Forums / In game politics / PHI townswapping II
PHI townswapping II | |||||||||||
03:38:02 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester: Now, I'm one to usually mind my own business, but when they (they, being PHI. Who else?) do this so provocatively I think an opinion needs to be aired on the matter. Gime City & CO (merged)
So, does PHI think we're blind to their townswapping? Disgusting. | |||||||||||
05:11:42 Nov 9th 07 - Duke Meganeura: That explains so much....they went a whole 10% up and now dropped 4% down again. But it makes sense why the rose so quickly, thier swapping towns! What *beep*s! I thought Mavich was better then that........ | |||||||||||
06:21:58 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Ignis Bored And Back: Ok. To clear things up. The ruler of that city went inactive a long time ago, but was never kicked. When I found out that inactives were getting kicked...I decided to take the city. Yup...13k city...not willingly gave up, but someone went inactive. Hardly the constant abuse seen from eras ago is it? | |||||||||||
06:28:15 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Ignis Bored And Back: didn't edit fast enough: above post continued. So obviously wrong. Sorry. I forgot to contradict you point about Gwn being first era. You should probably check era Hoh, I'm sure he's in there, and I knew him my first year of phi... | |||||||||||
07:26:52 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Mongi:
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07:59:14 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Legend: Give me a break....Gwn had --------> "ONE" <------- city and had been inactive for over two weeks....we decide to kick him and you call it townswapping and feeding. Come on now lets get real here!!! Plus u call us cheaters for multying?? I think thats a little much. Plus get your facts straight----MAD did not kick their own players to reap the benefits but three of their own decided to leave peacefully, no problem there i see. Also about Carnage spoils, Carnage was nowhere near us when the MAD incident that u think you know about happened. When you know whats actually happening then how bout you come talk to us, but for just look dumb. | |||||||||||
09:00:47 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Titty Titty Bang Bang: Despicable from Phi. What happened to you Phi, you used to be cool. | |||||||||||
09:53:17 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Architect: @ Legend: | |||||||||||
10:16:29 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Mongi: Ohh.. we are being gang banged. 4 enemies at once. hehehe.. | |||||||||||
10:49:11 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Zerocool The Berserker: wow. mods really are starting to piss me off. deleting a post when its against LGC. always. | |||||||||||
11:09:22 Nov 9th 07 - Lord Software Bug: We love you to, Zerocool. | |||||||||||
11:15:27 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex: Hahaha, pure comedy :) kudos to you legacy | |||||||||||
14:03:18 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester: Looks like I wasn't the only one to notice PHI's shady side. Yes, that is very interesting Arch, I hadn't noticed the figure drops and rises myself, but now that you point it out, it certainly fits, especially when you take into consideration the MAD/Carnage debacle, and the MAD/PHI/kicking of members instance. :) | |||||||||||
14:20:27 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Legend: 1st) I was saying it was a ridiculous statement when they know we arnen't multying. I never said multying was okay or not cheating i was saying they know we re not multying so why bring it up. | |||||||||||
15:32:17 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Lenard: 47. Mr. Gwn Phi Empire Dwarf 1199269 - Era 22 Seriously, doesn't LGC have something better to do than pick on some guy who went inactive? To Archi, that was hardly a perfect mine...look at the pic. It wouldn't even get 5/7 being a mile from the mountain. 13k buildings takes what 6 hours to make? Ooo big deal. And taking towns is hardly perfect prod, if you've ever taken one you'd know it kills all the peasants. | |||||||||||
15:40:11 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Mongi: @Archi why not take LGC/DB/other kingdom head on until the era ends. based on history, you just take LGC from start but not finishing the war. try to change. take on LGC and finish the war! | |||||||||||
16:07:10 Nov 9th 07 - Lord Ladybug: @ Mongi: We just got a new diplomat and I don't want you to chase him away. To answer your question: We could had finished the wars we started if there are no mega-alliances against the both of us at the same time. Everytime we fight to a stalemate, (with Carnage in a slight disadvantage most of the time...) some other folks will decide: hey Carnage/LGC/DB is now easy meat; lets get them. Then we will all ceasefire and go after our own enemies. Somehow, we always prevail against the vultures. | |||||||||||
16:17:39 Nov 9th 07 - Pirate Lewatha: Pretty funny how the people that left MAD to go to another world 2 weeks ago, are still creating cities inside their core... Kill
Send Mr. Elliott a message » | |||||||||||
16:31:34 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Mongi: @Ladybug... maybe its only your thinking. you haven't fought LGC strait an era long. like MAD/PHI did. but where's the mega alliance against us. when we did that a few eras ago. you can always try though.. | |||||||||||
16:33:57 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Mongi: another one. when MAD/PHI fight a clean war against LGC/DB, it should be repeated again but the LGC done a crosswall then wall jumped...they are the ones that make this war dirty. | |||||||||||
16:38:42 Nov 9th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle: <rubs hands eagerly> Oh boy, I was getting tired of reading about starta^^
@Zerocool: <always the LGC fish bait. as stupid as always I guess its a good thing you know how to play the game so good, otherwise I cannot fathom at all why Phi would continue to put up with you.I thought it was funny how there was very little personal insults going on until you showed up. Is it possible you can carry on an argument without resorting to childish behavior? @Mongi: <@Archi why not take LGC/DB/other kingdom head on until the era ends. based on history, you just take LGC from start but not finishing the war. try to change. take on LGC and finish the war!>
Riiigghhhhtttt........because you yourself are so knowledgeable in the carnage/legacy history...being a member of either kingdom....what? you werent? <shakes head> Carnage and Legacy has both fought each other plenty of times in the past, several of those eras we fought till the end of the era..many eras we choose not to fight simply because both kingdoms have gained a battle hardened respect for one another...bah....i have no need to defend ourselves to anyone...
