attention made him also build a bad first town, too far from the mountain. Not to mention he farmed poorly and barely got 3k more land except the 200 land armoury he took from Snoopy. And that wasn't caused he trained massively, I don't suppose DB seen any army from him, huh?

So today he restarted too. Snoopy's armoury got a third owner and so did Durza's secondary town.

So two of the people we were relying on are now starting again, 4 RL days later than the rest of us. A massive 2k land has switched ownership. Where's the problem here? Who gains more from this? Us or DB? If it's them, why all the whining?

Maybe you are trying to divert attention from DB's RIVER JUMPING? Even after several of my requests to not start using such tactics?

Come on now, flame me. I can't wait to see what reasons you will find and how you will justify yourselves.

Hmm, I was really wondering today, on my way to college if, by any chance, Hanky Panky/DB will deny they river jumped? Like Abydos denied last era, for almost two weeks, that some of their members attacked our armies from 60 ticks away...

P.S. : If any of you see even a tiny flame in my above post, you should wear glasses ^^

P.P.S. : It's funny how PHI did not start a thread when river jumping (which I still cannot accept as a legal tactic, and please tell me if I'm wrong) was used against them but a thread was started against PHI when they did nothing wrong, both from the games point of view and from the moral point of view.

Am I imagining or was Legacy in the same position a few eras ago?

17:55:18 Jun 30th 07 - Ms. Quietone:


17:56:25 Jun 30th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

fight fight fight fight fight

17:58:36 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

lol lol lol lol lol

17:59:37 Jun 30th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

so whos winning?

18:18:29 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Helmuth Von Moltke:

isnt weirdgrivi the diplomat the fake person????

i demand diplomat the weirdgrivi give an answer

18:18:49 Jun 30th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Weird, i commend you on that tactful presentation!!


*BoW* to you.

18:20:21 Jun 30th 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

Malicious cheaters!

18:32:14 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

lol isnt this between DB and Phi?
all i know whenever there is some sceme used (not that its happening here).
its always LGC that complains but they do them jsut the same if not more.
but when they do it i hear NOTHING about it when its someone else several topics and counless post are written. Its been like this for ages.
 Im not trying to insult anyone its probably just a few player with ALOT of spare time i gues. not saying most of LGC does it but most of the compainer are a select people from LGC :D.

19:01:50 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Sexyman:

lol this is funny

19:06:23 Jun 30th 07 - General Konichiwa:

I demand a proper answer from someone other than weirdgroovy

19:13:14 Jun 30th 07 - Lord Arzun:

What's that you say! Phi is river jumping! How disgraceful!

20:08:35 Jun 30th 07 - Guildmaster Shizzlemynizzletillifizzle:


Maybe you are trying to divert attention from DB's RIVER JUMPING? Even after several of my requests to not start using such tactics?

P.P.S. : It's funny how PHI did not start a thread when river jumping (which I still cannot accept as a legal tactic, and please tell me if I'm wrong) was used against them but a thread was started against PHI when they did nothing wrong, both from the games point of view and from the moral point of view.

Well u just did start a threat about the riverjumping ;)
I know u were eager to do it.

We riverjumped within our own territory so just shut up and play on.

20:11:24 Jun 30th 07 - Guildmaster Shizzlemynizzletillifizzle:

I mean it's nice how u seem to be able to turn a threat from a non DB person about u swapping towns into a DB riverjumping tut tut threat.

20:12:01 Jun 30th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Thats because DB are evil

20:12:53 Jun 30th 07 - Lord Arzun:

Says the Dark Lord.

20:13:49 Jun 30th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

hey your the hostile ones :D

20:50:18 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I'm hostile =D

21:12:44 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

hey, im hostile too!

22:16:38 Jun 30th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

ha, well, i just know Zeta is turning into a rich man because of PHI, that's all i know :)

00:35:02 Jul 1st 07 - Lord Arzun:

Very true

01:31:37 Jul 1st 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

I'm also very hostile...even towards anything!!!

