Forums / In game politics / POLITICS

12:14:41 May 27th 07 - Mr. Zerocool The Berseker:

im really really confused. just want to know.

LGC + Darkblood + Mirror + carnage??? NAP/MAP/alliance? vs smaller kds in fant?

12:23:45 May 27th 07 - Mr. Quirinus:

Something like that, yes. =)
And yes, they are *beep*, yes. Yes. xD

12:24:16 May 27th 07 - Lord Oya:

+ Phi forgot that :D

12:30:49 May 27th 07 - Mr. Love:

Its been like that all the time we tried to tell you people but you didnt listen.

12:36:08 May 27th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Oya... simply lol...

12:40:39 May 27th 07 - Mr. Love:

By not fighting against this alliance but bickering inbetween yourselves you have granted the Axis of evil its victory.

The terrorists have won and i hope you are happy.


12:53:36 May 27th 07 - Mr. Hemmer Swallows:

Mr. Love


5/27/2007 12:40:39 PM

@Weird- The signs are everywhere! <3

12:55:20 May 27th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

I am not evil! Im just a farmer :(

14:09:18 May 27th 07 - Mr. Zerocool The Berseker:

Lord Oya


5/27/2007 7:24:16 PM+ Phi forgot that :D

dream on oya

15:11:58 May 27th 07 - Lord Oya:

then start taking lgc cities then....

your being awfully friendly to each other :)

15:12:54 May 27th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Spoon, I've seen your big-hair pic. I really don't want you to BJ me, it's yucky :(

15:15:04 May 27th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Oya... Look at the big pic :)

15:26:45 May 27th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Oya,I still like you more!

15:30:07 May 27th 07 - Lord Oya:

big pic? ooooh you mean once we're dead you'll fight?

16:19:07 May 27th 07 - Mr. Supercalifragilistic:

I don't know what phi people are whining on about considering they are NAPed with us also, so if I were them I'd shut up.

16:24:34 May 27th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Uhm... That's really smart.. I bet you sat and thought about that for hours and hours, huh? And who else are we NAPed too?

Zerocool was just asking a question, no need for your flaming, thank you.

16:24:53 May 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:


16:31:25 May 27th 07 - Mr. Supercalifragilistic:

"Zerocool was just asking a question, no need for your flaming, thank you."

Our relations with other kingdoms is not something to be debated on the forums, especially with an opening post that sounds more like a flame than anything else, but what I found annoying is the complete lack of PHI on that list, or aren't you NAPed with us?

16:35:50 May 27th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Two smart posts in 12 minutes. If you haven't bothered to take a good look, Zerocool doesn't speak about your Kingdom's relations to the others oh great one!

He is talking about a four-way alliance. Or aren't the four of you each NAP'd/MAP'd to the other? That was his question.. But I'm sure you got it anyway and you were just trying to see if we're all as smart as yourself :)

P.S. : Since we're not NAP'd/MAP'd to all four of you but only to some of you, we have nothing to do on that list, oh great one!

16:37:28 May 27th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

and the match is on...oh's starting to burn...nice going...

16:38:26 May 27th 07 - Mr. Supercalifragilistic:

If NAP is an alliance now does that not make us allied to you also? I find it hypocritical that somebody we're 'allied' with whines about our other relations.

PS: NAP does not mean alliance, so do us all a favor and shove off.

16:41:08 May 27th 07 - Mr. Roxbury:

[15:44] <Oya> tell grivi to grow up :D....and enjoy the game lol
[15:44] <Sp00n> We're going to make a massive anti mirror merge and take brick wall back
[15:44] <Andrei> oya
[15:44] <Sp00n> then surrender to carnage!
[15:44] <Andrei> believe me
[15:44] <Andrei> I know
[15:44] <Andrei> he is just a *beep*tard
[15:44] <Andrei> haven't I told you that before


16:43:17 May 27th 07 - Mr. Supercalifragilistic:

Roxy shoots for 3 points... and it's in!

16:43:57 May 27th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Fizban drops matches, flamethrowers, moltov *beep*tails and 'Fizban's Big Book of Fireballs' in the middle of this thread*

Have fun guys.