As can be seen, many in carnage have differences of opinions on many things (you should see our forums:P) but we have never tried to restrict freedom of speech (if we did, i would have gagged Venomz along time ago) so take what they say as their own opinion.
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17:40:26 Nov 9th 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav: beetle hardened respect?!
:o | |||||||||||
17:48:48 Nov 9th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle: uhhhmmmmmm..... riiigghhhhtttt........ <backs away from valarion slowly> | |||||||||||
19:20:09 Nov 9th 07 - Sir Patton: Mr. Zerocool, what you've typed is one of the most insanely 1d10dic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent reply were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. May God have mercy on your soul. | |||||||||||
19:44:56 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Dragonfly: Mr. Zerocool The Berserker | |||||||||||
20:32:34 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Legend: I'm pretty sure sure isn't spelled shure lol | |||||||||||
20:48:01 Nov 9th 07 - Pirate Lewatha: and that's exactly what this thread is about! | |||||||||||
20:48:35 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Architect: Ladybug, who is our new Diplomat? I've not heard, or at least not realized. | |||||||||||
21:22:33 Nov 9th 07 - Lord Lithos: Now, I'm one to usually mind my own business (are you kidding) , but when they (they, being PHI. Who else?) do this so provocatively I think an opinion needs to be aired on the matter. Gime City & CO (merged)
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21:31:30 Nov 9th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle: Has gone blind from such liberal use of the color red.... | |||||||||||
22:15:53 Nov 9th 07 - Duke Meganeura: Seriosly dude.....don't do that again. Use green or blue. | |||||||||||
23:17:05 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Ignis Bored And Back: Ok. First of all. It doesn't matter what color it's doesn't hurt anyone's eyes. Second, this thread was started because a person in legacy mistakenly thought Phi was townswapping, but that's obviously not true. I not even going to bother to explain it again. This topic since then has gone way off topic, with people all of a sudden talking about Phi farming...and I'm basically the only one on phi doing any farming (because I just came back, duh.), and also random people are jumping in, trying to make themselves look smart, by taking things out of context and trying to interpret it in their own way. Please stop. The topic was started because legacy mistakenly thought Phi was town swapping. It was proven wrong. Topic over. Lock please? | |||||||||||
23:24:48 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Ignis Bored And Back: Just a side note: I checked the city I took. swapping? No.
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23:39:57 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Tommy Chong:
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23:53:57 Nov 9th 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav: IŽd like to hear more about that "beetle hardened respect" tbh.
