Forums / In game politics / Protection act

Protection act
00:32:49 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

Does the use of magic on an enemy count as "attacking"

in regards to retailation ....for example


Big guy can attack small guy if small guy uses magic on him??

if so ... would it be all magic , or just offensive ones like Rof

00:47:10 Mar 16th 09 - Duke Random:

no..... no magic is counted as a 50% rule offense, not even RoF or freeze.


and this should be in q&a.


RoF SHOULD be counted in the 50% rule, i suggested it a while ago, but it didnt get implemented to my knowledge....

01:15:58 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Senturu:

01:30:29 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

nice .... that means i can pawn luna

02:36:03 Mar 16th 09 - Ms. Heavenly:

Pawn Luna ? .. you make out that we attacked you or bullied you , as i remeber when you where in Dark wolf you where happily talking with myself and Alatril.

Then you decided to change to BC , that was cool we had no beef with you and i thought we where good , then i log in and you had sent a message to Alatril saying 'his city of WoW should be under BC control" you sent a army thinking you could take it (when you thought he had pulled all his troops out to starta) then got a suprise when you couldnt take it .

And as far as i know unless you attack him , how in earth will you pawn him ?..

All i see is someone who thought he was good finding out he isnt as good as he thought , and posting a thread that makes out a entire empire is bulling you is very sad , as im quite confident Alatril could destroy you by himself ... if you had the courage to attack him.. but we all know that wont happen so i guess he will just plunder all your cities whenever he feels like it.

Heavenly (Vice of Luna Wolves)

03:22:54 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Ignore him Heavenly-.- He backstabbed Heaven last era with the excuse that noone knew his name anymore. He just really likes attention :)

17:44:40 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

Taking an minor insult pretty far are we?

it was sarcasim ya bastard ... im just screwing around since there 10 days left , maybe i cant take his city .. but he cannot take mine either

18:25:17 Mar 17th 09 - Ms. Heavenly:

Burninglegion what do you mean 'maybe i cant take his city' , you have no chance of taking it full stop.

Actually you cant even move from your LITTLE city of Dalaran without getting smoked.
and saying you are 'screwing around since there are only 10 days left' is a cop -out .
You thought you where better then him... You where wrong.

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