Forums / In game politics / Red Embassy

Red Embassy
19:06:12 Mar 24th 11 - Mr. Gallyon:


Kingdom Banner

Name: RED
Members: 13
Created: 3/24/2011 10:11:50 AM
Leader: Mr. Sladius Maximus


A cold wind was felt at the mountains of mantrax today. A new Kingdom has been created by the incredible 12 and their king. They Finally united themselves and decided to serve and obey their almighty and Godly king Sladius Maximus. 

All 13 have their own specific qualities and together they will unleash powers never seen before. So be prepared....


The RED embassy will be used to make official anouncements concerning our kingdom and its actions on the world of Mantrax. 

22:00:16 Mar 24th 11 - I am Legend:

Love you Slade <3

22:06:10 Mar 24th 11 - Mr. Sladius Maximus:

^_^ Love you to Legend <3 :P

22:26:15 Mar 24th 11 - Mr. Gallyon:

Spreading the love to everyone <3 

23:08:43 Mar 24th 11 - Lord Reddragon Short:

Damm i wish i joined,you named your kingdom im my honour,im touched. XD

05:59:19 Mar 25th 11 - Mr. Sladius Maximus:

lol i did say that Red :P

11:14:25 Mar 25th 11 - Mr. Sladius Maximus:

Can You put people on Mute in forums?

21:55:30 Mar 25th 11 - Mr. Sladius Maximus:

Lol shall so!! :P jokes <3 Legend :P

15:26:25 Mar 29th 11 - Mr. Mielo:

wow, slade is loved now ... loads have changed :)

15:48:25 Mar 29th 11 - I am Legend:

1 time only Mielo. Next time he will hated again <3

15:09:06 Mar 30th 11 - Mr. Gallyon:

Slade can never be hated :O... how you say such a thing :o

16:54:38 Mar 30th 11 - I am Legend:

Because Mielo said that things have changed. And he said that Slade was loved.

22:09:34 Mar 30th 11 - Mr. Gallyon:

War Declaration

RED13Mr. Insomniac100
Army of Anubis22Prince Anonymous94

22:36:28 Mar 30th 11 - Sir Farimer:

lol, an official war decleration. After a week of hard fighting it has now become official, thank god.

08:29:30 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Gallyon:

Lol :p... well I was very busy =)... I can't keep up with everything happening around here :p...

I couldn't even think of a valid reason for our war =)

15:46:08 Apr 30th 11 - Mr. Sladius:

RED Is looking for a few more players to join our ranks.. had a pretty borining first era due to AoA hiding behind Music and Maverick :P
So if your on mant and wish to change things up a bit join RED :)

07:23:50 May 1st 11 - General Who:

Please write your name if you will leave RED if i join.

09:15:44 May 1st 11 - Ms. Snookie Umpalumpa Maximus:

I don't need to, its common knowledge I won't knowingly play in a KD you are in :p

15:15:01 May 1st 11 - Mr. Sladius:

Julie.. you are my 4th favorite VU play... so Zond dont come before you :P <3

21:28:29 May 1st 11 - General Who:

hey slade, i bet you 10 bts u would pick me over her :P

03:04:02 May 2nd 11 - Mr. Sladius:

lol.. no

03:13:53 May 2nd 11 - General Who:

lol trust me. remember what im doing for you :P

03:24:24 May 2nd 11 - Mr. Sladius:

LMFAO! thats heaps mean :'( why black mail me like that :'(

03:31:08 May 2nd 11 - General Who:

lol im not! i said I COULD. :P plus id rather fight you than play with u. i like killing nubs ;)

03:37:52 May 2nd 11 - Ms. Binhette The Contrabandista:

Give him BTs Zond and he'll let you in :p

that blackmail thing... is just another point on idunno why anybody would want to play with you :)

03:42:02 May 2nd 11 - General Who:

lots want too. thats the best part :)

slade does too, he just wants a female with him and rather not let the public know he likes me xD

03:43:27 May 2nd 11 - Mr. Sladius:

lol im no noob you are.. :P

03:50:59 May 2nd 11 - General Who:

we both are noobs to someone!

04:18:59 May 2nd 11 - Ms. Binhette The Contrabandista:

I already knew Slade had questionable taste in friends since he likes me :p   Why everyone else wants to play with you is easily explainable, Zeta lets you cheat your arse off without repercussions = KD win :p

05:37:21 May 2nd 11 - General Who:

lol cheat my ass off? nah. its called friends. friends dont let a game ruin a friendship. i have many good friends that i dont play ingame with because of what some ppl think of me and id rather not involve them, and some that dont care what others think of me. and some that i play with just to piss off :D

11:46:17 May 2nd 11 - Ms. Binhette The Contrabandista:

 I should probably read what you wrote but idc what you wrote

why is this even worth a single post? bored?
w(ho)tf  (outside of you , Evangelos or Slade at the lolz) gives a crap whether or not I want to play in a KD you're in?  

it's not even as funny as the lolz of Kai not wanting to play in RED because I was there (I killed his scouts and he's got a grudge about it :p) or maybe it is as funny idunno

bored now

16:38:28 May 2nd 11 - General Who:

not funny. i was just wondering as i got asked by a few ppl if i was joining red and someone said i was joining yet i never said i was. so figured id found out who is there that doesnt want me there

00:03:58 May 3rd 11 - Ms. Binhette The Contrabandista:

bad logic there, me not wanting to play with you has nothing to do with the rumour about you possibly playing in Red except in the regard that I responded to it and Slade's question about who is staying next era :p

no idea who started the rumour so you'll have to go play fish elsewhere to find that answer :p

02:55:38 May 3rd 11 - General Who:

well i knew u wouldnt, but also didnt think u would post. was wanting someone else too :P

08:41:55 May 4th 11 - Mr. Auspice:


09:39:23 May 5th 11 - Mr. Sladius:


11:35:37 May 5th 11 - Mr. Supa Siik Wittit:

you would ... >.<

16:35:36 May 18th 11 - Mr. Sladen:

Your FACE!

Anywho! RED has got a few new members, But we are always looking for for(Binh Wilber Mielo Elsin Rox ect ) :P IF you are someone worth my time and are a hater come talk to me :)

Also you must like alternate music! its a big thing here, i have a player list on the forums you must listen to when playing!
Filled with: Disturbed, Ice nine kills, Skillet, RED
.friday,  and many others :)

02:00:12 May 25th 11 - Mr. Binh The Young Killer:

Dont love you slade :)

07:39:18 May 25th 11 - Prince Sladius:

:O oooh wait.. idc :P

00:08:29 May 26th 11 - Mr. Binh The Young Killer:

Hopefully you know i dont care either.

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