Forums / In game politics / Recruitment for IoK

Recruitment for IoK
03:31:38 Jun 1st 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

Imperium Of Divine Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Imperium Of Divine Knights
Members: 7
Tag: IoK
Created: 5/25/2009 3:03:59 AM
Leader: Divine Lord Kathandarion


The Imperium of Knights (IoK)

The goal of the Imperium of Knights is to bring peace to the Earth. Whether the earth wants peace or not.

If a few lives must be lost for our goal. So be it.
Sharpen your blades, Polish your armor, for legends shall be made today.

We Are once again recruiting!!!

In your application include:
- Experienced or New
- Eras played
- Race you wish to play
- Kingdoms Played in
- Reason for Joining

For any questions or concern contact our King Divine Lord Kathandarion

We look forward to your surrender


This thread is simply for OLD members of IoK who wish to rejoin us. Next era i will be looking to get about 10 of the old members or more back.

there are 21 slots left for IoK. Am looking for new players for me to help teach as usual. but which for some of the old IoK to return as i have said to help me do so.

Divine Lord Kathandarion
King of Imperium of Divine Knights

p.s for anyone wanting to join now(even those not on zeta) simply send in an app with all neccesary info.

08:34:46 Jun 1st 09 - Mr. Opportunity:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Choc Chocolate 19 Mr. Brannigans Law 171
Native The Native People 15 Lady Ginormica 112
*beep*y Super *beep*s 16 Sir Fever 100
DE Dorian Empire 17 Sir Evans 62
IoK Imperium Of Divine Knights 7 Divine Lord Kathandarion 14
TeamCB Team CoffeeBean 2 Mr. Blkducky 5


Those who join get a very nice jumpstart on Team CoffeeBean as well. Those two will have no chance by the end of this!

12:27:40 Jun 1st 09 - Prince Mielo:

You could join IoK ... but then most likely your nubbish leader will start calling you a nub and throw insults at you.

3 points why you could join IoK:
- You won't learn anything
- Most likely the 'king' will prefer saving his own ass then yours
- If he loses wars, you'll get the blame for it.

But still

12:41:38 Jun 1st 09 - Demonic Shezmu The Ressurected:


13:10:49 Jun 1st 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

Prince mielo could you give me an example of each of those 3 points ever happening in IoK as

-Most in IoK agree they learnt something..several of wish are in succesful kingdoms at the moment.
-this has never happened before...if you are refering to us disbanding i dont understand how this would of saved me as i still would of been the first to die......
-this has never happened either so....

13:18:55 Jun 1st 09 - Mr. Hiroshima The Infestation:

I don't know why you guys are even bothering kathy for...everyone knows this Kd...everyone knows it sucks...only thing I see your posts useful for is flaming... ;P Just leave him alone and mybe he'll get teh message since arguing with him only makes him think he's good at teh game :p

13:21:57 Jun 1st 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

Hiroshima you've returned after i massacred your KD in IoK's first era? your talks of getting me in another era still havent happened so *beep*.

Atleast Mielo can flame... he is better then me at the game and in a better KD then me. were as your in a KD that LOST to IoK members and you are the founder of a KD that was MASSACRED by IoK members.

16:51:22 Jun 1st 09 - Prince Mielo:

I pretty much heard the convos between you and marsica ... perv :)

17:01:13 Jun 1st 09 - Mr. Lazydragoon:

nevermind...had something to say, but forgot

17:17:24 Jun 1st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

IOK never beat H, i remember declaring war on you and was about to invade when you suddenly disbanded and ran away.
and yes kath you bad mouthed jess, what a true man you are

17:19:01 Jun 1st 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

3 points why you could join IoK:
- You won't learn anything
- Most likely the 'king' will prefer saving his own ass then yours
- If he loses wars, you'll get the blame for it.

-Kath sure hasn't learned anything so that is true
-I always hear of him running off, making a 100 building city or army in some corner and then bragging about how no one killed him and how he "survived" just fine.
-I believe that is right but can't be bothered to look up old topics.  Sure old members are in better why are you still in IoK? LOL

14:49:18 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

It's funny how people base all of their opinions on rumors and things they *think* happened.

