Forums / In game politics / Rambo Slayers Embassy (RS)

Rambo Slayers Embassy (RS)
11:41:08 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Hamish:

After re-building a good kingdom in Mantrax last era we had a bad start this era in  Fantasia managing to lose all the players as the era started a week early so I wasent on-line for the first 3 days.  Rambo Slayers was orginaly set up in Era 9 to fight agenst the VU hegemony and has been playing a small role in this on and off since then.

“RS are looking for a few good new players, feel free to apply if you are an honourable active player who likes to take down the big dumb guys… “

Any old or new RS players send in your applications.

King Hamish of RS

16:12:00 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Osi said I should join RS =P

16:15:36 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Diplomat The Weirdgrivi:

hello hamish!

remember me? i might join ur kd next era.. maybe..
--> pm!


16:44:39 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Hamish:

Nice to see some of the old faces (;

17:37:30 Jul 4th 07 - Guildmaster Shizzlemynizzletillifizzle:

why still have that name? Rambo played ages ago.

18:06:13 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Hamish:

Well Rambo is the name of a big dumb American character in some action films - so its kinda a name of a anti-impirealist kingdom, the was a player named after the film character wayback when the kingdom was formed to build a alences agenst the evil empire but the kingdom is bigger than a single player. Thus the name, and the evil empire is still blue (;  unless any other kingdom wonts to step fowerd to for fill the role as have been outa the game for a bit and it might have changed?

King Hamish of RS

18:13:37 Jul 4th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

My guess is that he didn't know a good name =)

18:18:17 Jul 4th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

RS were never taken seriously as an anti lgc kd and anti lgc kds just dont work so build it around something else eh :P

18:27:07 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Fireforge:

could call yourselves The Master Baiters and get a picture of a worm on a hook for your banner

or maybe, Urine Nation and find one of those pics of calvin you used to see on cars


18:35:43 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Hamish:

If I remember rightly Finwe was never taken seruasly - has this changed?

The VU Hegemony was broken twice after the formation of RS not by us I would be the first one to admit but the were defeated and we played a small part in that by fermenting the need for an anti-alence which we had no desire to lead - other players did that quite well...

This fourm will likely tern into soggy brain flame bate, so unless anyone has anything half interesting or intelligent to say I will leave it at that (:

05:03:14 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Wolf II:

 Yo. Glad to see you came back. We waited for you! (just not long enough)

Anyhow, I've been wondering. How did you get onto Fantasia? When you didn't spawn with us, VU placed RS under the Mantrax heading. For a short while, we were ranked second on Mantrax. =)

08:21:36 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Shield:

hey hamish welcome back i believe i played in your kingdom under the name a shade a long time ago when i first started playing nice to see u good luck with the KD

23:31:26 Jul 8th 07 - Mr. Hamish:

We could do with some help up in the far NE corner of the map as legacy and DB are re-building there and they are 12 times as big as RS kingdom so we might need a smigion of help to take them out - anyone for a bit of city burning...

King Hamish of RS

09:12:40 Jul 13th 07 - Mr. Peacemaker of Doom:

hehe we're going to attack u guys soon@@!! muhahaahaha lol, WATCH OUT FOR MERCHANTS OF DEATH222111111111q11111!!!!!!!!1 llooll

10:49:48 Jul 13th 07 - Mr. Hamish:

Well as nobey sent any help and we are being attacked by 4 kingdoms of a total of nearly 20x our power I don't think we will last much longer - any one of them we could slorter but all at the same time for a tiny kingdom seams like we have a LOT of opportunist cawerdeds up in the NE.

Talk amucst your selves and I will be happy to slorter you all one time but 4 at ones is a bit to much, if 3 pull back and message me who is first and let the battle's begin if any of you are man/women anufe for a 1/2 fair fight, then we will see who is the best kingdom.

King Hamish of RS

16:19:15 Jul 13th 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:

were just looking for a nice new place to settle... the views in our core are getting quite boring :P

16:22:32 Jul 13th 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:

Were also at war with DB, Carnage and LGC so don't whine

21:40:04 Jul 13th 07 - Mr. Hamish:

Hay that was fighting talk I was calling you a "opportunist cawerded", so don't whine yourself matey (;

21:47:02 Jul 13th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Mr. Fireforge


7/4/2007 12:27:07 PM

could call yourselves The Master Baiters and get a picture of a worm on a hook for your banner

or maybe, Urine Nation and find one of those pics of calvin you used to see on cars

Hmmmm, you being a Master Baiter right now? Cawerd=coward nobey=nobody slorter=slaughter seams=seems amucst=amongst anufe=enough

21:51:55 Jul 13th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Hamish you have a whole 4 members so anyone who attacks you would be a "coward" so give it a rest already your act gets tiresome

22:35:09 Jul 13th 07 - Sir Frederick:

I think it would have helped if you would've sent a nicer welcoming committee to some of us, dont you think? ;)

01:19:13 Jul 14th 07 - Mr. Hamish:

Finwe - its a one member kingdom as the rest are inactive, we lost all the players we trained up last era as the era started a week early, and I wasent on-line...

Hi Frederick, was the kill off legacy startergy before they got a foot hold - but couldn't persuade any other kingdoms apart from MAD (to late on there part) to join in otherwise the wouldn't be any legacy or DB up here... I had to stop the attck on legacy as it was obvease that both HV and Death thigys were planing to attack RS - problem with VU is that players are very short sighted and have no strategic vision beyond there own persionl view/power thus they are VERY easy to kill off - only kingdoms that have more statigic players who help each other every secead in VU - and OWEN/legacy have been the only kingdom who have continuesly managed this - the rest come and go... its interesting that VU cant create another such kingdom.

01:37:58 Jul 14th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

strange the top kds now have been around for quite a while i dont see new kds every era up thier

00:21:00 Aug 21st 07 - Mr. Hamish:

OK guys join Rambo Slayers old and new players and see the world - meet new people and kill the dishonorable ones - to paraphrase a poster (:

09:46:25 Aug 21st 07 - Mr. Owt Flow:

Sorry, but I kinda like it where I wound up. I have gotten to know a few people here and I enjoy playing with them.

To People:
Hamish is a great leader. Joining him is a wise decision. =)

01:33:01 Aug 23rd 07 - Mr. Relictor:

I have to agree with Owt Flow, i fought alongside hamish many times (and dying many times (lol), back in the good old days ;) and he is a very honerable and wise man and i would suggest to anyone looking for a kingdom to join him.

Its good to see you still fighting on, Hamish :D

12:17:20 Aug 23rd 07 - Mr. Lassie:

Have you seen the first Rambo movie Hamish? He is actually the victim of conservative policemen who abused him because he had long hair like a hippie. Thats a really good movie.

Otherwise, good luck on you!


03:40:15 Aug 25th 07 - Mr. Dragon Demon:

Hey Hamish you may not remeber me, I played as Demon King maybe 6 or more eras back. Glad to see that your still playing!

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