Forums / In game politics / ROC Cowardly Backstabbers

ROC Cowardly Backstabbers
03:42:11 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

A warning to all those on Zetamania that the people in Royal Order of Claidmore are a bunch of cowardly backstabbers and you ally them at your own risk. Bunch of little cowards broke a NAP with no warning at all. Apparently they've been planning it for a while too, don't be surprised if you are an ally of ROC and find their armies on your towns when you wake up one day.

03:53:46 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Rameth The Furious:

Here here! Also they make up things about your mothers and they said you all look stupid!!

Seriously though listen to Lelouch they are cowards and backstabbers!!

04:04:54 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Rameth The Furious:

We have youtube video!!


((Not for children))

04:05:05 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Your impoliteness brought this upon you.  Let this be a lesson... Do Not recruit our enemies  and treat ROC personnel in a surly manner... There are no victims, only volunteers.

04:09:27 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:


04:11:50 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

If those are your reasons Kevdwayne then not only are they unfounded but your members are the rude ones, casting spells on me, I knew you people were up to something!

04:17:15 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Rameth The Furious:

Your impoliteness brought this upon you.  Let this be a lesson... Do Not recruit our enemies  and treat ROC personnel in a surly manner... There are no victims, only volunteers.

Impoliteness?!?!What the hell are you talking about! They may have been enemies but its not like they killed your mom or something! Your making it seem as if we took in people you have been at war with the whole era.

04:19:01 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Instead of attacking shouldn't you try talking it out first anyways? Who wants an ally who would attack at the slightest provocation.

04:35:30 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Remember me Lelouch, i used to be twinkie??i attack u last era like that. Maybe ppl who are ichen for a fight

04:41:02 Feb 26th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

Die impolite scum!

04:42:23 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

Words are for the weak.

I speak with a sword.


Lesson learned.

04:49:05 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Rameth The Furious:

Sure you do there trogdar.....i bet you *beep* purple and it smells like rainbow shirbert too huh?

04:53:45 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

those who speak with swords die more then others who speak with words

04:54:42 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

I bet I can quote a better movie than you... or wait... how about classic roman literature.


"Es tu brute"


You didn't even understand that one... and since we started fighting, about 80,000 troops of yours, have POURED out of the woodwork like roaches and rats in our core...

Now, why... why, would you have so many troops stationed there? was it ... Intention to stab those that led you? Intention to stab those that protect you?... Intention to take that what is OURS for your own?

Its too bad that I was wise enough to encourage your fall.

04:57:49 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

wow u guys take this game way to seriously

05:05:51 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Rameth The Furious:

Your kinda funny, your core? The troops that have POURED out of the woodwork is our core dumbass you started spreading around us remember or did that not cross your mind? Of course we would have troops there *beep*, ITS OUR CORE!! UH DUH!

Also as for the "es tu brute" who the hell cares? This isn't rome so why do you keep bringing that up? Even before you just keep saying it but you don’t say what it means. Do you even know or are you just writing something you saw on the back of a cereal box?

05:09:39 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

im going with a cereal box

05:15:42 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

It was the Roman emporor's (Ceasar's) last dieing words, as Brutus stabbed him in the back on the day of his fall... his countrymen, his council, and even Brutus, his leader of military, stabbed him in the back.

It was a story of betrayal.

I prevented yours.

05:18:38 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

You seem to be the one with nazgul armies in your core Trogdar, of course I got my elite units running around there as well but they're only 3/3.... :(

And Trogdor, why don't you go back for another round with your mother, with your potency I think you would need to do her about another hundred times before you can have a little brother.

05:25:37 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:


05:26:35 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Rameth The Furious:

I told you *beep*! I knew what it was. Your head is so far up your ass Trog you can taste your own *beep* man! I knew what it was before *beep* don't even know when someone is explaining something to you


Oh its et tu brtue *beep*.

05:29:38 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol nice one Rameth

05:31:12 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Go back into the holes, crevices and male nether regions you crawled out of ROC scum! For the wrath of Fury will make you rue the day you decided to betray us! Onwards the Righteous and Glorious forces of Fury! We shall break down the cowardly forces of ROC and obtain victory leaving only a trail of their bloody mangled bodies!

05:32:24 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Rameth The Furious:


05:32:35 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lelouch if i were on ur world i would want to join ur kingdom and go to battle with u

05:33:52 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Thizzle:

Lil beepin mother beepers...
Don't NAP what u can't handle =]
beepin mother beep beep freakin beep beepin beep'ers =]

05:35:19 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

wat a dushan mandic

05:36:30 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Lmao, don't NAP what you can't handle? Hahahhahahaha....

05:38:34 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

so ur saying if i cant handle stupid ppl i shouldnt NAP with them?or since lelouch cant stand me, he shouldnt NAP with HH if he were on Mant?

