Forums / In game politics / Red Hand

Red Hand
02:43:42 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Smuff:

Red Hand have been the source of much dissapointment and betrayal over the last couple of days.

As we all know, carnage is fighting jester zeon and abydos i think, and the falcons and mirror have been casuing the jesters some problems over the last couple of days. and as wars go this is a pritty good one.

where does Red hand fit in i hear you ask? base, red hand (under teh guidance of Karac) have brokered a MAP deal with us (falcons) and a NAP deal with carnage when they entered teh scene from the north. all was well and everything was set us for a nice era.

However, as Krum returened to take command (god knows where he went, holiday maybe?) he decided that he didnt like any of the decisions Karac made and red hand are then no longer nap'd with carnage (to my knowlegde). After some ingame messages krum has stated that they are allies with jester, only becuase their core was over run imo (even tho we have a MAP and are waring them, breach of the terms). the MAP dissolved and after krum tried to blame us for 'breacing the terms' a 48 hour CF was issued.

This CF was only honoured for just over 24hours when red hand armies preped on several towns and took over another. now the falcons face an uncertain future due to the unhonourable play and cowardise of a few VU players. this has been a good era for everyone with little flames and cause for aargunments. its a shame it has been ruined for some people......


03:30:12 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Juggalo:

"Red Hand have been the source of much dissapointment and betrayal over the last couple of days."
What Because we dont want to fight Jester??? this is merely your opinion.

"As we all know, carnage is fighting jester zeon and abydos i think, and the falcons and mirror have been casuing the jesters some problems over the last couple of days. and as wars go this is a pritty good one."
ya and Jester is fighting Mirror, Falcons, and Carnage and having us added to it would be simply too uneven.

"where does Red hand fit in i hear you ask? base, red hand (under teh guidance of Karac) have brokered a MAP deal with us (falcons) and a NAP deal with carnage when they entered teh scene from the north. all was well and everything was set us for a nice era."
Sure go ahead and say we broke but it wont change the facts.... I really do not remember a NAP deal with Carnage at all but my memory is faulty so maybe another RH knows? Oh and this is Fant were everything is suppose to be hectic not all nice and fluffy even i no this and its my first era on Fant.

"However, as Krum returened to take command (god knows where he went, holiday maybe?) he decided that he didnt like any of the decisions Karac made and red hand are then no longer nap'd with carnage (to my knowlegde). After some ingame messages krum has stated that they are allies with jester, only becuase their core was over run imo (even tho we have a MAP and are waring them, breach of the terms). the MAP dissolved and after krum tried to blame us for 'breacing the terms' a 48 hour CF was issued."
lol are u serious???? When we were being over run by Jester your KD never even sent a single soldier to help us repell them!!!!! a breach of terms you say!! you werent even warring with them at the time and was too busy warring another KD TAK which you beat, and i believe it was rather easy?  So after we NAPed with Jester I remember your KD not wanting one of my KD mates going threw one of your blocker and capturing any of that KD cities!! cause you wanted them all for yourselfs.Oh and heres the message.

Message From Sir Paffician


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You (7/8/2007 11:18:48 PM)
Could you ask your membe chaos Geoff to open his gates trying to get near TAK cities are and attack them.
Sir Paffician [Fowl] (7/9/2007 2:57:24 AM) GOOD BAD
Sorry, but NO! We don't let anyone in TAK core, because our merged army is now taking all their core!

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Now who made Breach of Terms??
So Further more you should really think about this statement i quoted.

"This CF was only honoured for just over 24hours when red hand armies preped on several towns and took over another. now the falcons face an uncertain future due to the unhonourable play and cowardise of a few VU players. this has been a good era for everyone with little flames and cause for aargunments. its a shame it has been ruined for some people......"

I will not lie yes i did see a few red hands armies prepping on like 2 of your cities but it was a single individual if anything you should have messaged us and told us if it was bothering u so much. Unless you count the army on Chaos Blocker which is only to see how much men you had in it and doesnt have near enough to take it. BTW if we really wanted to be dishonorable we would have simply merged and wiped it out. We only took that town after you attacked us first!!!

  • 17:37:20: Fire rains from the sky on our Orc Overlord II army! 12810 troops burned to death.
  • 17:42:23: Fire rains from the sky on our Orc Overlord II army! 9778 troops burned to death.
  • 17:45:53: 8 walls in Homeland Securt got destroyed by magic!
  • 17:48:15: Mr. Necro attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 17:48:29: Mr. Necro attempted to cast a spell upon us.
"unhonourable play and cowardise" ya you should really speak for yourself.
You better believe your future is very uncertain....

03:46:08 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

back off jugg just let them say what they got to say

03:47:36 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim walks in

"Errrr...don't have much to say besides the fact that they wiped us out, but they did it fair and square (which isn't hard to do...)"

