Forums / In game politics / Plague on Fant

Plague on Fant
23:22:58 Jan 25th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

so who shall be the one to claim?

23:24:32 Jan 25th 10 - Ms. Jennaside:

just noticed that myself 

23:25:45 Jan 25th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

He who names it, claims it!

Oh wait, that's gas, nvm...

23:26:22 Jan 25th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

It was I, the biggest nub in all of vu, who casted plague! :D

23:31:13 Jan 25th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

my guess, theo or taiel

23:52:02 Jan 25th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIV:

I have had a bit of an upset stomach and congestion, but labeling me as infected with the plague is an overstatement.

23:52:13 Jan 25th 10 - Mr. And Ezzington:

I am Spartacus

00:12:39 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Gauntlet:

Yeah, maybe. Don't care really, VU will always have someone desperate enough to cast it, always, so its merely like the weather.

'Today, it will be Plaguey in the World of Fant, along with widespread Bloodshed and Conquest coming from the West'

01:13:50 Jan 26th 10 - Sir Chee Cat:

well if its an act of desperation might wanna look into dom members ;p.

02:25:33 Jan 26th 10 - Endless Spankings The Naughty:

heehee Revenge again? ^^

02:32:07 Jan 26th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

lets see, it started on my city. so guessing it wasnt dom and rev has no magic on fant atm.

the city it started on was a bow city. i was fighting bow and fc. so im pointing fingers at you. unless someone else casted it on me out of being stupid.

02:34:37 Jan 26th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

Why BoW there is also HIV on Fant -.-

Stop making nubish acusations.

02:37:53 Jan 26th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

why would HIV cast it on me to start??? i talked with HIV. its a NO from them.

nubish you say? someone mad they lost their city?

also, trying to defend so quickly makes it more obvious

02:50:32 Jan 26th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

and what if we casted The Plague its a free spell there are no rules on VU saying that we CANT cast the Plague.

02:52:17 Jan 26th 10 - Sir Chee Cat:

Well, if you did and you truly believe that no need to get so upset ;p.

02:56:32 Jan 26th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

if you did, more power to you. then dont jump down my throat for saying you did >.> someones a bit grumpy they lost their cities..

02:57:17 Jan 26th 10 - Sir Chee Cat:

Hmm i wonder if losing our cities gives us a right to say that rofl.

02:58:19 Jan 26th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

ofc! we now have the right to hell at mad and call them farmers! and yell at fate for river jumping!

02:59:50 Jan 26th 10 - Sir Chee Cat:

hmm, guess were ready for any flame war that comes our way.


03:00:58 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Mustang:

Oh man This could be interesting =D

03:01:02 Jan 26th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

its coming :) i got a feeling

03:02:04 Jan 26th 10 - Sir Chee Cat:

the calm before the storm...

03:44:26 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

ugh... who cast the plague?

04:13:21 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

it is you arthur, has to be :)



04:22:44 Jan 26th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

I bet it was that Bruce Wayne fella! :P

04:22:56 Jan 26th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

well so far, its not dom nor hiv.. so ask your kd will ya

04:48:52 Jan 26th 10 - Sir Chee Cat:

Probally endless lol.

04:51:29 Jan 26th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Endless sniffles?

05:20:04 Jan 26th 10 - Sir Cadmus The Noble:

It was I, Cadmus, the great Archmage! I cast the freeze spell on your scouts!

... Oh, you were talking about a plague? D:

05:27:09 Jan 26th 10 - Sir Criminaly Insane:

It failed

15:00:01 The plague in Theos Left Chee killed 0 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights and 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults.
14:41:32 The plague in Theos Left Chee killed 0 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights and 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults.
14:00:02 The plague in Theos Left Chee killed 0 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights and 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults.
13:00:01 The plague in Theos Left Chee killed 0 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights and 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults.
12:00:01 The plague in Theos Left Chee killed 0 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights and 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults.

11:00:01 The plague in Theos Left Chee killed 0 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights and 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults.

10:00:01 The plague in Theos Left Chee killed 1 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights and 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults.
08:00:02 The plague in Theos Left Chee killed 2 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights and 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults.
07:41:41 The plague in Theos Left Chee killed 1 peasants, 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights and 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults.

