Forums / In game politics / Recruiting! The Dacians

Recruiting! The Dacians
20:44:38 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

The Dacians go to their deaths happier than in any other journey!!

We are recruiting my friends,  you dont need to be on 6 hours a day like some kds want, 30 minutes a day or more is enough.. once in the morning when you wake up and before going to bed at night..

Also do not expect to be 30 guys in the kingdom, we were only 2 active last era, wed be happy to have a handfull more people for next era - everyone in the kd is treated equally as heroes and you must be ready to die for your kingdom as the kingdom is ready to die for its members - one for all, all for one!

Kingdom Stats

Predators The Dacians

Battles won: 703
Battles lost: 508

Players: 32
Mr. The Don
Mr. Xiahou Dun
Mr. Duca II
Sir Darkmarsbar
Mr. Howells
Mr. Zondervan
Mr. Pyrofire
Mr. Crater
Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwiwiwiwiwiwiwi
Mr. Beroth VI
Mr. Fingdor
Mr. Roland
Prince Sprout
Mr. Oneeye
Mr. Mlife
Ms. Laura
Mr. Arch Shade
Mr. Skyer
Mr. Arrow
Mr. Auron
Mr. Sandoran
Mr. Atomsk
Mr. Bling Bob
Ms. Kyadina
Mr. Wolverine
Sir Spud
Mr. Jackdaniels
Mr. Premiun
Mr. Mcfatler
Mr. Grenth
Mr. Shaviash
Mr. Ryan

Battles won: 306
Battles lost: 161

Players: 4
Mr. Astharot
Mr. The Gladiator
Mr. Orin
Mr. Dartimos

Era start

FFFreedom Fighter22Lord Scientist634
*beep*Elements11Mr. Earth556
AngelsAngels25Mr. Trendkill380
PredsPredators18Sir Darkmarsbar351
RLRock Legends11Mr. David Gilmour339
HHeaven9Prince Heavensfrontdoor331
HELLG O D L I K E23Mr. Lord V324
CE MIDCease11Mr. Cao Cao300
ACAssassins Creed13Sir Plague241
THCCannabis9Mr. Creepin206
SPQRFrumentarii6Sir Trogdar Liech204
DaciiThe Dacians3Mr. The Gladiator100
BLKWTRBlack Waters3Mr. Haskizzle52
IPFInternal Primates Forever2Mr. Oneeye42
BHThe Black Hand5Mr. Orik0

Era end

Kingdoms in Mantrax
PredsPredators33Sir Darkmarsbar596
AngelsAngels11Sir Engel Van Dood138
DaciiThe Dacians4Mr. The Gladiator100
THCCannabis7Mr. Creepin55
TDSThe Devastators6Mr. Bloody Sabbath III42
SPQRFrumentarii6Sir Trogdar Liech13
*beep*Elements13Mr. Earth0
(note-elements had around 50% of our power but some of their members left)


Join the team!!

20:54:27 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

We will be on mantrax next era

03:55:33 Jul 6th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Looking for one more member

05:18:30 Jul 6th 08 - Sir Micheal Moore:

not bad stats

18:22:57 Jul 6th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

thanks, bump

19:21:03 Jul 6th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

If all else fails make a multi and have it jion your kingdom :P

20:59:28 Jul 6th 08 - Mr. Millenium:

Ill join your kingdom

22:53:38 Jul 6th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

no multies please, and also before applying would be appreciated if you tell some of your past history on vu ; what kds and eras uve played on what races and worlds, etc  because sometimes we have things in common ie:played in same kd or we can help eachother off better by knowing your experience

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