*Septim walks off

11:43:32 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Smuff:

as for the CF, a red hand member Pkkid too a city within our core just over the 24 hour mark, and another army was slaughtered outside chaos blocker.

and as for the messgase, Paffic does not speak for th falcons, i do. and i am telling oyu two things.

1) Help against TAK was welcomed. Karac offered but got beaten back. (i have pm's to prove it.

2) when your core was over run i ammased ALL my forces and moved into Jester controlled territory. we went to war with jester because both of our MAP'd allies were at war with them.

flame all you want, i wont flame back tho, ill just state facts.

11:59:30 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Paffician:

haha Juggalo now your using my words, fine, but then post all the letter!

Mr. Rocky [RED] (7/9/2007 5:18:48 AM) GOOD BAD
Could you ask your membe chaos Geoff to open his gates trying to get near TAK cities are and attack them.
You (7/9/2007 8:57:24 AM)
Sorry, but NO! We don't let anyone in TAK core, because our merged army is now taking all their core!
Mr. Rocky [RED] (7/9/2007 9:20:22 AM) GOOD BAD
I thought our kgdm have a MAP together we live together we die together. Why cant we come in I dont get it?
You (7/9/2007 9:22:32 AM)
Well true... i don't know accully why, but Geoff is our vice, and if he makes his blockers close i can't say him don't!!!

Few hours later i send this one!

You (7/9/2007 9:25:31 AM) You could try to get in from my blocker ''Paffic South'' if you want i can open it for some few ticks! Or you could go around our core and kill Condinho new city, because condinho rebuild his core next to TAK!

12:16:19 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Paffician:

Beside if i answer provocative or stuff like that its not any term broking, because the blocker he wanted to get throw wasn't my, so he had to message the owner of the blocker not me, beside after that i send letter were i say solution for the problem by using my blockers, that proves am helpful, so the only thing i can be blame that am a jerk!

Far as i know being jerk if am just a member is not term broking :)

12:18:38 Jul 21st 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

We all know krum cant be trsuted! He usurped the KD name after all!

12:19:24 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

red hand isn't much stronger than falcons so you guys shouldn't have much problems taking care of em and lets take a guess, smuff probly has 4.5 mil income? so stop complaing and just deal with it on the battle feild

12:27:38 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Paffician:

Yeah, i know!!! An am not complaining, i just visited forums as allways when waiting for next tick, saw this topic, and i would be quet, and just read the posts, but if juggalo wants to post something about me, then why don't he post all?

edit: so i posted my opinion!

14:37:55 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

yall dont underestimate red hand

14:49:40 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Paffician:

Well am not, RH is good kd!

15:25:34 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Hopeslayer:

Why would anyone take in Paffician? He uses kingdoms like hotels when a serious threat comes along. Just kick him and kill him, he doesn't really give two s**ts about your KD, a stands for nothing fence hopper.

19:12:46 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Smuff:

hope, you can kiss my arss. paffic has done a great deal for our kingdom.

shoo, go away.

and as for my god farts, yes i have a 4.5mill income, which will soon be thiers. but they outnumber us almost 2-1 and we have 4 inactive members. so tis really 5 people against a whole kingdom.

19:20:40 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim walks in with a box

"Who ordered the Roasted Cobra with Rabbit curry on the side?"

19:24:11 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Plokoon:

The falcons have been honourable all era, we have only once had a mis-hap whilst i was offline for a couple of days and i extended my sincere apologies in that situation.

If it wasn't for me and Smuff, Red Hand would not have been helped and MUSIC still would have had the upper hand in that war at the beginning of this era. My other viceroy told us not to go with Red Hand and clearly - he was right.

Red Hand will win because of their huge size, there's no skill or talent involved...they have so many people that they just can merge loads of little armies together for one ultra one.

It's almost pathetic - i'm not one for flaming or anything so i won't continue to slag them off...but seriosuly - if you can see how huge they are compared to us you'll realise why we're abit gutted/miffed off that our MAP broke.

I think it's also fit to say that Krum should NOT appoint viceroys that he does not trust, Karac was nothing but decent and i want him to know (if he's reading this) that i appreciate it.

The Falcons pride themselves in taking in inexperianced players - throwing them on the battlefield - and helping them learn. I don't want to be bigheaded but i am NOT a bad leader and this era has been a good one untill this happened.

I think it's important for the rest of you to realise and know just how messed up Krum is and how poor his leadership is. However, i know this is a personal judgement so you can choose to take it or leave it.

Everything Smuff has said along with Chaos Geoff speaks for my kingdom. Our kingdom is run by us as a team, not by me. We all have different purposes and Smuff is in charge of kingdom relations because i have been out of the game for a while.

