Forums / In game politics / Recruitment Templar Elites

Recruitment Templar Elites
17:43:14 Jan 28th 08 - Sir Ognirg:

The kingdom of Templar Elites has been around before in the worlds of VU and is returning once more. This bunch of loyal friends are lead by their mighty king Bliss and will do whatever is in their power to defend their banner and fight the evil. We will start in Mantrax or Zetamania.

This limited kingdom is inhabited with 5 faithful members forming the core of this kingdom. We are in need of a few new players, that are up for a challenge, to enlarge this core.

(All applications will be reviewed most sincere)

With your applications we need you to answer following questions:

  • Activity (on the forums as ingame),
  • Previous names,
  • Previous kingdoms,
  • Experience,
  • Mage, defender or attacker,
  • Favorite race,
  • commitment towards the kingdom?
Answer these in PM's.

Vice of Templar Elites.

17:45:30 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

  • Activity (on the forums as ingame), ALWAYS ON 24/7!
  • Previous names, Might, Mightier, Mightiest, Might the God of Cows....Mr. Lin...
  • Previous kingdoms, ZEON, Predators, Holy Cows, The Knights, Knights of the [Forgot what came after "the"]
  • Experience, Lots of it...
  • Mage, defender or attacker, Mage/Attacker DUH!
  • Favorite race, Elf/Sometimes Orc
  • commitment towards the kingdom? Which one?

17:51:51 Jan 28th 08 - Sir Ognirg:

next time in PM pls :)

17:51:59 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

Answer these in PM's.

Edit: I re read what you wrote and now i see which world your going to

12:40:34 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Ognirg:

ok we will be recruiting late Sunday evening, so we won't have to recreate it the coming era :)

Applicants post here and PM me with the info asked above :)

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