16:46:08 May 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

and when the job is done the allies turn on each other. a more perfect ending thier aint

16:53:10 May 27th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

*starts reading Fizban's Big Book of Fireballs...*

my oh this is how it all works...quite should really read this's soooo hot it's allmost burning on it's own!!!

not that any need to take lessons in all seem to have become quite the experts on this subject...good for go slaughter eachother whahaahah

16:54:35 May 27th 07 - Mr. Dragonleader:

What's wrong with the big kingdoms?I guess they are just too scared to war each another that's why they pick on smaller kingdoms isn't it?Let's see how they kill each another after they kill the smaller ones.

16:56:06 May 27th 07 - Mr. Dos The Caked:

I wouldn't say Abydos is a "smaller kingdom"....

16:57:22 May 27th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Oh hush 'Dragonleader', you can't even take out a small division of one of the 'big kingdoms'. However, my metallic dragons will be more than willing to flame-broil any more of your troops you send my way. If I don't cast fireball on them first, mind.

17:04:16 May 27th 07 - Lord Oya:

your metallic dragons are ghey!!!

17:08:12 May 27th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

All the strongest kingdoms are in alliance. People, get organized! Against them! No one can stand alone against them all

17:10:07 May 27th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Nothing new Roxbury, it's all been taken care of :)

And Cobra, I'm done... Can't help you understand, someone else will have to give ya a helping hand. I'm not focking with y'all but you really didn't understand what Zero meant :)

17:15:36 May 27th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

It would be realy cool to see all of the big kingdoms go to war against each other instead of being cozily allied. Not that I'd see it being on starta =(

17:57:58 May 27th 07 - Mr. Fra Gusti:

Mr. Supercalifragilistic


5/27/2007 7:19:07 AM
I don't know what phi people are whining on about considering they are NAPed with us also, so if I were them I'd shut up.

Now, I dont like most of Legacy.....but here I have to praise this guy. He is at least honest.

My 2 cents:

1- Carnage+Mirror+Legacy+Legacy 2+ Phil. This era really sucks big deal:)....either you are in the alliance or not. Hope somebody with some brain will cast arma soon:).

2- Dont like Abydos leadership (the 3 of them) and they have their own faults in their situation..............but I am also convinced that any attempt to flame them given the situation would be ridicoulus. Legacy could defeat Abydos on a 1 vs 1.....but with all its allies it is just gangbanging...not even sure where the fun is (same Legacy1 +Legacy2 at the beginning of the era).

3- I thought this era could have been still of interest....but given the alliance situation...we are all just losing time. Hope to land in Starta soon:).

18:05:50 May 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Honesty? are you insane! you cant be honest here or you get gangbanged!

18:14:10 May 27th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Ok, since it seems no one gets this, here's the deal..

We are NAP'd to Legacy. War with Carnage. No relations to Music, DB, M. Does it seem we're in the same situation as DB, LGC, HAVOC or M? That's why Zerocool was asking those questions, not to flame... But it seems you just had to take it that way. Too bad :(

Back to study, I'm trying to learn Excel till tomorrow lol :)

18:27:24 May 27th 07 - Mr. Naked Pizza Delivery Guy:

PHI and Carnage are at war?

18:29:55 May 27th 07 - Lord Marche The Halfnaked:


18:39:16 May 27th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

I seem to remember us offering Abydos a NAP last era, mid fight in order to get them off our backs while we were being gangbanged, so we could fight BACCUS solely and remove arma. Of course, Abydos refused the offer outright, then created another offensive on us ourselves.

So: what goes around, comes around, Abydos.

We even gave you a 2nd opportunity to NAP us before this era came about. Once again you refused, so we took in other allies instead of Abydos. And when we attack you, you complain? Perhaps in hindsight we took one too many allies, but we actually thought the opposition would be good this era, and not crumble so quickly, given how loud-mouthed Abydos (and BACCUS especially) were last era.

Obviously, we were mistaken. You blew.

Oh, and Fra, give it a rest already, your situation was nowhere near as bad as Abydos'. DB is no-where near up to LGC's par. It's got a couple of LGC players, but the rest are just new players taken in. You got beaten by a weakened-LGC (without being able to merge with the few who went to DB), and DB, a kd comprised of people who had never played together before. BACCUS is just an embarrassment and sucked. You proved us right: you can't fight unless given a full era to whore.

18:51:11 May 27th 07 - Mr. Quirinus:

*notices the flames* *smells the air*
armageddon fire? ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun for you liiiiiiiiiiveeeeeeeeeesssss!!!!!
*armageddon boooooooooom*
*the end*

someone plz cast arma xD

18:56:19 May 27th 07 - Sir Fizban:

This era won't be over until Legacy, or Lgc-run affiliates, says it's over.