05:41:38 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Why can't I stand Justin?

05:43:27 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

u dont remember? shocked but ok, remember last era with FA?i was twinkie at the time, i over reacted and attacked ur kingdom and when i kept trying to defend my friends  u told me u couldnt stand me cause i was apparently annoying u

05:46:22 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

I never said I couldn't stand you... At least I don't remember saying that.... Hmmm.... I wouldn't exactly call what you did "defending your friends" anyways.

05:47:58 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

SSDD i dont hold a grudge and it dont matter any more to me

06:02:21 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Anubis:



06:04:02 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

wow ur are ready for a massacre arent u?

07:00:26 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Mr. Rameth The Furious


2/26/2008 5:05:51 AM

Your kinda funny, your core? The troops that have POURED out of the woodwork is our core dumbass you started spreading around us remember or did that not cross your mind? Of course we would have troops there *beep*, ITS OUR CORE!! UH DUH!

Also as for the "es tu brute" who the hell cares? This isn't rome so why do you keep bringing that up? Even before you just keep saying it but you don’t say what it means. Do you even know or are you just writing something you saw on the back of a cereal box?

The game started with 6 or 7 kingdoms - among those all the largest in number except Destiny and 2/3rd of White Wolf - gathered in the northern left part of the map or at least close to that corner - an area about same size as the Nirvana-map.

Agreements and alliances was made, that nobody ever would have proposed/accepted if more "free space" between the kingdoms had been available. Had to give wars. And it did - that's for sure.

The war between ROC and FURY had to come sooner or later, 'cause no of us could say we had a core big enough to be called "Our Own".

And now the time has come I see.

11:15:38 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Swan:

Now now children, don't fight because of this reason: Do Not recruit our enemies

With the 'VU-mafia' running around in zetamania and hopping and *beep*ting from 1 kingdom towards the others, it's almost impossible having no enemies in your allied kingdoms ranks ...

I say, let's mutual attack the former VU mafia :)

11:33:23 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

I agree Swan.

13:27:23 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I have no *beep*ing idea what happened here.... I went to sleep, then came from school and found a war........

Whatever happened... We should all attack Mafia, not ourselves. They are the cause of these f*beep*ing problems.

16:09:17 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Don't try to distract us from the topic at hand while you're taking over our towns! NAP breaking scum!

16:13:08 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Rameth The Furious:

The war between ROC and FURY had to come sooner or later, 'cause no of us could say we had a core big enough to be called "Our Own".

I already knew that would happen, more then likely as you guys were spreading across the entire map and moving out in every direction. I just hoped it wouldn't happen because i thought your KD some integraty. But thats besides the point. The thing I'm mad about is the fact on how and why you started this war.

YOU BETRAYED US. END OF POINT. Everything you've been saying is all bull so thats the only reason im so pissed off. You've claimed i've made demandes against your KD. That we used you to to shield us from attacks. That we attacked people you told us not to attack. Now you act like we brought in people who killed your guys mothers! All these are just lame excuses for you to start a war you've been preparing on for weeks. (Its kinda obvious since your armies all around us) I really think i wouldn't be nearly as pissed off if you had just told me that you were attacking us instead of trying to get your ass out of being flammed for being total losers.

Also i read somewhere that you waited 24 hours for the NAP break....well i don't know if this is news to you but you but you usually send a letter or a post card or even a *beep*ing post-it to the KD your breaking the NAP with. Otherwise it doesn't really count now does it?

23:00:22 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Plato Augustus:

if the problem is with the former mafia membership, as was suggested before, everyone remove them from their kds. make them lay in the bed of hatred they created.

23:06:04 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Plato:

God, now people will think we are multis.  MY name is Plato, copycat.  Wraith, I feel the same way, but I'm sure Kev's intentions were good.

Note:  Make sure people know I'm not a multi...

23:22:57 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I can see both Kingdoms point of views. We don't like Mafia and were warring with them. You took them in and I guess that pissed some people off. But there are and definitely should have been a better way of handling this. Also, as Rameth said, RoC/We should have declared war a decent time before actually fighting, even if it was only 24 hours before.

(Trog I know you *probably* think I'm talking BS so dont bother to tell me in public. This is just my opinion of how RoC/We should have gone about things..)

00:08:43 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Thizzle:



01:21:58 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Xenophon The Fierce:

Mr. Thizzle = ROC groupie

01:54:22 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

We took in one member who left soon afterwards.... God, you're making it sound as if we took in the entire kingdom and sheltered them from your wrath, that one guy wasn't even anywhere near you guys.

02:09:31 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Thizzle:


Xenophon The Fierce SUCK ME!!!!

05:56:35 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Tosh Raka:

Thizzle you would like that wouldn't you!!!!

14:57:05 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Thizzle eat your goldfish like a good little boy!!!

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