Forums / In game politics / Prosapia

02:43:42 Nov 28th 08 - Duke Arzun:

...are recruiting! We are looking for players acustomed to playing in a warring KD as either Elf or Orc (exceptions can be made). IRC is needed for those who apply, and you have a better chance of being accepted if you simply join our channel in IRC at #Prosapia, then you would in PMing myself or the other vices.

We do require that you be somewhat active, once a week is a definete no. You need to be able to keep up to the standards of Fantasia, where we MAY be going next era if our numbers meat the criterias of Fant. If not then we will remain on Mantrax for another era.

We are focused more on the warring aspect of the game, so if your plan is to build and *beep* all era, then don't be surprised if it is your last era. Communication is vital and we expect everyone to be doing so with the vices and I and other members of the Kingdom. We have had no issues with inter-kingdom disputes and we expect it to stay this way : )


02:53:10 Nov 28th 08 - Duke Senturu God of Spam:

BAM lets do it.

04:36:09 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Aloysius:

Mate, Dont remain on Mantrax next era.. We will be there too. Mantrax will be the same again next era, im afraid. :P

04:44:30 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Barney:

I would recommend this kingdom to anyone looking for a kd.

I played with Arzun's old kd The Illuminati Empire on Fantasia for a total of 6 eras, it was a great run and it was an honorable kingdom. I hope that Prosapia prospers, and I look to forward to maybe even throwing in an application myself next era!

04:54:56 Nov 28th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Wraith is a nub ;)  I am too busy for Fant anyways =\

05:35:47 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Aloysius:

Barney... where are you now. Glad to see Old Illuminati Empire players... :)

05:41:27 Nov 28th 08 - Duke Senturu God of Spam:

Illuminati Empire FTW!!!!!!!!

17:23:23 Nov 28th 08 - Sir Wilber:

IE ftl... Prosapia is so much better than IE was :P

18:18:45 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Pie Maker:


19:10:39 Nov 28th 08 - Sir Wilber:


Pie maker, tut tut.

01:13:10 Nov 29th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Good luck Prosapia ;)

12:29:25 Nov 29th 08 - Sir Fever:

Good Luck Guys (=

12:29:26 Nov 29th 08 - Sir Fever:

Good Luck Guys (=

16:36:26 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

can i join?

18:02:59 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Rex of Dragonfall:

I HOPE YOU ALL DIE :P but good luck with dieing

18:34:28 Nov 29th 08 - Prince Mielo:

I hope you get a sense of humor, the one you have right now is pretty pathetic :)

19:21:31 Nov 29th 08 - Sir Wilber:

*Wilber seconds that*

04:55:19 Nov 30th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Mr. Punny Monsta


11/29/2008 11:36:26 AM
can i join?

Sorry, make that  *No Dwarves/Penguins :)

01:21:13 Dec 1st 08 - Sir Wilber:


02:56:15 Dec 1st 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

I want to be in Pros-up-in-ya

08:10:44 Dec 1st 08 - Prince Mielo:

Well if you want a pro up in your ass, give a ring to ali ... he just loves it

13:15:05 Dec 1st 08 - Commander Yevitcani:

mielo would know, hes the one thats been receiving each time

17:41:30 Dec 1st 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

I would attempt to join...I have the time...but I don't like spending so much on here(VU)...maybe someday...

18:29:35 Dec 1st 08 - Prince Mielo:

Commander Yevitcani


12/1/2008 1:15:05 PMmielo would know, hes the one thats been receiving each time

You should see my backhand, womban!

18:44:49 Dec 1st 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

lol ali

19:28:18 Dec 1st 08 - Sir Fever:

Whos ali??????????

19:32:57 Dec 1st 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Ali is a kewl person who is better than you ;)

19:52:49 Dec 1st 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

ali is aligreat , cyborg

09:05:06 Dec 2nd 08 - Prince Mielo:

ali a.k.a grannybait

09:07:56 Dec 2nd 08 - Sir Fever:

F*ck you charley!


Dont you have respect for Experianced players fag.

09:15:07 Dec 2nd 08 - Prince Mielo:


10:41:43 Dec 2nd 08 - Commander Yevitcani:

+1 for mielo....dam u

16:32:18 Dec 2nd 08 - Prince Mielo:

^^ ... yep, I still got it :D

21:49:46 Dec 2nd 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Sir Fever


12/2/2008 4:07:56 AM

F*ck you charley!


