Forums / In game politics / POFF II

18:21:25 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Fire Shadow:

Are there any old POFF or NKOFF members out there?

00:29:50 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Razios:


00:47:18 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

lol looks like everyones name starts with fire nowadays..

18:48:21 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

nah lol they broke up some i kno joined db timmiev has joined trio thats all i kno...dont try running it again

19:00:58 Jan 17th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

guys:D nice too see you all again! it seems to we all spread up... i joined trio yes but i get trouble there.. didnt listen to them.. they really suck! squiddy the most. he kicked me and i had to fight them in my own:P stand for 2 days... where you guys are all in?

02:21:05 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Razios:


02:33:10 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Chimey The Chonga:

Timmiev, I like you and all.... but get your facts straight... You weren't listening to kd orders and attacked a kd we had a CF with. Squiddy just happened to kick you, any of the other leaders would have. And if my sources are correct you were not very "understanding" when told to not attack them. And as for having a 2 day stand, it took us 2 days just to get armies to your cities. But once we got there, it wasn't to hard to beat all of farmers and slingers.

Lol, why did you train farmers? atleast do pony riders.... I thought you were a better player than that : (

And we really suck? I doubt it... With you and Revenge gone, I think the kd is perfect now = )

02:50:17 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Timmiev, I kicked you because you are an arrogant fool that thinks he can do as he wants regardless of how it affects his team mates and kingdom members.

You were told by me, Nova and all the other vices many, many times to not attack kingdoms we had CF and NaP's with, yet you did it anyway?

For about a week I had PM's from other Vices from various other kingdoms all starting with, "Timmiev has... <insert agreement breaking action here>"

Now, if you or anyone else was in my position, what would you do? Let the childish and immature player that just wants to pretend he is playing by himself attack other kingdoms and further stain our reputation?

Hmm. I doubt that's a hard decision to make now is it.

You know the funny thing? I was one of the main reasons you were actually let in to Trio in the first place. What a mistake that was.

02:51:51 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Chimey The Chonga:

pwnt..... pwnt....

06:34:38 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

guys make your own topic..........this is not about trio or something... only old members of POFF and NKOFF. respectfull players!!

14:49:28 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

If it's not about Trio, then don't start talking about Trio in the first place.

At least follow your own rules before giving them out to other people.

16:29:07 Jan 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

I remember POFF, my era in red hand (three eras ago) they grew the whole era, then Plower, Gothrim and myself wiped their whole kingdom out....... please, come back to fantasia ;)


As for timmiev, he was the only one who put up a fight against us, i tip my hat to timmiev.

16:29:35 Jan 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Only cost me 3k cats too ;P

17:14:57 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

that was the stupiest era ever... i where just a member then i believe. our leader left and 2 members turned against us and 1 joined red hand:P i went on holiday for a week. we had a quite strong core and when i returned i had to join another world:P

00:02:33 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Razios:

I turned against you because of that *beep* member you had. I don't regret that. Or killing all those Mirror scouts either ;)

02:15:47 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

lol poff crumbled at the end of last era

04:33:48 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Razios:

and you raised a kingdom full of *beep*s. whats your point.

05:55:47 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Chimey The Chonga:

Do you have to make a retarded *beep* comment in every thread? Please... shut up

06:28:56 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Odysseus:

Timmiev: OWNED.

11:18:58 Jan 19th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

last era there was no POFF-.-"

i raised NKOFF just to help some people.. i'm not selfish. i like to help new players... and that was what i did...

and odysseus... shut up... you didnt followed it. dont think your funny now...

00:25:03 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

ahh nice old days , jonny is in DB , wessick left , conoby is in BOW , i am in PHI .

@temmiv  hi

@razios , you *beep* if you didn't leave we was gonna kick you

@fire shadow  hi

@karc , your leader was so nice when he was our enemy , but he was a bad mod , your turned on him as i remember

01:05:07 Jan 20th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

mbeidas:) good to see ya!! i saw sparx few days ago:) btw i didnt knew jonny is back? whats hes ingame name? and i thaught wessick is alive? piligman of something....

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