Forums / In game politics / Recruiting threads

Recruiting threads
12:26:53 May 10th 08 - Mr. Ants:

I am new to this game.

But seriously why do we need hundreds of recruiting threads.

If you want to join a Kd you can just choose one yourself.

13:03:41 May 10th 08 - Sir Dunnowhattocallmyself:

wrong forum, go to questions and answers

13:04:45 May 10th 08 - Mr. Ants:

the question was rhetorical

13:07:18 May 10th 08 - Sir Dunnowhattocallmyself:

well dont bother spaaming up the forum with pointless threads then

13:10:54 May 10th 08 - Mr. Ants:

thats my point this whole forum is full of pointless threads, recruiting threads.

13:12:11 May 10th 08 - Sir Dunnowhattocallmyself:

your arguement is pointless..


they advertise cause they need more members, how else are you going to get the word out about your new kingdom? how else are you going to make your kingdom the one to join?


comments not needed



13:14:40 May 10th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Reputation draws good players not recruiting....

13:18:36 May 10th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

ehh, recruitment threads dont really draw members into your kd. usually people join because they either like the name/logo or because of people they know that are in it.

13:45:21 May 10th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Reputation draws good players not recruiting....

I don't agree.

We had some new players join us through our recruitment this era the wouldn't have joined otherwise and they are very promising players.

We haven't recruited in the forums before.

13:54:42 May 10th 08 - Mr. Ants:

promising players inplies new players.

new players wouldn't know if the Kd had a good reputation

13:57:40 May 10th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

i smell a pointless arguement, ants if your only new then perhaps take the time to actually learn then criticize ok?

14:20:57 May 10th 08 - Mr. Barbaros:

Yeah, that dude is totally right.

15:27:18 May 10th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

IMHO promising = active enough to be effective and interested enough to follow basic guidelines for production/ training.  Those players will do some research and find a successful KD to join.  Of course I may be biased in that recruitment hasn't produced good players for us, being contacted on merit has.

15:30:30 May 10th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Promising players implies that in actual fact they have the ability to become better than a lot of other players that have been playing for some time.

In a recruitment thread, you list what you want from people. You list what they should be good at and if it's okay to be lacking in certain areas.

People make recruitment threads to reach a wider audience, the same way companies place job adverts in newspapers or job seeker websites.

I suggest you learn a thing or two before you start up another post with a pointless cause. You would also do well to not criticise other kingdom's methods.

16:28:18 May 10th 08 - Mr. Earth:

The point of making a thread here is to show that you ARE recruiting as all applications that are being send when we aren't are just being rejected unless we really like you xD

16:41:10 May 10th 08 - Mr. Eye Keel You:

Who reads the forums anyways these days except for the *beep*mers

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