Dont you have respect for Experianced players fag.

More than you know...I told the truth to the best of my knowledge so don't be upset >.> Then again...I am not 100% sure who you are atm ;)

02:55:15 Dec 3rd 08 - Duke Arzun:

Aha... who is Sir Fever??

09:16:44 Dec 3rd 08 - Sir Fever:


Thats why im experainced I try to hide my identity.=[)

09:20:12 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Dope II:

Mr. Dark Lighting
Lived in Era 32, got 1 heirs (Dark Lighting) and was a member of Sarafan Knights
Mr. Dark Lighting
Lived in Era 33, got 1 heirs (
Dark Father) and was a member of Sarafan Knights
Mr. Dark Father
Lived in Era 33, got 1 heirs (
Dark Lighting) and was a member of Sarafan Knights
Mr. Dark Lighting
Lived in Era 33, got 1 heirs (
Dark Lighting) and was a member of HaLL
Mr. Dark Lighting
Lived in Era 34, got 1 heirs (
Cyprian The Doom Slayer) and was a member of Army of Anubis
Sir Cyprian The Doom Slayer
Lived in Era 35, got 1 heirs (
Fever) and was a member of Army of Anubis
Sir Fever
Lived in Era 36, got 1 heirs (
Fever) and was a member of Army of Anubis
Sir Fever
Lived in Era 36. Member of Dark Avat*beep*M>
not very experienced if you ask me

10:09:45 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

lol sarafan knights :D exp player LOL

10:25:28 Dec 3rd 08 - Sir Fever:

Nice penguin =P.

Atleast i remeber it was you in Elements Multing! =P


10:27:52 Dec 3rd 08 - Sir Fever:

Family History

« Back

Mr. Milk And Cereal
Lived in Era 35, got 1 heirs (Raxbury) and was a member of Breakfast Bar

Mr. Raxbury
Lived in Era 36, got 1 heirs (Evans) and was a member of Breakfast Bar

Mr. Evans
Lived in Era 36, got 1 heirs (Dope II) and was a member of Breakfast Bar

lmao One of the best players on the name of VU.Hes made a name for himself or hes just taken names from other Fant players!!!!

10:44:30 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

hes seloc like 10x times better then you ;)

and wow i multyed so what?

10:47:41 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. The Bigger Loser:

Seloc pwns and rox.

17:01:44 Dec 3rd 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus: I know who Sir Fever is...don't even get me started on him -_-;
Penguin was some awesome that his body would have exploded under just one account so he had to split up ;-)

11:37:25 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Prosapia RULEZZ!!1!1!

12:10:03 Dec 18th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Seloc has been lewatho too :P

12:31:39 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

Lord Cedric Deallus


12/3/2008 6:01:44 I know who Sir Fever is...don't even get me started on him -_-;
Penguin was some awesome that his body would have exploded under just one account so he had to split up ;-)


22:47:47 Dec 18th 08 - Commander Yevitcani:

We are looking for players acustomed to playing in a warring KD as either Elf or Orc (exceptions can be made). IRC is needed for those who apply, and you have a better chance of being accepted if you simply join our channel in IRC at #Prosapia, then you would in PMing myself or the other vices.

We do require that you be somewhat active, once a week is a definete no. You need to be able to keep up to the standards of Fantasia, where we MAY be going next era if our numbers meat the criterias of Fant. If not then we will remain on Mantrax for another era.

We are focused more on the warring aspect of the game, so if your plan is to build and *beep* all era, then don't be surprised if it is your last era. Communication is vital and we expect everyone to be doing so with the vices and I and other members of the Kingdom. We have many members who are experienced in dominating Fantasia so we are willing to take in people who are willing to learn from experienced players to become one of the best.

3-7 slots remaining.

IRC or PM the leadership


*your best shout is me =)*

12:13:43 Dec 19th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Shout or shot? :P

Or come to me. I'm the one who really controls Prosapia. Can't you tell?
Get on your knees, shut your eyes and open your mouth Ali ;)

12:22:03 Dec 19th 08 - Commander Yevitcani:

ur a brave brave man....

a soon to be kdless brave brave man ;) lol

12:25:59 Dec 19th 08 - Sir Fever:

Kdless ?????

A Brave man ?????

Cough*not*COugh*ofc its all a lie*cough....

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