Forums / In game politics / Plague Time

Plague Time
05:23:11 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Arch Shade:

The era is coming upon 3 weeks left.  It's time for those that have strife and nads to cast plague.  VU tis merely a game.  Lets make it interesting.  I have spoken to a few mages and all seems to lack the gonads.  I even tried to gamble with an "individual" on VU chat to cast plague.  I offered all of my cities on Fantasia if I lost the roll, and if they lost the roll they would cast it on the world I am in.

Who has the evilness to step up to the plate!?

05:33:11 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

DO IT!!  Whoever can should just do it...  Make the era more fun :P

05:36:18 Dec 1st 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Screw Plague, I am gonna cast "H1N1"!!!!!!

Better known as "Swine Flu"

05:37:23 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Mcbob:

im going to cast "Super cancer monkey AIDS"!

05:39:21 Dec 1st 09 - Grand Ape Kongdust:

o no!!
Not "Super cancer monkey AIDS"! :S

05:40:03 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Mavich:

Casting "ryan"!!!

05:41:53 Dec 1st 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

It could be worse!  He could cast the UBER prohibidado spell of......

dare I say it????.....................

Twamao Sexy Time!

05:49:10 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

LOL mavich!  And Wyzer, if Zeta made either of those spells I would love him.

06:40:22 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Mcbob:


13:28:27 Dec 1st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Revenge cast plague on Nirvana, no joke.

13:37:32 Dec 1st 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Wolflord Karac - Today?

13:40:30 Dec 1st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Sometime in the last 10 hours. Logged in this morning with dead pezzies and a gloating message from revenge.

Everyone get ready for it.

14:14:35 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Arch Shade:

We got one!  We need at least 2-3 more plagues around the game.

14:18:25 Dec 1st 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Mr. Revenge The Sexc


09:25:51 Dec 1st 09
Casting Plague from Ima Wolf Too upon Mudar with 29% chance of success... and Successful!
Plague will hit Mudar, owned by Wolflord Karac for 52 days. You lost 14672 Spellweavers and 11340 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.
Mr. Revenge The Sexc


14:10:28 Dec 1st 09

Casting Plague from Ima Wolf Too upon Town One with 33% chance of success... and Successful!
Plague will hit Town One, owned by Mr. Jaime for 34 days. You lost 12066 Spellweavers and 1790 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.



Have fun, lol.

14:20:09 Dec 1st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Another feeble attempt. Pathetic, and yet your kd claims to stick to the honorable ways, the way the old vets did. Hypocrisy.

14:20:46 Dec 1st 09 - Pirate Suqah:

What's wrong with using a spell? O.o


Your kingdom even asked for it to be cast! (arthur dent)

14:22:02 Dec 1st 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

How is that pathetic? its a spell its all legal :D

15:14:13 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I do not represent my kingdom.  I personally just wanted to see plague again to make the era a little more interesting, and it has already ;)

Although it will be bad for us, I really don't see anything wrong with them casting the plague.  They have no NAP partners on Nirvana, so it's actually wise to cast it.  Just sucks it had to hit you Karac :'(

15:34:51 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Elit:

I'm agree! Its suck to be cast on most useless player from BoW :P

15:37:29 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

lol, it will probs spread to you too dom :P

16:01:13 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Elkor The Unripe:

Nah we took the vaccine

16:16:20 Dec 1st 09 - Lord Wraith:

Wolflord Karac


14:20:09 Dec 1st 09 Another feeble attempt. Pathetic, and yet your kd claims to stick to the honorable ways, the way the old vets did. Hypocrisy.

You're taking the piss, right? There is NOTHING wrong with using a spell, nothing. And we have no allies on the world, so there is no collateral damage... Absolutely NOTHING dishonourable has been done.

Btw Arthur, you're a vice in your Kd and therefore you should represent it. If you were a simple member, I would completely agree with you but not this time :)

16:18:32 Dec 1st 09 - Lord Thomaas:

Wraith, calm down, he's just pissed that his pez is dying. They didn't got the vaccine as we in Dom got :D

16:21:56 Dec 1st 09 - Lord Wraith:

That is calm... ish... :)

16:25:25 Dec 1st 09 - Pirate Suqah:

I disagree with you Wraith, vices should not always represent the kingdom.

/me thinks of Revenge representing the kingdom.

16:29:26 Dec 1st 09 - Lord Wraith:

But everyone loves Revenge :O

16:42:29 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Wilover:


16:44:44 Dec 1st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Nice try Elit. If that came from Wraith, it would hurt. Anyone else, its a compliment.

