Forums / In game politics / Predators- recruiting

Predators- recruiting
18:38:00 Oct 25th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

hey all, after last era we are in need for some new members, we will proberly be on zeta.

new or old it doesnt really matter since we can train you up.

if your interested them send me a pm


18:41:06 Oct 25th 08 - General Test Run:

good luck man ;)

18:41:48 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

Best of luck mars, preds is da bomb

18:42:32 Oct 25th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

Good luck Mars, preds will get going again within a couple of eras I'm sure, I expect to see ya back on mantrax in two eras =)

18:45:49 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

yeah good luck mars hope it goes well for you

18:54:30 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

good luck. I will be in vallhala probabily if you need me, my good friend.

19:37:11 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Falazar:

this kingdom is such a joke. can't believe they are still around.

21:01:47 Oct 25th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

Mr. Samulis The Magnificent


10/25/2008 5:54:30 PM
good luck. I will be in vallhala probabily if you need me, my good friend.


what kind of id1ot waits half an era for valhalla to open? and what person actaully WANTS to play in valhalla. Or is that the only place you manage to look like a half decent player?

21:10:57 Oct 25th 08 - Duke Ozai:

Mr. Falazar


10/25/2008 9:37:11 PM
this kingdom is such a joke. can't believe they are still around.

Shut you tool, Preds are a great Kingdom... and i hope they good,, unlike you who can only bag on other people and kingdoms, im sure you will be slaughtered OOP

23:11:20 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

lol falazar if i remember ur not very gd at y try insulting players better then u?

23:26:02 Oct 25th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Because otherwise he wouldn't be able to insult anyone ;)

23:26:38 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

pot sellet

23:45:47 Oct 25th 08 - Ms. Lickme:

I have to agree with Falazar  { O.o }

Though good luck Mars..
Nice to see youve kept this alive

03:15:03 Oct 26th 08 - Ms. Psykee:

Hey Dark...can I join?

XD sorry, I couldn't help it.

03:17:09 Oct 26th 08 - Ms. Holly:

Me too!

03:19:53 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Szalor:

This is one of the best kd's I know, gl to you guys on zeta :)

04:14:54 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Duca:

thanks for all the support and for the funny msg's ;)

We will regroup and get things right once again...but we will meet in Mantrax soon, Wolven.

04:21:35 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

Let holly and pyskee in, i'm sure you can trust them -_-

04:23:27 Oct 26th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Was a fun KD fighting alongside(but not in) and against...hope things get better for you ;) watch what members you get

04:24:23 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

hey...u cant trust a whore, who can you trust....right?

04:25:31 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

Pimp has spoken!
Wassup pimp, how you doing?

04:29:10 Oct 26th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Gotta trust your friendly neighborhood Pimp ;)

04:30:41 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

u know the era begins when i begin...if it walks like a pimp, talks like a pimp...its a ready fools...this map MINE and you all being pimped!

04:32:56 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

...where's the giant flaming finger? Somebody gets pimped i expect big flaming fingers!

04:35:05 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

The Pimp has SPOKEN....thats gospel

04:38:10 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

Lol there we go!

Now back on topic. Guys preds is an awesome kd, i know from experience. Anyone looking to join a kd on Zeta should head to preds =)

04:39:46 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Adrastos:

Once a failed KD, always a failed KD.

The Preds have been a failure from the start and since have not gotten better

But nevertheless good luck to you

04:43:57 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Mr. Adrastos


10/26/2008 3:39:46 AM
Once a failed KD, always a failed KD.

The Preds have been a failure from the start and since have not gotten better

But nevertheless good luck to you
Failed KD's dont win you dumbass...Preds is great, and I got your backs this round guys...this round its gloves want nap's and cry baby maps and *beep*...FCUK U...Im here want to talk big about how good Preds aren't come meet me and I will show you how good they will be. And have the balls to face me head on, not running in big a$$ merges in the hopes of beating me....this round none of you farmer *beep*s will get a chance to farm because Im going to be all over you.

10:10:50 Oct 26th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Hehe, I don't think I ever merged. ;)
But gl Preds, was a fun fight which could've been better had certain things not happened

10:28:14 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

out of all the longtime failure kd's preds has been very sucessful and the most sucessful out of the new kd's wen it was new.

gd luck preds i hope we can meet for a final time dr vs preds as ususal in a couple of era's

13:37:23 Oct 26th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

if we still had all of our old members (from the first few eras) im sure we would be playing on fant (not saying we would be able to survie)

we will try to get back to how we were and prove that we are a good kd to those ppl who dont like us.

ps. a fight between preds and dr is always fun

14:00:41 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

ps im still the best , gl pot seller

17:56:01 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Adrastos:

Pimp calm down, I didn't say they where the worst KDs of all worst KDs, just that they are a failure.

The KD has stayed in lower worlds for 95% of it's existence. Only a few times has it gone up to Fantasia, and there they had their ass whipped by KDs that sent only a small fraction of their strength to kill them, like 5-10 people VS 25+.

The Preds have had great players, but what KD hasn't? Almost any KD, no matter how bad, has produced at least one good player.

I personally think it's the leadership, but that's only my own humble opinion. Join at your own risk.

One last thing, winning Mantrax or Zetamania is no great accomplishment. Heck even finishing in the top 5 in Fantasia is better then winning Mant or Zeta.

19:01:46 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Fant is a *beep* fag buddy world...minute a new kd shows up the old school mass nap to take it out before carrying on the "normal"

19:04:46 Oct 26th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

well.. Ret and S were new and we both did pretty well so *beep* ;)

19:12:15 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

ye.....there goes ur theory pimp

20:00:11 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Sandoran:

just take 2 era's to convince anyone in the world you're in, kick all the new players, pick the best of the ebst, pay them money if they want then go to fant that easy isn't it?

gl mars, if CE wasn't returning i'd stay with you guys;)
just curious, what happened to Odysseus?

20:04:38 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Utkarsh Bhardwaj:

good luck Mars....I still remember all the fun against ur kingdom the last couple of eras...=P

20:29:44 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Struddle:

They were a strong Kingdom that did very well considering what they were faced against at the end of the era.  I can see them putting themselves back together and kicking some ass in the upcoming era.  You were always friendly to me good luck guys.

02:58:41 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Evul Fcukr Pimp:

Pirate Lewatha


10/26/2008 6:04:46 PM
well.. Ret and S were new and we both did pretty well so *beep* ;)
old fant players new kd names??? same *beep* different day

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