03:04:08 Jul 1st 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

Lord Arzun


7/1/2007 2:13:14 AMWhat's that you say! Phi is river jumping! How disgraceful!

what the hell is wrong with you???? accussing us of sumthing we didnt do, never was able to do.  and your kingdom did that. 

is this how an HONOURABLE kingdom Dark Blood act when you are losing?  i Thought that only LGC became oppressive and losed how respected they were by most people playing  from at least 2 eras ago. i guess DB has too.

03:22:00 Jul 1st 07 - Ms. Quietone:


03:23:03 Jul 1st 07 - Lord Sanosuke Sagara:

Phi scum <3

03:24:27 Jul 1st 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

lol, wow, PHI can di*beep* but they can't take a joke :P

03:26:56 Jul 1st 07 - Ms. Quietone:

funny how quickly the conversation has turned from town swapping into river jumping aint it? :P

03:32:17 Jul 1st 07 - Lord Arzun:

Told ya! How can you deny that? How dishonarable!

03:34:36 Jul 1st 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

quite funny alright but next time dont edit the picture

03:39:18 Jul 1st 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

here's the real pic

actually. its hard to cover the dot above a scout. check your image. since it disappeared. and you need to learn PHOTO EDITING. want me to teach you?

03:40:52 Jul 1st 07 - Lord Arzun:

What! Now that is some real tom foolery, how juvenile. Please don't edit pictures.

03:43:52 Jul 1st 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

but the red circle makes it easier to see, sometimes i get confused

03:44:24 Jul 1st 07 - Mr. Snoopy:

lmao is all i can say, how low can darkblood go =p and posting fake pictures won't save your butts.

03:44:48 Jul 1st 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

once a respected IE KING. now nothing but a lier

03:49:26 Jul 1st 07 - Lord Arzun:


(I hope Zero and Snoopy are the only ones that take this seriously, hopefully everyone else has a little bit more common sence...)

03:54:00 Jul 1st 07 - Lord Sanosuke Sagara:

*does a handstand whilst hula dancing*

awwwwwww yeaaaahh!!

03:54:24 Jul 1st 07 - Mr. Snoopy:

actually that's low what your doing,you have no reason what so ever to post these things and edited while yall the one river jumping,and it's not a joke just plain childish.

03:56:27 Jul 1st 07 - Lord Sanosuke Sagara:

coming from someone in phi what you just said snoopy is plain guys everytime ive warred you are a joke...flaming random members for the hell of it etc etc....

remember it is just a game....have some fun yeah?

03:57:51 Jul 1st 07 - Sir Kira:

I thought it was Sosuke Sagara. Alot of anime names floating around this era. lol.

03:59:15 Jul 1st 07 - Lord Arzun:

Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You


6/30/2007 10:24:27 PM
lol, wow, PHI can di*beep* but they can't take a joke :P

See, he got it, and how do you not realise I am joking?

Lord Arzun

6/30/2007 2:13:14 PM
What's that you say! Phi is river jumping! How disgraceful!
You thought this was serious? Do you have some kind of illness I am not aware of? If so I appologize.

04:04:26 Jul 1st 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

well a joke is a joke. but many people take a different thing from your joke. so were putting out the fire while it is small.

04:06:40 Jul 1st 07 - Lord Sanosuke Sagara:

says the flaming stick wielding phi player :D

04:08:02 Jul 1st 07 - Lord Arzun:

Thank you for that O' Honarable Zerocool. *bows*

04:20:48 Jul 1st 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

you guys are just crazy, i think zero needs some medication...childish we are not, if you don't know how DB works then just don't speak, we don't say alot but when we do we are rarly serious, we like to have fun, that's why we play, honorable, yes we truly are, and if you think that we are not then you are just scaried or mad cause your not in control.

I will say this, DB doesn't complain, notice whom started this thread? notice whom started the implactions?  I tire of this, now go away or i will taunt you a second time!

04:52:13 Jul 1st 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

I apologise for bringing about the DB river jumping issue (although I don't understand why I should keep it secret but w/e).

I apologise for not understanding Ez's joke and contributing to turning this thread into a flame war. I just thought you guys really considered us to do such moves in order to gain stuff.

Let's just end this and have group sex maybe?

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