Forums / In game politics / Recruiting in Zetamania

Recruiting in Zetamania
23:38:03 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Xerxes:

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen.  I am Xerxes, emperor of the Persian Empire.  I am inviting any and all players in the realm of Zetamania to join me.  In Persia, even the newest of players will be seen as equals.  New and experienced players are both welcome to join me.


When applying to my kingdom, please include your past experiences, your chosen race, and ties to any other kingdoms (if any).


I hope I can join you in victory on the battlefields of those fallen under the foot of Persia.

00:00:39 Apr 4th 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

GL to you and Monkey =)

00:29:28 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:


Didn't the 300 rap3 you?

Oh right, they did



00:56:13 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Actually in the end the 300 got annihilated. They only stalled the attack on Sparta.

00:58:15 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Justin, can you please gtfo of VU already
Im tired of flaming you

00:59:30 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Justin:

mmm how about not. I dont feel like ive cause enough people to look like jack a$$es when they flame me.

01:08:07 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Uhu.. You keep telling yourself that

01:13:04 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Justin:

I dont like talking to myself so ill stick to talking to you and waiting for your flames.

01:15:58 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Sorry, you still talking?
I was concentrating on playing in a successful kingdom, but you wouldn't know anything about that

05:20:11 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Thats the best you got? Dissing my kd? Come on give me a good one dear god. Dont waste your time with these lame flames let it all out.

06:01:15 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Xerxes:

could you both take your problems with eachother elsewhere?  i'd rather not be creating threads just for two people to flame at eachother.

06:01:52 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Brutii:

Wait who is pineapple, ive never heard of him b4

06:03:40 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Justin:

welcome to VU Xerxes. Everyone gets flamed in every thread especially if im in it. Brutii i wouldnt worry about it. To me they are all the same.

06:43:02 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Mr. Justin


4/4/2009 5:20:11 AM
Thats the best you got? Dissing my kd? Come on give me a good one dear god. Dont waste your time with these lame flames let it all out.

Heh, why would I use any decent material on you :)
Its alot funnier using crap stuff and watching you E-rage just as good

Mr. Xerxes


4/4/2009 6:01:15 AM
could you both take your problems with eachother elsewhere?  i'd rather not be creating threads just for two people to flame at eachother.

Welcome to VU

Mr. Brutii


4/4/2009 6:01:52 AM
Wait who is pineapple, ive never heard of him b4

Heh, Im Revenge
You know, that hot guy?
Yer, thats meh

07:04:19 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Oh no wonder the material is crap. I havent seen a good one come out of you since i met you. Werent you supposed to leave rev? oh wait thats right your an attention wh0re.

07:13:15 Apr 4th 09 - Necromancer Bloodlust:

well.. justin was originally right.. i think you got beat here.. pineapple

07:34:54 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Justin:

*falls over in astonishment* never thought i would see that one. Im saving that one for later "P

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