Forums / In game politics / POLITICS 2

00:53:48 May 28th 07 - Mr. Zerocool The Berseker:


i was jsut asking about something and you tell me that im flaming?????
so many stupid fools!

Supercalifragilistic who the hell are you??? how dare you flame us. and are so many people stupid? hwo dare you accusing us of an alliance with all the carnage,DB, mirror. stupid fools. 

all we did was war the 2 nearest kds to us. ABYDOS and JESTER

ADMIN - why was the previous topic locked? in lessthan 12 hours???

01:08:43 May 28th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Destroyer:

he is no fricken hypocrite

he was simply asking if carnage + mirror + LGC + DB if they are all NaPed/MaPed to each other nothing more

and if he was a hypocrite then we would be all allied to those KDs and we are not only some

01:42:50 May 28th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

Asking the question was redundant though.

Both Weirdgrivi and Mavich were informed of the planned-relations going into the era, when PHI was brought into the discussion also. So to ask again, and in such a manner seemed rather aggressive and an attempt to try cause problems, especially considering when it could have been in private if you were attempting to be sincere.

There was nothing to be confused about, your leaders knew well in advance what was going down, and I am guessing you knew too well too what was happening.

02:02:46 May 28th 07 - Mr. Zerocool The Berseker:

i knew about the PHI-LGC NAP, but i completely have no idea about the LGC-DB-Mirror-carnage thing.  as i remember carnage and LGC were fighting eras ago, not even sure where mirror stands in the LGC-anti LGC thing. 

i only heard about the Mirror-carnage-DB thing when messiah or morgan posted sumthing about it, and the LGC-Carnage thing when there werent attacking each other in the abydos core.

02:10:50 May 28th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

If you are thinking DB would form any relations that differs from LGC's you should think again.

02:51:11 May 28th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

so, y is there a DB then? y not just have them merge and remain legacy? it confuses my poor little brain!

draiken had his kingdom, y would he leave and create a new kingdom, only to have it be pretty much the exact same kingdom!

02:59:14 May 28th 07 - Ms. Bored:

Something about devisions, Soccer.

03:40:19 May 28th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

yet they still have the same relations? very strange indeed!

04:15:06 May 28th 07 - Sir Falazar:

And what is the point o*beep*ain having all teh top KD's nap :} 
should all break up and fight it like men :}

04:25:46 May 28th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Destroyer:

no it jsut happens that when good KDs NaP one or 2 other good KDs they attack some of the other good KDs (this era abydos) and then they become all on top its jsut waht happens naturaly

LGC is on top as well as all the other KDs that are NaPed to LGC =P

05:03:55 May 28th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Soccerjester: Becouse they want to bring in more members or Abydos would beat them but they dont trust people. So they made LGC A and LGC (D)B. As well as LGC (D)B being a trainingcamp it is easier to coordinate two kds, you guys go east, we go south etc etc.

Killsone: Since the topic is here, I'll go ahed and say something, I would argue that there is a difference between getting alot of allies becouse you have to and getting alot of allies becouse you can. Both ways may be considered lame or smart. But I'd say there is a considerable difference in the level of lameness in the both cases.
On a side note I'm sorry for not lasting so long this era, but we'll be back next era and will give you a chance (with or without allies) to spank us again(would be third era in a row!).

05:11:24 May 28th 07 - Sir Ironpick:

Lol that's the spirit, Messiah.

I trust that good old Mr. Roxbury and his other recruiting agents don't let them all in and create a huge 36-member kd to dominate all of Fantasia next era.

20:58:23 May 29th 07 - Mr. Seth:

how pathetic can a good kd be to nap 4 other big kds and fight only one kd(oh wait..2 kds cose there was an isolated baccus in the N-W side of the map some time ago)..and that's even more pathetic when it's a "vet" kd and by some it's the best

and u still hear some of their members saying on the forum that they are a warying kd..That would've made me Roll On the Floor Laughing if it wouldnt be so lame..

i guess that they got really pissed off that last era (one of) their core was sweept over and if the era wouldnt have ended so soon they basically  would've been obliterated:P...and this era their only goal was to get revenge on the ones that dared to question their place..pathetic, isnt it?

