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20:45:42 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Rex of Dragonfall:

Aminera Vaporian Knights Order

Kingdom Banner

Name: Aminera Vaporian Knights Order
Members: 5
Created: 11/30/2008 8:18:06 PM
Leader: Mr. Rex of Dragonfall


The Bane of vapor.The destroyers of retribution.The death bringers of all who oppose them.

Vapors hold on valhalla was weak.As its leader was weak.We will not be stained by its foolishness.We will rise from the ashes.and destroy all.Destroy everything.

We will bring death To those who oppose us.

Message our orders Grandmaster For Diplomacy


20:50:14 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

can i join?

21:01:17 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Rex of Dragonfall:

Aminera Vaporian Knights Order

Kingdom Banner

Name: Aminera Vaporian Knights Order
Members: 5
Created: 11/30/2008 8:18:06 PM
Leader: Mr. Rex of Dragonfall


The Bane of vapor.The destroyers of ManyThe death bringers of all who oppose them.

Vapors hold on valhalla was weak.As its leader was weak.We will not be stained by its foolishness.We will rise from the ashes.and destroy all.Destroy everything.

We will bring death To those who oppose us.

Message our orders Grandmaster For Diplomacy


21:35:17 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

So many grammar errors. And Mafia is a vice? Interesting choice.... Eh, good luck... I think.....

21:36:48 Nov 30th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

id watch out in case mafia leaves and attacks you

22:10:11 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Abdulla Ulla Raaj:

lol why would he do that where not retribution or ghey

22:34:43 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

I don't know about ret but he backstabbed the kingdom Soul Society 2 eras ago. He was a vice then quit without warning and joined an enemy kingdom and started attacking SS. Not to mention the rather extreme language he likes to use... He is very young in the real world...

btw, you seriously need some spelling lessons...

"lol why would he do that where not retribution or ghey"

*should be*

"Lol. Why would he do that? We are not retribution but we are ghey"

22:39:16 Nov 30th 08 - Ms. Nina:

Mr. Rex of Dragonfall [AVKO] (11/30/2008 9:21:09 AM) GOOD BAD
nina dies at my hand.


Well good luck with that :)

22:39:24 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Sinthoras:

Nice correction Oziiach  :P

23:17:21 Nov 30th 08 - Sir Corollin of Vaporia:

Ms. Nina


11/30/2008 9:39:16 PM

Mr. Rex of Dragonfall [AVKO] (11/30/2008 9:21:09 AM) GOOD BAD
nina dies at my hand.


Well good luck with that :)

This was made when i was in Vapour and at WAR with you.

23:24:55 Nov 30th 08 - Sir Corollin of Vaporia:

(this is Rex right now so you know but you can do multi sweeps if you want.Im not the one who's account this is.)

00:04:47 Dec 1st 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Mr. Abdulla Ulla Raaj


11/30/2008 5:10:11 PM

lol why would he do that where not retribution or ghey

Obviously Mr. Mafia's vibrant past has been overlooked...

01:14:11 Dec 1st 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

um it is not by account rex but ip address so multi sweep and you are gonna get banned. -_- 

01:48:06 Dec 1st 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

lol...Zeta doesn't even have to try sometimes...

19:02:57 Dec 1st 08 - Sir Corollin of Vaporia:

but it isnt at Rex's house dumbass.

17:38:04 Dec 2nd 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

It doesn't have to be at the same IP to be a multi, dumbass....

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