Those of you who have fought us, NAP/MAP's us or been in The Falcons before know EXACTLY what i mean when i say we're honourable and try and uphold decency in this kingdom.


19:43:29 Jul 21st 07 - Ms. Persephone:

Looks like a case of very poor interkingdom communication skills on Red Hands part:P

19:46:45 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

Oh Krum a great leader and that ,that no doubt

19:47:22 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Soccer:

or, RH is looking towards the future? either way, ending an MAP is not a crime, it happens

19:52:04 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

"Who ordered this food?"

20:02:48 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

"I don't know.... but i'll take it if nobody else does" :D

20:05:43 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:


*Septim hands Biggerboom the food

"That'll be ten gold..."

20:06:13 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Smuff:

Soccer im not complining about ending the MAP, it was a mutual thing, trust.

but as plokoon sed, this is a mis-hap. a bad one none the less. it will effect the way the era turns out as carnage/mirror will have more on their plates now that we have had to pull out of jester territory...

20:08:52 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Soccer:

which makes me happy! :)

and now we can stop chasing u around ;)

20:11:58 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Smuff:

lol yea, you guys finally caught up with me in the end :P only thanks to that hench as nazzie army tho!! lol

20:16:44 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Soccer:

lol, ya it was a nice job by u. now, maybe we can start attacking out! once those phi nuisances get off our backs! lol

20:29:06 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

yay the war started Red Hand Vs Falcon

22:52:17 Jul 21st 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Red Hand will win because of their huge size, there's no skill or talent involved...they have so many people that they just can merge loads of little armies together for one ultra one


oh plakoon =( i like to think i have some skill ;)

22:53:12 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Soccer:

pretty sure red hand is filled with talent.....................

23:01:18 Jul 21st 07 - Lord Sanosuke Sagara:

i remember falcons once.....they were there one minute and the next they were gone :( i feel so bad taking all those cities

and yes im filled with nostalgia

23:34:24 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Draven:

Falcons are a great kingdom, no one can take that away from them. ;) but this era has been a good one though, sorry this happened to them and their other MAP partners.

23:36:49 Jul 21st 07 - Wolflord Karac:

this turned out bad for all. i am very sorry falcons for this happening. i did not forsee it.


23:37:38 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Twamao:

well at least falcons have balls.  I salute them for that.  Not unlike other kingdoms who switched sides in the face of death.

23:42:47 Jul 21st 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Falcons IS a great kingdom, I am friends with most of their members, and the rest of them have been nothnig but friendly and helpful.

They were great allies, and provided us the upper hand against music.... well, them, and the fact spoon decided to leave to go to Mantrax ;)


But I just want all you falcons to know, you are all great in my book, and i would be honored to play with anyone of you on any given day. Thank you for all your help, hope to repay it someday.

Well, except smuff ;) Ya know i love ya!

The Wolflord.

23:43:36 Jul 21st 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

fowl such did suck and alwaus will suck!

23:47:38 Jul 21st 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Twamao, may i ask who did that?

23:47:59 Jul 21st 07 - Wolflord Karac:

And finwe, i hope that is sarcasm.

23:53:34 Jul 21st 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

no :P fowl never did anything the first time they were around we will see if they do anything this time

23:55:02 Jul 21st 07 - Wolflord Karac:

well, they already had a ruler up to 3rd on the HoH list, and theu were doing great, this might cause a small bump, but i have no doubt that we have not heard the last from falcons.

01:07:38 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Relictor:

Karac is right, we are like spots on the face of VU, we just keep popping up all over the place...i mean come on, we have been around for long enough and we never give up..

01:27:41 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontaini:

last time i seen redhand i only seen admiral now wer these guys coming from

01:41:50 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Smuff:

i salute the wolflord.


01:47:25 Jul 22nd 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Allow me to *BoW* to you smuff ;)

02:05:56 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Duss Wallen:

Yeah Botherhood Of the Wolf

02:49:29 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Rocky:



I just want to fight thats all. And sorry to all TAK kgdm members, you did not last long enough for us to clash on the battle field maybe next era.  :)

03:35:52 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Smuff:

say hello to MY little friend...

                        I III I
                        I      I
                        I      I
                        I      I
                        I      I
               /IIIII\II     II/IIIII\/IIIII\/IIIII\
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        /      I                                         I
        I      I                                         I
        I      I                                         I
        \                                                I


hehe took me a whiel to get that :P

03:43:04 Jul 22nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

You have five fingers and a thumb? Here...let me help you with that!

*Septim pulls out an axe and chops one of Smuff's fingers off




03:56:53 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Smuff:

hey i need that for xbox controlles!!! give it back!! lol

04:14:43 Jul 22nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

You can do that with four fingers and a thumb just like the rest of us!

04:20:06 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Smuff:

dam! now ive lost the edge on rainbow 6 :/

Dam you Septim!!

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