Forums / In game politics / Recruiting- Freelance Alliance

Recruiting- Freelance Alliance
19:31:04 Dec 22nd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

We have landed on Starta and we are in great need of players. If you wish to join us, make sure that you are active, willing to learn, and willing to help out the Kingdom. Also fill out this application when you send a request.

1) How many Era's played
2) Why you wish to join
3) Type of player (Defensive, Balance, etc. If you know)
4) Other KD's you have been in, if any
5) How Active are you
6) Are you interested in Leadership? If so what skills can you bring to us.

Keep in mind I am not Evans =P, so please don't let past grudges on us keep you from applying!

03:13:41 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Wow let the Flow of applications come in... not =P.

03:41:30 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Pesterd:

why do people try and sound like they are experienced at this game...

04:01:23 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

I'm not very experienced in this game, and I don't try to act it. Well actually it depends what you call experienced =P.

Thankfully I got allies who are experienced =D

04:30:53 Dec 23rd 07 - Lord Verll:

Sir Pesterd


12/23/2007 3:41:30 AM
why do people try and sound like they are experienced at this game...

Where did he try to sound like he was experienced?

04:31:48 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Haha nice =P.

04:32:44 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Niveko, i would suggest you go to Nirvana instead.

04:34:05 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Why? Just because I got a little late start?

Although I see your point, no Kd there more recruiting =D, but I cant restart yet Im in protection.

04:44:34 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

i think you can restart within protection.  check if you have the option

04:59:06 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Hmm, I don't want to restart is all. Is it just because there are no KD there? I want to stay with DE =/

05:10:08 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

If you are near death and only have a few cities and armies left you can choose to resign. Your armies will then disband and the native people will take ownership of your cities.

You have too many cities and armies to resign or your in protection (you can not resign during protection)

Nope, I have like a ton scouts too =D

05:41:20 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Snow:

Good luck man, doesn't suprise me your leader now, you'll do well.

05:43:40 Dec 23rd 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

.... Niveko is leader?!?!? that little nub?? :P

good luck man :D

06:18:23 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Lol Thanks =D, glad some people support me =D

08:22:16 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Woo 7 people, we are gettin kinda full =D, I need train these people.

08:54:23 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Neon:

lol good luck dude.

08:55:35 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Yay thank you =)

14:24:22 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

gd luck to dorian and all my mates in freelance...or was ;)

15:08:54 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Fox:


i still h8 u justin



but if u give me some cookies i could b turned =D

15:21:30 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

i dont even know y fox hates me i get on fine with the rest of ur kingdom ;)

15:21:51 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

*pulls out some cookies*

15:34:25 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Fox:


-grabs cookies and runs for the hills-

17:30:16 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

What! Your Not sharing with me Fox!! *Runs after fox with a plastic knife*

17:32:57 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Fox:

-stops dead in tracks and punches niveko in the face knocking him out cold-


MINE! >=(

17:39:55 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

*was a puppet of Niveko, Niveko comes out with the plaster Knife and stabs fox, the knife breaks...* Umm Hi... *Takes a cookie and runs away*

19:49:37 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Santa The Elite:

HoHoHoooh Merry Xmas and a happy new Era!

Good luck ;)

20:04:46 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

What happened to Sir Santa The Looser? Did you guys restart?

22:10:09 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Allan:

Trio Killed em :P

(again ^.^)

22:23:48 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

No I meen the Name Sir Santa The looser, and I know we died lol, thats why we split up, I was wandering if he restarted DE on a world yet.

22:42:53 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Santa The Elite:

Yeah, Nirvana cuz Starta was open for a while already.

And Allan, you shouldnt be so proud about us dying.
Trio killed us twice, yes. But, the first time you betrayed us, the second time you didnt do sh!t to kill us. So dotn come and brag.

23:11:31 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Yeah, not something I would be proud of! DE and FA will come back to haunt you!

03:05:33 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Dun dun dun....

11:59:11 Dec 24th 07 - Sir Santa The Elite:

MWhuauahuahuahauhauh! =P

17:08:24 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

FA will rule the world!!1 Oh and and DE is there too =P

17:37:01 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Sorra:

Lol, well as for FA, there about to die.........muahahahahaha

18:24:50 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Overcome:

lol, one things for sure, FA and DE knows how to have fun no matter the situation^^ i have never read so much fun as i did when i was with FA xD

Mary Christmas people=D

18:28:37 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Vengence:


18:56:02 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Fox:

leave him alone :P

He's gettin married so he's already been turned by his gf (WHP HATES VU!!!!) =(

someone shoot her ='(

19:12:04 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Kingdome hearts has the idea that they are ganna win this war....

19:51:59 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Allan:

Sir Santa The Elite


12/23/2007 3:42:53 PM
Yeah, Nirvana cuz Starta was open for a while already.

And Allan, you shouldnt be so proud about us dying.
Trio killed us twice, yes. But, the first time you betrayed us, the second time you didnt do sh!t to kill us. So dotn come and brag.


First time I wasn't gonna die for a KD that didn't know how to play.

Second time, I was fighting LDK tard. I was on the other front

20:05:23 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Fox:

rofl typical Trio flaming and posting insults rofl.

DE won't fall ever again =D

Thats a cert ;)

20:17:49 Dec 24th 07 - Sir Santa The Elite:

Well, if we choose the wrong enemy, a 20men kd or so, we prolly will but thatll be an honourfull defeat :)

20:18:02 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Yeah but FA might, Kingdom hearts is certain they will win =(

00:32:12 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Woo higher in power than KH, I think we are still dead though =P Im so encouraging!

19:55:12 Dec 25th 07 - Sir Evans:

DE and FA allies forever....

Good luck niveko, we chose you because if anyone can bring the kingdom round, its you....

See you around...

23:46:05 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

I am brining it back, getting full now, but I know alot of the people in it now wont be in it later. did you know I lead a guild on world of warcraft? Had like 330 people in it in one point too lol, thats considered al ot =P

00:18:17 Dec 26th 07 - Sir Santa The Elite:

*think of Dark Riders...*
Keep the numbers below the 30's ;-)

00:54:37 Dec 26th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Lol dontworry, in teh very ebnd I want maybe 15, but I figure I can go to 20, maybe 25 and kick the bad ones =P

05:33:41 Dec 26th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Including me? Your only *beep*mer?

05:39:57 Dec 26th 07 - Mr. Niveko:


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