Forums / In game politics / Reaping Graveyard (Embassy)

Reaping Graveyard (Embassy)
04:16:42 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Razios:

Welcome. Place your blade on the stone tablet and enter our lounge. You may talk about everything Mantraxian here. I also may want to recruit some to a Seat of Power. Just a low number of 3-5 member spaces avalable. I shall teach you some basic on this game and shall stay in lower maps for somewhile. Whilst we help some that people call weaklings, we view thy brother as rejected by mankind and bring them to us. We accept rejected men and women and train some that are new. Join the reaping, for armageddon may soon be upon us all...

05:10:29 Apr 7th 07 - Sir Disdyakis Hexakis:

Nice embassy and a snazzy banner to boot.  Gl for the remainder of the era.

06:36:53 Apr 7th 07 - Princess Atalie:

Do you honor your naps and allies like you do your former kingdom?

Leaving and then taking cities in a matter of a few ticks of former kingdom members?

Nice work....


06:37:09 Apr 7th 07 - Princess Atalie:

Oh and the banner is rather snazzy. :D

10:26:26 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Maybe in this KD you wont be so greedy and accept a NAP with a KD without consulting the VR's or leader.

And you've got the greediest man who i've ever set my eyes upon, in your KD too. Hyperion! Feel free to hate him guys.

15:05:50 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Razios:

2 people who like my banner so far, and I who hates my member. YAY! I was fresh meat once without a kingdom. So I created my own. I didn't read that part on not getting a PERSONAL NAP... Ah well. Gl to you guys. And yes I love being hated. Rather be infamous than famous. Don't need the paparazzi everywhere I go. Cut their heads off and serve em for breakfast. Atalie you shoulda stick to that other name... what was it? I'll ponder that.

19:48:29 Apr 7th 07 - Princess Atalie:

ohhh nice insult Razzios...........*faints in dejection

23:20:20 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

No arien has fainted, what shall we do. Razios it was a freaking KD nap you agreed to....

You've obviously played for less than 4 eras mate... i'd advise playing for about 6 before you create a KD.

02:11:18 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Razios:

I know. I've played with vets and still is learning. Hopefully we'll see you guys in Fantasia next era and see you in battle with the resurrected Earth Peace.

16:36:10 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Hyperion:

so what if i am greedy thats how im #1 in mantrax and i never left GOSH i got kicked so i was like oh well and i took all the cities near me

21:14:20 Apr 8th 07 - Lady Spooky:

I am lead to believe Hyperion that you left, you were not kicked.  Razios was kicked for making an agreementon behalf of the KD that he was not authorised to make.  You and Yuran left.

I was sorry to see Razios go.  Can't really say the same for you.  You contributed nothing to the KD, have no idea how to play in a team and were only ever looking out for yourself.  Razios was not like that at all.  I wonder how long he'll put up with you?

21:23:06 Apr 8th 07 - Archduke Joker:

"so what if i am greedy thats how im #1 in mantrax and i never left GOSH i got kicked so i was like oh well and i took all the cities near me"

That's a lie. You left by choice. Dispute this and you further make yourself a liar.

21:24:55 Apr 8th 07 - Archduke Joker:

..and bear in mind that I have the 'Hyperion has left your Kingdom' message saved before lying further.

22:48:56 Apr 8th 07 - Prince Highwayman:

Archduke Joker


4/8/2007 9:24:55 PM

..and bear in mind that I have the 'Hyperion has left your Kingdom' message saved before lying further.

Can you post it in the Kd Forum please.  Hardly anyone has noticed for all the use he was before he jacked it.

09:49:22 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Joker, about 10 other KD's have that message aswell.

And OMFG your the most greed, selfish, annoying, unhonourable person i have ever had the displeasure to see. You left the KD and if i didn't think you wouldn't back-stab us (even though i know greed consumes you)  i would of realised it when you started sending armies towards our other core and armies to the largest cities near to you.

18:20:57 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Razios:

Spooky was sorry to see me go... Cool! Yuran proceeded to take my two other cities and not respond to my messaging. Why'd ya leave Rumours with Vestin(forgot how to spell his name too) Augustis Well i'm going to leave and rejoin Earth Peace. Meet you on the battlefield.

18:36:17 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Razios, i liked you. Was unfortunate but agreeable decision to kick you. You worked for the defence of the KD and not for your income. Hyperion doesn't deserve to play with you. And Yuran? Hes ok, he didn't give much to the KD but i think hes a nice guy.

I hope to god i never see you in my KD hyperion. I hope i meet you on the battlefield. If we do, we will have a fair start and i fall for the back-stabbings and such.

Your the only individual PLAYER i have ever fully dis-liked, and more willing to keep a grudge. I kill Rbc (the almighty, Hallelujah! [Sarcasm]) whenever i get the chance, but i don't hate him.

This is why.. i quote here "I am the most powerful and no-one can kill me." He betrayed Templar Crusaders also. When MAD broke the NAP with TC, Rbc quit TC asap and attacked them from behind.

66. Mr. Rbc Mad Against Drugs Troll 940517

66th? Yeah sure.

Anyone else got any grudges?

18:53:10 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Razios:

Flower Nation 2 eras ago. Notacable I still see one of the multier having his own kingdom? Agurkas starting the kingdom North Empire.. Preferably last era when my brother started the kingdom Demonic Kamikazi and disbanded in the same era me, my brother and a close friend known as Pesterd fought his army to the death. I still know that two eras ago the entire kingdom of Aces fell to the overwhelming power of Atalie and Highwayman. Yet both Spade and I continued fighting. Before that Aces had its war against DR and Spade and I continually striked Flower Nation. We planned to take thier huge core yet disappeared next tick! I hold this grudge to this day. I hope to join your kingdom next era if I'm not accepted into Earth Peace. And this time read the rules carefully.

19:07:59 Apr 9th 07 - Archduke Joker:

You'd be welcome.

21:41:45 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Razios:

BTW now my personal quote is "I like chocolate. Bloody Chocolate"

22:50:14 Apr 9th 07 - Lady Spooky:

Flower Nation!!  Oh that brings back some serious grudge memories.  Did you know Honoras is one of that group?  We are gradually kicking his arrse here though.

23:11:37 Apr 9th 07 - Archduke Joker:

I've already messaged admin but (not) surprisingly I've had no reply.

23:28:14 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Cobra:

That's because ZeTa is away for 10 days. I wouldnt wait up for the reply.

23:29:36 Apr 9th 07 - Lady Spooky:

Terriffic.  When did the ten days start do you know?

23:38:15 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Cobra:

erm... not sure, that's just what I heard from the mods.

00:09:05 Apr 10th 07 - Archduke Joker:

Great. So me donating Euros yesterday is now null and void? Pathetic.

00:10:20 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Cobra:

I'd think you'd get your title/whatever when he comes back.

13:52:18 Apr 10th 07 - Lady Spooky:

He's already got a title..... 

I think we all know this game needs more than one Admin but that's not how ZeTa wants it.  Let's hope the server doesn't fall over...

21:33:12 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Razios:

... people will wreck havoc when he's away. I'll set up some precautions (such as the recent armageddon casting. Going to have to have a search and destroy again)

03:24:03 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

I can only hope to god the server doesn't crash.

18:55:37 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Razios:

Then kill that bones member.

20:35:37 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Pesterd:

o ya you your brother and me..... i really owned his ass

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