As for plague being a legal spell, no crap of course it is. Yet, it has been widely accepted, and even have heard a lot of Dom members b!tch about it over the eras when it was used, that plague is a useless spell casted by n00bs as it causes harm to everyone. Allies and enemies alike. And yet, Lew claims to stand by the 'old ways'.

I really dont care it was cast, its a pathetic thing, and last ditch effort if you ask me, nothing else has been successful, so it was cast out of frustration, beautiful. If he has casted it on a city that meant something it would have been a great tactic, but casting it on a city of pure homes, that would be cured right away, it was a feeble attempt.

17:15:41 Dec 1st 09 - Lord Wraith:

Karac, you know I <3 you too much to say that :) And I don't know,.... maybe it wasn't the most strategical cast but Plague can be pretty deadly ;) To be fair though, we have no allies to hurt so..... Theres no argument against it. Personally, I never liked casting it cos its just too deadly to my allies more than anything. However as stated above, no allies getting hurt would make it worthwhile ;)

17:39:56 Dec 1st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Which makes sense, I am just saying, horrible.

And I <3 ya too wraith. At least some people know I'm a little bit more than 'useless' ;)

17:43:50 Dec 1st 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Utter Useless?

LMAO ;-p

17:44:24 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

lol :P

18:42:21 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Legna Htaed:

:) If were going down were taking as much with us as possible :)

18:48:09 Dec 1st 09 - Endless Despair:


18:49:35 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

So this means Domination is going down?

18:49:57 Dec 1st 09 - Duke Drakos:      Just that comment makes anything Elit posts ridiculous, if not an outright fabrication. Ofc we all knew that already...

*anxiously awaits Elits next attempted witty rejoinder to fail*

18:58:29 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Legna Htaed:

*looks at the 90k AM's preppin on me*

Well at least I am dont know about the rest :P

19:10:38 Dec 1st 09 - Pirate Suqah:

We're not going down... yet...

(I never bitched about Plague =P, maybe some other members did, I have no idea.)

19:18:01 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

I don't think you will go down that easily Engel... :)

At least, if you are the Engel Van Dood / Angel of Death that I think you are...


19:32:45 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Legna Htaed:

Dam someone found me out XD
Mmmm maybe spelling my name backwards didnt work to well :(

19:41:18 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

Pfft. You can't hide from me man. Afterall.... you were my very first teacher back when we were together in Angels...


20:10:15 Dec 1st 09 - Sir Mcmax:

Pirate Suqah


19:10:38 Dec 1st 09
We're not going down... yet...

(I never bitched about Plague =P, maybe some other members did, I have no idea.)

Ok Wraith, you are allowed then I guess :big-grin: Let's get the Plague.

21:46:45 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

blah, blah, blah, blah..... anything else?

Nirvana kingdoms are such pussies and crybabies.

21:56:00 Dec 1st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

you do know plague can crossworlds right?

21:57:46 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Legna Htaed:

O.O I was someones teacher!!!!??? oh god someone save his poor soul.

22:01:56 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Elkor The Unripe:

Mustn't a diseased army cross over for it to spread ? I doubt we will do that so blame them not us.

22:04:32 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Legna Htaed:

Actually we know and everyones been ordered not to cross armies offworld :/ so were stuck :)

22:07:32 Dec 1st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Twamao.... nevermind, I give up trying to talk sense with you.

22:08:50 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Legna Htaed:

His answer is you unsexy -1
He sexy +1

You lose try again.

22:15:43 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Arch Shade:

*The looming sun melts into the horizon spraying beams of reddish light that scatter; seeping through the branches of lone oak trees.  Beneath one of these drowsy trees sit a man, his legs crossing over a bulging root that surfaces the soil many times before submerging fully.

In one hand he palms a persistent parchment that refuses to remain flat.  Its edges rolling and coiling.   With his other hand he holds a feathered pen which scratches vigorously at the papyrus, inking trails of mistakes behind.  The sound of crisp dried leaves ruffle past his feet, only slightly diverting his attention.

"....and so the plans have begun to proceed.  The timeless clock nears its end, and with this I have ordered the operation a go.  Corrupted whispers seem to penetrate your lands as with mine, but they are quickly reversed and returned with a gift of deceit. 

The lands have become bleak, the seeds sown everywhere.  Reach for your blade my friend, the web has twitched and the insect is there. 

Arch Shade
Minstrel of the Berserk"

*The feather tipped pen stops.   With one swift motion the letter is rolled into a tube and tied to the leg of a raven.  It lifts off from the king's silhouette and sours towards the now disappearing sun....

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