Forums / In game politics / Reapers [Kingdom Idea]

Reapers [Kingdom Idea]
20:29:57 Oct 24th 08 - Necromancer Lust:

hello, im thinking of creating a kingdom called Reapers for Mantrax, or Zet. this will be an experienced kingdom only  ive played 20 or so eras under various names and im looking for other experienced people to play along side me, names u might know me from


im looking for guys who want to play alongside an experianced player we arent expecting to win, but to make sure people remember who we are

~ To reap the souls of evil that plague our planet ~

if anyone's interested please just post, i need someone to help me make this kingdom... im also looking for the player Arch Shade if anyone knows where he is "_"

20:45:55 Oct 24th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I think Arch Shade was discovered to be a multi on Zeta during the era that just ended...I think Darque Shade was said to be Arch Shade...odd times

20:52:28 Oct 24th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:


good luck Necromancer Lust

02:06:55 Oct 25th 08 - Necromancer Lust:


02:24:06 Oct 25th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Arch Shade is a stubborn fool :(

I wants him, so if he joins you, we'll have to kill you....

02:42:33 Oct 25th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

wasn't holypaladin a backstabber against pks?

03:22:07 Oct 25th 08 - Necromancer Lust:

someone who wasent me, acted like me but not the same guy no

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