21:04:52 May 29th 07 - Mr. Seth:

Mr. Killstone The Destroyer


5/28/2007 6:25:46 AM

no it jsut happens that when good KDs NaP one or 2 other good KDs they attack some of the other good KDs (this era abydos) and then they become all on top its jsut waht happens naturaly

LGC is on top as well as all the other KDs that are NaPed to LGC =P


lol killstone..that's only cose Lgc+Lgc2+Carnage+Mirror+PHI are napped..i think that's like 90% of the the heck wouldt't they be on first places lol

21:12:32 May 29th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale:

PHI and carnage arnt NAPd

21:21:39 May 29th 07 - Mr. Bertrand IN Shame:

sure they are :-p

ps. you can take their towns for the ones you lost and will lose more today :-)

23:01:54 May 29th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Seth, this is from an older thread, please don't make me repost this over and over again, you can verify this data if you wish :

Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat

5/27/2007 8:14:10 PM

Ok, since it seems no one gets this, here's the deal..

We are NAP'd to Legacy. War with Carnage. No relations to Music, DB, M. Does it seem we're in the same situation as DB, LGC, HAVOC or M? That's why Zerocool was asking those questions, not to flame... But it seems you just had to take it that way. Too bad :(

Back to study, I'm trying to learn Excel till tomorrow lol :)

11:08:45 May 30th 07 - Mr. Gnadentod:

so and when do you guys from Phi planning to war Carnage ???

11:54:56 May 30th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

We are doing it atm lol...

12:26:23 May 30th 07 - Lord Senturu:

well not completely. we'll war em if they survive diesel :P

14:54:57 May 30th 07 - Mr. Zerocool The Berseker:

too many very stupid people here. dont know how to read right.

19:37:49 May 30th 07 - Mr. Seth:

lol..weirdgrivi..if u might've read my first post  u would've understood that i didnt refered to PHI...

PHI was just a pion who was extatic that they got their nap with LGC.. i dont blame them...i was talking about another supposedly "big" pathetic kd..:P 

20:25:12 May 30th 07 - Sir Vencrow:

Is this the "I wanna be cool so i make a thread" thread ?

Or is it the "We prove Phil is full of geeks and weirdo`s" thread ?


"I love my mom and want to thank her for making me a nerd" thread ?

20:26:41 May 30th 07 - Sir Vencrow:

Mr. Gnadentod


5/30/2007 11:08:45 AM
so and when do you guys from Phi planning to war Carnage ???
Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat


5/30/2007 11:54:56 AM
We are doing it atm lol...


OH *beep* !!
I gotta warn my kingdommates that those scouts are actually 1Millions of nazguls and they bought 1M bonus turns!

20:37:22 May 30th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale:

now now, lets not start flaming with sarcasm again, we've already done enough of that in the Phi Vs. Abydos thread(s). Carnage and Phi have had a few minor encounters so far. nothing like a full scale war or anything.

21:27:05 May 30th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

Venomz, do i have to lock you back in the dungeon again? I thought i told you to play nice, dont make me take out the whip again. I just hope this "PATHETIC" kingdom of ours can give a good fight if we do war phi, they have a bunch of good players^^


And some are making a big deal about the naps bewteen the powerful kingdoms, but what if the naps were made BEFORE  the era even started? Noone could have had the foresight to know how the era would turn out or who the powerful kingdoms were going to be....(well obviously one can predict with fairly certain accuracy that the legacy crowd would be a powerful group, but its been that way for a very long time, and of course one can have a good idea of who teh top kingdoms would be, but they cant be completely certain)



21:37:00 May 30th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

geez vencrow... The last few eras carnage has always been in top 10 kds.. We also know that PHI is a pretty good kingdom aswell. Ofcourse you would know how it'd turn out! I think it's pretty silly to pretend you didn't. 3 big kingdoms VS. abydos(not counting dark blood because they didn't do anything) not very fair... is it?

