Forums / In game politics / POFF returning!!!

POFF returning!!!
17:20:36 Mar 4th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

the ''Paladins of the Orde of the Frozen Flame'' are returning!! now in valhalla but next era we'll start in zeta!! every old member of POFF/NKOFF is welcome, PM me if you like to. also other people who like to join are welcome to join. you only have to have a bit experience. (it dont have to end as NKOFF.... for people who know..)

00:12:34 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

how many times has this kd phazed in and out of existance?

00:15:32 Mar 5th 08 - Sir Plague:

I remember the kd NKOFF, i killed it with Ritz.  it was unorganized. you might want to work on that, and make sure you have no spys like last time.

06:44:05 Mar 5th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

yeah i know it.. but that was also my first time i made my own kd, POFF i get cuz the leader left (mr. scythruler). thats why we now only will accept people who have experience and some that worked with me allready!

@dakarius. not that many i believe. they exist when i started to play, then i joined then 1 as member, then 1 as vice, and then as leader about 1 era. after that POFF got betrayed so i decided to go with the ''loyal'' members to the new POFF, NKOFF....

13:33:50 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

could i join? :D

13:54:04 Mar 6th 08 - Sir Alban V:

Sir Plague


3/4/2008 11:15:32 PM
I remember the kd NKOFF, i killed it with Ritz.  it was unorganized. you might want to work on that, and make sure you have no spys like last time.


dont worry, im there to get things organised :)


13:55:05 Mar 6th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

I remember the kd NKOFF, i killed it with Ritz.  it was unorganized. you might want to work on that, and make sure you have no spys like last time.

lol... cheeky li'l fella.

16:48:59 Mar 6th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

penguin your welcome:P

ive been in lots of big kd's so i know a lot of how to rule a kd!

17:11:14 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

I remember NKOFF i killed it with FA ;) lol

20:06:20 Mar 6th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

yeah.. it was myrr, FA and another 1 i believe against us:) we we could hold for a while..

17:19:29 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

lol the DF slaughtered myrr earlier this has been remade in valahalla by the first guy that we Arjun Ramchand

18:35:56 Mar 7th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

yeah i see that-.-" hes alone and next to us>.< but NKOFF in war with MYRR was a few eras ago.. so i dont know what happend with them after that but i think it didnt went good......

18:46:17 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Brutii:

i think the last one was allies of the west in mathrax list 3 eras ago, I was in that kd but i have now changed my name

19:02:31 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Swan:

Can I join you, build in your core and then join another kingdom? :)

Ow wait ... that was you!!!

19:33:48 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Julii:

what did that

19:34:31 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Julii:

who I meant instead of what sorry for the 2 posts

20:27:33 Mar 7th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

hmm.. swan.. i cant remember you? where i met you? i never remember jackasses

06:37:37 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

it sounds like you in trio last era timmiev =]

07:01:36 Mar 13th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Sir Plague


3/4/2008 4:15:32 PM
I remember the kd NKOFF, i killed it with Ritz.  it was unorganized. you might want to work on that, and make sure you have no spys like last time.


NKOFF = Knockoff

09:48:24 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

damn flamers >.>

14:34:58 Mar 20th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

yeah i were in trio:) but that doesnt matter anymore! were here to get old POFF members back.. and yeah.. i hate flamers. i got atleast a life:D

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