Maybe you dislike him and just want to talk like you know him and what he will do... I dont know your reasons though I will only say this.

Kath, during the first era of IoK, fought against one of the biggest KD's in starta to help mine, when we were allies. (BTW my kingdom wasnt the same as now)... But yea, they helped, and the Kingdom they attacked were not only the biggest and strongest there, but also a bunch of manipulators who... I dont know why, everyone liistened to... you guys trash talking him remind me of those guys. I will spare the names so that all you over reacting nerdos dont pile up on me... I most likely wont check this forum again btw :)

02:22:33 Jun 3rd 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

Imperium Of Divine Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Imperium Of Divine Knights
Members: 10
Tag: IoK
Created: 5/25/2009 3:03:59 AM
Leader: Divine Lord Kathandarion


The Imperium of Knights (IoK)

The goal of the Imperium of Knights is to bring peace to the Earth. Whether the earth wants peace or not.

If a few lives must be lost for our goal. So be it.
Sharpen your blades, Polish your armor, for legends shall be made today.

We Are once again recruiting!!!

In your application include:
- Experienced or New
- Eras played
- Race you wish to play
- Kingdoms Played in
- Reason for Joining

For any questions or concern contact our King Divine Lord Kathandarion

We look forward to your surrender


16 places left for recruitment on talents and zetamania

09:12:37 Jun 3rd 09 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

i say, join this kingdom as a last resort of no one else will take you and you dont want to be alone

15:59:47 Jun 3rd 09 - Duke Pikachu:

don't join IoK. youll just end up getting your ass kicked all era long....

17:46:18 Jun 3rd 09 - Sir Santa:

Which is exactly the reason to join them. That way, you'll learn plenty :)

18:40:25 Jun 3rd 09 - Mr. Hiroshima The Infestation:

Everyone must flame this thread till it is ash! ;)

08:09:52 Jun 4th 09 - Mr. Boombastic:

gl kath and anyone interested in war join this kd...  ;)

10:49:38 Jun 6th 09 - Lord Bishop:

gl kath and anyone interested in war join this kd...  ;)


14:28:57 Jun 6th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

gl kath, one day you might survive an era :)

16:33:19 Jun 6th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

Goodluck Kath ;)
I dont know you but from what ive seen on the forums your much cooler than most the others around =D hope the best for you kd, goodluck, youll need it with all your enemies =/

16:34:59 Jun 6th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Oh i can help out Meilo on this

3 points why you could join IoK:
- You won't learn anything
-Yes you do. You learn to die and how sucky this kd is.
- Most likely the 'king' will prefer saving his own ass then yours-Very true. He runs like a scared dog with his tail between his legs. Brags about how he has been kicking peoples asses or slaughtering them but there is so much sh1t coming out of his mouth, Obama is a gallon short.
- If he loses wars, you'll get the blame for it.-Hence why they disband a billion a times. Because his members "suck"......

17:17:41 Jun 6th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Mr. Aries II


11:33:19 Jun 6th 09
Goodluck Kath ;)
I dont know you but from what ive seen on the forums your much cooler than most the others around =D hope the best for you kd, goodluck, youll need it with all your enemies =/
That statement really makes me wonder what you read of his O_o  All I see from him is fail trolling, him bragging about stuff he didn't do, or just blatant lies...but alright...

18:11:43 Jun 6th 09 - Mr. Reddragon IX:

^_^. Dont hear the evil people kath XD. Good luck again this era.

18:23:22 Jun 6th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

"That statement really makes me wonder what you read of his O_o  All I see from him is fail trolling, him bragging about stuff he didn't do, or just blatant lies...but alright..."
Well i dont know if what he says is a lie or not cause i havnt played around him at all, but everyone who talks good of him i trust more than most others. And sorry for calling your leader a *beep* in the World Wars thread she just made me type that huge message to explain myself cause she wont speak the truth and keeps saying im crying lol.. so far you seem really legit and cool too, i just wake up and get grumpy sometimes until i get my morin cig and a cup of joe =p

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