21:44:32 May 30th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

And some are making a big deal about the naps bewteen the powerful kingdoms, but what if the naps were made BEFORE  the era even started? Noone could have had the foresight to know how the era would turn out or who the powerful kingdoms were going to be.... <---- right so forming your massive alliance before the era makes it any better? And the top kds are always the same Lgc Abydos Phi carnage Mirror Baccus and everyone knew DB were going to be big. so dont give that bs about not knowing it was going to be big.  Please if your going to make an alliance at least stop trying to rationalise your actions.

21:47:39 May 30th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale:

pfft, dont be a sore loser osiris.

21:49:56 May 30th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

look the second we heard of the M LGC DB Carnage nap/alliance everyone knew what would happen this era. if you guys are claiming to be too stupid to figure out what would happen then well i feel sorry for you :D

21:54:37 May 30th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale:

no, im just saying stop complaining about being beaten. we've been through this already.

21:57:41 May 30th 07 - Mr. Seth:

Storm..u know that Lgc asked Carnage to NAP in the begining of the era and not before..

and lol..i wasnt talking about Carnage either when i was reffering to that "pathetic kd"..:D

butt it seems that lots of kd's feel about themselfs that they to corespond to the pathetic all around naping kd description...ROFL

who that kd might be?:))

so now this turned into a game of "Finding the right answer" lolz



21:57:42 May 30th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

Thanks Osiris for showing me why i dont bother posting in these forums.

Never said I didnt know how things would turn out, all i said was there is no 100% certainy how the era would turn out. If there was then why play? I love how you picked out what you wanted to hear. Mind if i plug in the rest of what i said?


<well obviously one can predict with fairly certain accuracy that the legacy crowd would be a powerful group, but its been that way for a very long time, and of course one can have a good idea of who teh top kingdoms would be, but they cant be completely certain>

In case you have selective hearing, let me rephrase. I said one can have a good idea of who the top kingdoms would be, all i said was noone can be completely certain. For instance if you had asked me at the start of last era that the winner would have came out of Bacchus (nevermind the exact method of attaining that win) then i would have laughed.

But I will stop because my experience i these forums have shown me that no matter what i say, someone will always pick and choose what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe. Pointless arguing in the public forums.

<Now I sympathize with Phi over their own thread>



@Seth: Actually our nap was worked out BEFORE the era began, at the end of last era. And just want to go on record as saying that i wasnt offended or upset, we've been friends for long time (great to see you back in the game) so it will take alot more than that;) I was just having some fun.

22:04:35 May 30th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Mr. Smuff With A Shemale


5/30/2007 3:54:37 PM
no, im just saying stop complaining about being beaten. we've been through this already.
I wasnt complaining about getting beaten so get over yourself?

22:48:10 May 30th 07 - Mr. Fra Gusti:

For instance if you had asked me at the start of last era that the winner would have came out of Bacchus (nevermind the exact method of attaining that win) then i would have laughed.

Now...before you die laughing: How would you define your method of "attaining that win"?:)....Napping Legacy + Legacy 2 + Mirror and possibly Phil? Not sure, but from my lands, the definition should not make you very proud.

22:49:33 May 30th 07 - Mr. Seth:

hehe storm...didnt knew it was u with all the name switching that only Carnage could've made up:P

hope i didnt offended u..cose as u see i was just having some fun also around here:D

Let's not figt each other(flaming i mean..what happens on the map just happens there:P )..cose Lgc made up this plan of dominating again Fantasia with their naps lol

Lgc are the ewul ones up here...:D

22:53:59 May 30th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale:

then stop complaining about a few big kds naping each other! no one planned it out this way osiris. how about down scaleing that ego of yours and stop trying to make everying about how hard done-by you are! its getting tiresome.

22:59:27 May 30th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

im not complaing about it. it clearly was planned. im just pointing out its pathetic to go on about how you guys didnt know it was going to happen and you had no idea it was going to turn out to be a crap era of gangbanging. i dont remember making myself hard done by. but you should watch your back smuff before someone does to you what you do to everyone else.