19:00:26 May 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

swiffers the situation is totally different considering we didnt gangbang you the others did. so you offerd us a nap after insulting us for a week solid then accusing us of organising a gangbang? what in your mind made it seem we would want to ally you.  We blew it? we crumbled quickly? well thats what happens in a mass gangbang O.o we fought long hard and well this era and i am proud of most of my kingdom.

19:08:27 May 27th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

The situation isn't all that different.

We were fighting IE and BoW at the time you jumped in last era, and had just finished off Shogunate and PHI and were in the process of shifting forces west. Then you saw your opportunity to hit us while we focused elsewhere, and eventually Zeon jumped in (stating an alliance), and BACCUS, and Carnage. We offered you a NAP in order to even the odds a little vs BACCUS, so it wouldn't be so much o*beep*angbang (at least on Abydos' part), but you denied us outright then proceeded to launch a new offensive. The comparison here is to this era, you're fighting other kingdoms too, and have the cheek to complain about others "gangbanging" you, but when the roles were reversed last era, you were more than happy to attack us and fight us when we fought immeasuarable odds.

Add the fact that you have turned down a NAP with us going into the era, and so we sought other alliances, the proof is in the pudding. You don't NAP us? Then expect to fight us.

19:14:10 May 27th 07 - Mr. Fra Gusti:

Why then both DB and Legacy attacked us OOP from any direction?...if for Legacy would have been so easy to take us out? Anyway, i dont care.


Sir Fizban


5/27/2007 9:56:19 AM
This era won't be over until Legacy, or Lgc-run affiliates, says it's over.

That shows the real face of you guys:)...Arrogance at the purest level. It comes out everytime you feel there is nothing can stop you from winning. Hope your "lapdogs" will realize next era. If not, I am still ok with that. Have fun.

19:20:11 May 27th 07 - Mr. Hemmer Swallows:

My two cents:

Lol & wtf

It's a *beep*ing game. Let people do as they want. I don't give a *beep* about those huge alliances actually, I had fun this era!

19:28:47 May 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

We offered you a NAP in order to even the odds a little vs BACCUS, so it wouldn't be so much o*beep*angbang (at least on Abydos' part), but you denied us outright then proceeded to launch a new offensive. The comparison here is to this era, you're fighting other kingdoms too, and have the cheek to complain about others "gangbanging" you, but when the roles were reversed last era, you were more than happy to attack us and fight us when we fought immeasuarable odds.
we would have been happy to accept a nap had you not spent the whole week insulting us. and please we didnt know you were warring anyone, i hardly think a dead BoW and defenceless IE put you in the same situation. the main difference here is we you were fighting a few small newb kds not two top 8 ranked kingdoms. and no where near as many kds as us. you seem to think you can insult anyone then are offended when the ones you insult dont want to play lgc lapdog? Funny i dont see anyone else in lgc being an ass. this thread is about phi and lgc leave us out of it 

19:30:53 May 27th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Is there any goodness left in the top Kingdoms of this game? Or just hatred, anger and bloodthirst?

19:34:04 May 27th 07 - Sir Fizban:

ROFL, you, of all people calling us arrogant? Here's the pure and simple truth, we play for wars and when the wars are over, sure, we'll cast arma.

Besides, surely you'll recognize the terms, 'payback' and 'unfinished business'. Besides, not just DB and Lgc wanted you dead, I recall Adelbert's nice post about wanting your all's heads as well.

You got 'arrogant' and you got smacked down just like you're wanting someone else to do to us. So, accept what you, yourself, are wishing on others, and shush up.

20:10:51 May 27th 07 - Mr. Gnadentod:

At least we have a war between Phi and Carnage, if those two lgc kingdoms don't get bored and cast armma before (when the the hole rst of the map is beaten).

But till then we might have 2-4 weeks, so let's have a little bit fun here :).

btw: I didn't thought lgc would nap so many interesting targets at once, so respect to Abydos, that they took you guys so seriouse :b (I am sure they didn't feared Baccus ;) )

20:19:07 May 27th 07 - Mr. YI Sun:

well played... well played... but one KD would need a name before getting lots of deplomatic relationships ;0 so those KD definitely had themselves a name... to be feared!

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