As for PHI, cmon everybody knows they do whatever they have to to achieve certain goals. I wouldnt put it past them to trade towns amongst themselves or with MAD. | |||||||||||
00:06:15 Nov 10th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle: might want to re-read Val.....its says battle hardened^^ And theres alot of posts being deleted:( | |||||||||||
03:22:42 Nov 10th 07 - Crazy Xuaron: ABuse of powers i say. there should be done somthing about it.but we cant do anything we need the help of our dear god Zeta. | |||||||||||
03:30:23 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Architect: Where exactly was this proven wrong? No one has put forth any evidence that it did not happen. All I see if a screen shot stating very obviously what you say is not happening. How was this proven wrong again? | |||||||||||
03:40:33 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Sean Elderson: @ Architect. Word... | |||||||||||
04:14:09 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Gothrim: Architect wrote: "If anyone can logically explain to me how you jumped up 10% on us
(Carnage) and then dropped 4% all within like 12 hours, while we are
only gaining land and troops, while loosing nothing and you are
supposedly at a stalemate, then I MIGHT reconsider my thoughts, but
until you can explain this to me, you are town swapping." So as you can see, Wolf Spider was offering me a former MAD city, while admitting that MAD had defeated him. In actual fact, MAD took both those cities back. As for the other complaints that we were town-swopping, the pictures Legacy posted in the earlier thread showed MAD prepping on Phi towns and Phi prepping on MAD towns in order to burn down those towns. This was done to clear space for the new wall. That wall is manned by us. In fact, both the major northern walls are manned by us so as to protect MAD from Legacy, Dark Blood and FF. Finally, one of the people in MAD who lost his mine burned down to make room for the wall wrote me a bit. Here is part of it (part only): [end quote] Anyhow, he was one of those whose chances got pretty much wrecked when their part of the land got razed for the wall. So these guys talked among themselves and decided to form a new kd, as I understand it. They were not kicked by MAD but resigned, and I believe the idea at some point was that they would restart on another world. I don't know how successful they were at that and I suspect they may have bounced back onto Fant because the last hadn't left yet or some such. Finally, Gwn (Guner) is an old Phi player from long before my time, about 6 eras, he said. He's always played for Phi and his name has always been Gwn. But he'd been getting less active the last while and was kicked for being awol for 2 weeks, no less. That was his starter mine. That's it folks. Legacy is making a lot of noise 'cause they're outclassed. It's still possible we could lose against all of Legacy, DB and FF, of course. But Legacy themselves don't cut it against these guys I'm with now. | |||||||||||
04:36:43 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Might: LGC/DB/FF all the way! | |||||||||||
05:03:37 Nov 10th 07 - Lord Software Bug: Couple hundred of level 3s? I do hope there is a typo there, as I usually train a couple of hundred of nazzies. | |||||||||||
05:07:55 Nov 10th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle: Oh boy.....where to even begin with this.... <The effect probably occurred when Kibayaki Sena woke up that morning and decided to train a handful more troops. A "handful" by his standards is probably like a couple hundred level 3's, lol. You do know who he is, don't you? Indeed, it isn't just him. Quite some few of our top people could pull a stunt like that. They are very good players. There are eras named after some few of them. More than one is up to 2 million/tick ahead of me and I'm not such a bad dwarf myself. I've been learning a lot.>
Annnddd......your point is? felt the need to brag? Not impressive. For starters, its no secret that the agent smith crowd is in Phi. So your point then would be that Phi has alot of good players? Okaaayyy....but so does legacy, db, carnage, even zeon and i dont really see what the use of this post was ( i know i know, you were poitning out the change in %, but still....could have chosen a better argument like Legend)
But I do like your careful selection of pm's regarding our brief conflict with the mad guys. You seem to be portraying it as one carnage player being whipped by mad and we backed down immediately......hmmmmm.....should i bring out these saved convos with mavich, zerocool, etc.... that certainly portrays a different picture? Nah. Im too lazy......and i respect mavich too much.... Heh and we're not to far way now from the eastern side now.....we're cooommmiiinnnggg........... | |||||||||||
05:35:46 Nov 10th 07 - Sir Patton: Jeez Stormy, I didn't realise you were such a screamer. Nor did I really want to know. | |||||||||||
05:39:16 Nov 10th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle: awwww come on know you liked it.... you know what they say....once you go....wait.....that doesnt work.....never mind...... | |||||||||||
05:53:48 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Ignis Bored And Back: Uh Architect. This thread was proven wrong the second Phi explained the inactive part of the story. (AKA the only true part) That was legacy's only evidence, which actually backfired on them because by posting this they proved Phi once again is not townswapping. But there are still an awful lot of people that pop in this thread...just for fun and go... "Yup. Phi. Those losers. Town swappers. " with no evidence. Anything else about earlier era I've heard has been talked about before, and again, no evidence at all, just wide speculation on legacy's part. Ms. Dung Beetle, his point was that a couple "hundred" (he meant hundred thousand, obviously) being trained all of a sudden, can greatly screw with the rankings formula, leading to the change. It's not important if he was bragging or not, seriously, it's not relevant. | |||||||||||
05:54:11 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Titty Titty Bang Bang: WTF who gave these *beep*s license to post in the forums. | |||||||||||
06:27:28 Nov 10th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle: Uhmmm....just because you dont see something as important does not mean you can assume that everyone else feels the same way mate.... and i did get his point, as evidenced by my saying that he was referring to the % change..... Beauty of these forums is I can post my own observations, regardless of how irrelevant some may see them..... | |||||||||||
07:09:53 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Sean Elderson: I find this interesting.
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07:14:12 Nov 10th 07 - Duke Epyon: wth is SBL? | |||||||||||
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