4 total pez killed well done and it was Mr. Theophilus XIV he posted it in his history

Day 672
I have casted the Terrible Plague, with the help of Flame Lord Phoenix. Hopefully it can spread for full effect, but he will have it in his city for a full 40 days.

05:44:38 Jan 26th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Hate to point out, but u might want to check ur other cities for losses :P

07:06:28 Jan 26th 10 - Sir Criminaly Insane:

I have and it the only oneI can send it to your cities if you like Katie

07:26:46 Jan 26th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

darn theo you put it in your history XD 

i am an instrument of the plague!!  =-D

13:19:42 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIV:

Shucks, I thought history couldn't be read until after the era!

13:53:34 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Dropkick:

lol epic fail

14:05:22 Jan 26th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

and like i told everyone.. theo. i remember you wanting to cast it when with me :) old times eh. but no matter. ya lost the war anyways, so guess its alright for you guys.

14:10:41 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIV:

Haha, old times I do say.

The War is not over until the fat Lady sings, and your mother doesn't feel like singing until you guys push through our cores on Mantrax. 

14:12:11 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIV:

And for the record Zondervan, I consider you an old friend in my book. No reason not to war eachother, but its sad that after keeping an era and a half long promise to you it has come to this hahaha.

14:20:13 Jan 26th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

lol well at some point that time comes around.

and no need for me to come to your core. as im sure you can tell. someone else in on there way to all on mant :)

16:09:50 Jan 27th 10 - Lord Woody Loves Lew Lew:

Mr. Theophilus XIV


13:10:41 Jan 26th 10 Haha, old times I do say.

The War is not over until the fat Lady sings, and your mother doesn't feel like singing until you guys push through our cores on Mantrax.

Mother jokes are so lame, EPIC FAIL!

16:25:47 Jan 27th 10 - Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer:

General Maximus Decimus Meridius


20:20:13 Jan 26th 10

lol well at some point that time comes around.

and no need for me to come to your core. as im sure you can tell. someone else in on there way to all on mant :)

Less talk, more action, and more results Zondervan.

That someone on Mantrax is a one man show that, if the right strategies are applied, can be dealt with.

You might want to worry more about when Fate comes to the Domination core at full strength....

19:31:02 Jan 27th 10 - Mr. Legna Van Hteaed:

Its not as if we could stop fate anyway with the new wall bonus holding anything worthwhile is pretty much impossible :/

20:40:50 Jan 27th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIV:

The fact that their KD tag is Fate doesn't mean that they are impossible to stop.

Now, the fact that they are responsible with how long they wait to combat and march into Fant, thats what makes them hard to stop.

20:52:50 Jan 27th 10 - Endless Spankings The Naughty:

Sir Chee Cat


19:48:52 Jan 25th 10

Probally endless lol.

Wasn't me.. I got spanked by a big bad dwarf and run out of Fant long before.  Ouch! my poor little scout died ^^

23:03:32 Jan 27th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

when fate comes head on to the core, bring it. wont be much of a victory as we had to rebuild mines here while training and buildings blocks.. and you are what.. farming troops? plus there is how many total in fate against how many of us on fant? yea..

23:16:03 Jan 27th 10 - Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer:

Zondervan accuses Fate of farming troops?

Irrefutable evidence that he is a spastic. *thumbs up*

23:17:33 Jan 27th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

"plus there is how many total in fate against how many of us on fant? yea.."

I think you have it wrong...there are only like 3-4 of Fate on Fant; all of Domi versus our 3 players??  So not fair, bullies! :(

*note: I realize Domi is in other wars, just pointing out how silly Zond's statement was...

23:22:12 Jan 27th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

TBL zondervan is a terrific player and individual. Im sure what he says has some truth to it.

23:30:47 Jan 27th 10 - Mr. Seijim:

Only so much I can do.  This is only my second full era.  Every era I'll get better ;)

23:33:13 Jan 27th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

katie, did you not see he said fates FULL force.. so i say again. there is a couple of us on fant, some just built. so cant even count them really.

if im a spastic, so be it. just hate to know what the rest of you are >.>

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