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Persian Empire/Valhalla
06:43:19 Mar 9th 08 - Ms. Kneeling Roses:

Persian Empire

Kingdom Banner

Name: Persian Empire
Members: 1
Tag: PE
Created: 3/9/2008 6:35:44 AM
Leader: Ms. Kneeling Roses

tell me what you think :P

we are on valhalla if you would like to join

07:06:15 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

i think your nuts, you might even start a war you cant finnish

11:37:33 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Justanius The Revengful:

mumbles persians

12:04:28 Mar 9th 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

Persia will burn to the ground!

13:58:55 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

haha Persia Vs Sparta
Weres Sparta when you need them
(i bet no has ever said that before)
but Sparta will win

00:40:46 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

yeah they will

piss easy

00:58:18 Mar 10th 08 - Ms. Kneeling Roses:

the idea of this wasnt to rage war on sparta, it was for fun =]

besides this is my first kingdom

01:01:21 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

Arcadius II, are you irish?


On topic: Gud luk with your kingdom

01:03:12 Mar 10th 08 - Ms. Kneeling Roses:

hmmm thanks lol

01:06:01 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

@ Ftw, no im not irish this name coincedently is very relevant to this thread

you see my name comes from the greek arcades or something like that, they allied with the spartans to take out the persians =]

01:57:02 Mar 10th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

Hey Arcadian, what's your profession?


02:04:31 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

a blacksmith sir/lady

02:08:37 Mar 10th 08 - Ms. Kneeling Roses:

anyway besides the point which is, would anyone like to join me?

05:13:10 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Good luck kneeling roses

05:14:52 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

yes indeed good luck

i might even start up a kingdom for the arcadians =]


05:16:45 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

wow adminstration might want to start a world called greece. that way ppl who like the 300 movie can make kingdoms that faught in the Battle of Thermopoly

05:18:20 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

thats an awsome as idea


05:20:20 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

of course persia would lose. i would probably make Sparta, arcadius would have Arcadia, roses would have persia, now alls we need are athenians. lol

05:23:13 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:


i just thought i would post this lol



i just thought i would post this lol

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

05:24:55 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

I remember that part, i woulda done the same exact thing as leonidas did

06:48:53 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

yeah same

07:03:22 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

ok now im really gonna make a kingdom called the arcadians =D

01:15:26 Mar 11th 08 - Ms. Xerxes:

we are getting better =]

POFF Paladins of the Orde of the Frozen Flame 21 Lord Timmiev 504
E Eternity 20 Lady Selkirka 354
AoD Army of Darkness 10 Mr. Chase 203
Legion Lost Legion 5 Mr. Inzanity 152
l Juganitorii 2 Mr. Juganitorul 128
PE Persian Empire 4 Ms. Xerxes 100
F Fracture 3 Mr. Lawrence 97
Jump Jumpers 3 Mr. Sitting Duck 88
LF Light Fires 8 Mr. Revengicus VII 83
Holy Holy 12 Duke Salamon 58
SMITE Heavens Vengeance 3 Mr. Custom Vengeance 6
Myrr Myrr 2 Mr. Arjun Ramchand 6
IT Icon Test 2 Ms. Undeath Red Dress 2
SHC Shadow Hearts 2 Mr. Intensive 1
a wolf holy knights 1 Mr. Ultimate Ruler 1
NO KD Non Kingdom 1 Ms. Fairy 0
DON Destroyer of Nations 1 Mr. Gothaim 0

01:27:27 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Scottish Mac Fetus:

lol where are the spartans when you need them

01:29:52 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lying in wait for when its best to strike

01:35:32 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Scottish Mac Fetus:

hmm maybe

01:37:33 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Justin:

or they are at the hot gates ready to slaughter more persians

01:39:46 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Scottish Mac Fetus:

well we arent falling for that, our numbers wont count for nothing, we will surround the spartans so our arrows will rain down on them

03:52:30 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Justin:

then they will fight in the shade.

06:45:19 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

fight in the shade


and 300 was an ok mavie but it was little of the base line of what really happen

and better hero is Achilles

son of the mortal Peleus and the Nereid Thetis. He was the mightiest of the Greeks who fought in the Trojan War

07:24:12 Mar 11th 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

Mr. Justin


3/10/2008 5:20:20 AM
of course persia would lose. i would probably make Sparta, arcadius would have Arcadia, roses would have persia, now alls we need are athenians. lol

Arcadians are Athenians, arent they? :S

07:25:16 Mar 11th 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

Never mind that :P Wikipedia says they were between Sparta and Athens :P

07:44:16 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

who cared if they were, they were still incompetant of the war

13:47:35 Mar 11th 08 - Ms. Xerxes:

Mr. Arcadius II


3/11/2008 5:44:16 PM
who cared if they were, they were still incompetant of the war


its quite suprising how you could say that about your own people

03:51:27 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Justin:

spartans would still kick a$$. And achilles died from an arrow in his foot, how does that make him better?now spartans, they get an arrow in their foot and tehy laugh.

12:09:12 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

spartans would rip that arrow out and shove it down the persians throught

12:12:01 Mar 12th 08 - Ms. Xerxes:

were not that bad :(

14:28:57 Mar 12th 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

The arrow that killed Achilles was poisened... I dont think any Spartan would survive that :P

And the Spartans were actually descendentas of the Dorians!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

14:44:33 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Justin:

they are decendents of Hurcules. It wasnt poisned. it was a normal arrow

00:30:58 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

sinthoras is right

just like the thespians desended from the arcadians, who flanked ther enemies with tricks such as acting which is how they got there name the thespians

00:33:26 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Justin:

oh and sinthoras, spartans would last longer then achilles did. spartans show no weakness but achilles alweays opened himself up to it

00:39:18 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Arcadius II:

lol lets just give all of vu a history lesson

03:58:38 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol dam right

04:28:46 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

(The ork battle song)

Ork.. Ork.. Ork.. Ork..

Ork... Ork. Ork. Ork...

ORK.. ORK.. Ork...

10:39:09 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

spartans would still kick a$$. And achilles died from an arrow in his foot, how does that make him better?now spartans, they get an arrow in their foot and tehy laugh.
ok point take he was kill by 1 arrow
at least he wasnt betrayed by his own peopleand achilles was trying to save his Love from the on coming attack until he was shot by an arrow while his back was turned
sparta got there a$$ handed to them and they watch it happen
so that makes sparta *beep*
compared to achilles

10:49:23 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

then theres the fact of numbers

04:02:56 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Justin:

ok achilles took on thousands of trojans. 300 spartans took on millions of persians. i highly doubt achilles woulda have survived as long as spartans did even if there were 300 achilles.

04:07:23 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

yes see anubis, achilles needed a hell of a lot more people, and the spartans still put up a hell of a fight

04:11:46 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Justin:

achilles was arragont and thats why he died. he was obsessed with ppl remembering his name. spartans wanted to ppl know that even a few free men would give their lives to protect their freedom no matter wat the odds were against tehm

04:16:02 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

300 final battle =]


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