23:00:28 May 30th 07 - Mr. Seth:

haha snuff..someone did planned out's a kd that "multiplied" this era and that napped everione around them to haev a free hand getting even from last era:P

23:05:13 May 30th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

My my my, who knew my little post would start all this. I knew better than be serious;)


Senturu, quick! Come in here and slap us all!


<holds left cheek out wating for the slap of a lifetime>


(you decide what is meant by cheek;P)

23:14:26 May 30th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale:

'but you should watch your back smuff before someone does to you what you do to everyone else.' hehe oh how i laughed reading this, you probly some weedy little geek who sits on his pc all day throwing about empty threats! hehe

what exactly do you mean by that Osiris?? hmm? what is it i do to 'everyone' else(meaning Abydos, im quite pleasnt to everyone else;)?

23:20:00 May 30th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

empty threats :) we shall see, we have a long running fued with phi it would seem so your time will come sooner or later

23:26:13 May 30th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Smuff, stop it, be nice please :) Even if it's Osiris at the end of your posts..

PHI was just a pion who was extatic that they got their nap with LGC.. <<< Seth, we didn't go asking for the NAP, it was offered to us and we didn't accept it immediatly. So don't call us extatic about that :) We fought Legacy 3 out of our 5 fantasian eras (including this one), we're not chickening out of a fight.

Sir Vencrow


5/30/2007 10:25:12 PM
Is this the "I wanna be cool so i make a thread" thread ?

Or is it the "We prove Phil is full of geeks and weirdo`s" thread ?


"I love my mom and want to thank her for making me a nerd" thread ?

Why so much hate dear? Weren't you the one that attacked us in the first place? We haven't thrown a single flame or anything, just justifying to some that we didn't NAP all great Kingdoms except Abydos like we've been accused. Let's have a good, flameless fight as I'm sure the two of our Kingdoms can offer, shall we? :)

We also know that PHI is a pretty good kingdom aswell. <<< Lewatha
And the top kds are always the same Lgc Abydos Phi carnage Mirror Baccus and everyone knew DB were going to be big. <<< Osiris

Thank you guys for placing us there, we hope we've earned this status :)

23:32:38 May 30th 07 - Mr. Seth:

lol..this thread is as fast as irc considdering how fast the posts are appearing lol

Smuff..what "empty threads" are u talking about?the ones taht u are posting in?:)))

and Stormvenz..i think my little post started this flame up again hehehe :D

23:42:20 May 30th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale:

Seth please read the post properly, i was refering to Osiris's statement where he threatened me.

p.s lots of smily faces and love


23:50:00 May 30th 07 - Mr. Seth:

@weirdgrivi..ok PHI is not napped with ALL the other kds..sould've sayed that Lgc napped Carnage+Mirror+PHI(+Lgc2 ofc:P )..then again u didnt had to nap all of them since they are far away from u now..only Lgc was closer and that's why u napped it:P...and from Lgc it's even more pathetic that they offered all these naps..

at least it seems there will still be some fighting this era cose dunno how PHi and carnage arent napped:P

ok ppl..i'm just kidding dont get upset on it..and for god's sake just cast the arma cose i'm getting bored and start flaming the forums:P..or u guys are looking for peace and tranquility for the whole map:D

I think the only ones that are borred more are Lgc cose they are now sourounded by 4 napped kds..:)))

cant belive they actually fought the remains of baccus this era..that's something lol

23:58:08 May 30th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Hehe, Seth, we NAPd Legacy before era started too so we didn't know we were gonna land close to them :)

00:55:57 May 31st 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

Its not as if the phenoma is unknown in VU history, usually its Legacy on the receiving end of these massive alliances. Vendetta, Serenity ect ect...

Suck it up and come back for a new round next era, whining in here wont make any difference.


p.s I find it rather amusing how much flack we get for forming a big alliance for an era when, as pointed out above, we have been the target for such alliances on several occasions in the past.

00:59:02 May 31st 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

The main difference, though is that LGC is hands down the best kd. it's like little kids ganging up on the big kid for safety. (this era it's the big kids ganging up on the little ones to beat them up) No offense to the other good kds, its just a comparison ;)

01:00:04 May 31st 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:


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