Forums / In game politics / Return of the Return of IoK

Return of the Return of IoK
22:45:19 Mar 15th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

there are many who will read this and say :O again. just give up. for those. look to the top right hand of your screen and press X. for those who dont know right and left. it is ---------> that-a-way.

all members from the previous IoK's need just send in a app with there old name and which KD's they have been in since then.

Imperium Of Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Imperium Of Knights
Members: 7
Tag: IoK
Created: 3/14/2009 4:06:09 PM
Leader: Sir Sepelchure Grail


The Imperium of Knights (IoK)

The goal of the Imperium of Knights is to bring peace to the Earth. Whether the earth wants peace or not.

If a few lives must be lost for our goal. So be it.
Sharpen your blades, Polish your armor, for legends shall be made today.

We Are once again recruiting!!!

In your application include:
- Experienced or New
- Eras played
- Race you wish to play
- Kingdoms Played in
- Reason for Joining

For any questions or concern contact our King Sir Sepelchure Grail

We look forward to your surrender


23:26:07 Mar 15th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

do you not get bored?

23:29:43 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Thought you were joining us end era Kath?

23:49:27 Mar 15th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

I might if i cant get enough people to join me :( i just wanted to try one last time. and no stirilin its quite funny reading peoples comments. especially gallyon. he never evne says anything he just agrees with ruby :P

23:52:30 Mar 15th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

April Fools! Oh...well I guess I might as well say Good Luck despite your negative words against me.

23:53:19 Mar 15th 09 - Duke Random:


03:17:39 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Why....-.- Why can't you just leave it alone... You killed it, its dead. You killed it 5 or 6 times now. Bury it, burn it, chop it into little bits and feed them to your dog. But please, leave it dead T.T

07:31:25 Mar 16th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

At least you know they wont lay down and die, which I consider a good thing so...GO KNIGHTS!!!

08:05:56 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Roheran:

good luck

08:50:23 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Jarhead:

:'(.... my X is on the left side. WHAT DO I DO??!?! :P

09:36:59 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

Mr. Ruby Knight


3/16/2009 2:17:39 AMWhy....-.- Why can't you just leave it alone... You killed it, its dead. You killed it 5 or 6 times now. Bury it, burn it, chop it into little bits and feed them to your dog. But please, leave it dead T.T

we disbanded once..... all the other times it was because of our members leaving for fant..(where most still are) so we had too few members to continue era end and me not being active to recruit between era's so having to remake at the start of the next era.

but lets not get into that. thats your opinion. like mine is that your a prick but thats not important. :P and i dont have a dog so that might be why i dont follow that advise

16:54:10 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

Dear god no... PLEASE NO

IoK was an Epic Fail when it started.. and guess what IT STILL IS!!!

17:05:37 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected Form:

Just Rofl, I admire krath's determination...well I DID until I relized he needs to wise up and train on fant to get better before he starts or even thinks about starting up Iok again..Hmm...can someone say 'No brains from kathy' 3 times fast? :P

18:10:54 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

griffith... you was in iok. then left to try and attack us, THEN GOT us..... i think you are the bigger fail.

and hiro... you NAP'D us then broke the NAP.. then guess what.. you died.

dont you see a pattern. that except BoW and heaven(and fuzzy but they merged with heaven so :P) and our era on fant which wasnt even me leading..... we have killed everyone who has ever come our way.

i guess those KD's we killed were even bigger epic fails. and griffith and hiro seeing as you lead two of those KD's i wouldnt talk :P

18:17:13 Mar 16th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

You aren't killing Abydos despite your stubborn efforts to keep attacking.  I am the only person who can be bothered to go after you.

18:20:19 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail: scientist. YOU ATTACKED US WTF.and we messaged you for a CF / NAP so what you mean our stubborn affects. all i have done is take my cities back...... and you i dont count as someone fighting IoK as most of us were near to death when I founded IoK from those loyal from KoC. and.... your only fighting me and i was basically dead when you attacked.

18:31:05 Mar 16th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

You messaged about a CF / NAP? You kept telling me we had a NAP so I would stop attacking when Osi never made any agreement with you.  You tried stalling for time so I wouldn't kill you :)  If I am not fighting IoK, and you just told me that you are also dying on Starta...then what would be considered fighting IoK? You are the leader right? :p

18:32:46 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

:P :P it counts as IoK but not a proper war. and we died on starta already lol thats why BoW is on that list.and Osi told me we had a NAP. Demonic William berkely also thought we had one. i wernt stalling at any point. your the one who said you would withdraw then wouldnt.,

18:35:45 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected Form:

kathy I relized my kd was weak, WHICH WAS WHY IT NO LONGER EXSISTS!(take a hint here boy) My kd was just  fun for me nothing too serious as I know I wouldn't make it far. You blab about killing my kd?! HA! You fools practically merged the 2 dieing kd's on the map! You teh *beep*s and another kd who's leader had gone off and left his kd. Your kd was nothing and still is nohing, it only becomes something when something else bigger and better joins you for an era! And I NEVER NAP'd you guys, one of my best players got scared and felt like he was fighting the battles alone so he joined you thinking he was saving us. I never wanted to be saved which was why I broke it off. Plain and simple: Your a new player player, you want me to prove it? I'll have no trouble kickin your a&&...

18:41:54 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

...KoC... you mean the KD that was top of valhalla ...when we merged we were in 1st and second place. epic fail. go away.

and new... i was new 19 eras ago when i joined mayb.
*beep*. come with even 1 fact next time

18:42:28 Mar 16th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Sir Sepelchure Grail


3/16/2009 12:32:46 PM
:P :P it counts as IoK but not a proper war. and we died on starta already lol thats why BoW is on that list.and Osi told me we had a NAP. Demonic William berkely also thought we had one. i wernt stalling at any point. your the one who said you would withdraw then wouldnt.,


i did no such thing and i have every msg ive sent or recived this era so dont even try spreading your lies, you dishonour yourself and your kd in your pathetic attempts to dishonour us. IF you see an abydos flag in future eras and indeed this one be prepared to be wiped from exsistance

18:48:06 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

lol Osi dont start thinking your powerful because you defeated a already dead KD. so far the new abydos has accomplished nothing.. even less then the new IoK. so i see no reason to fear you. except that you could ban me :P

18:50:03 Mar 16th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

we have been round what 8 days? and have hmm 5 active members :) what are we supposed to have achived? you really think your kd is something special that we couldnt beat at full strength... apparantly you know nothing of abydos. at least WE dont make up filthy lies in an attempt to gain sympathy it really is pathetic i will def look for your kd on the battlefield next era

18:51:32 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

Sir Sepelchure Grail


3/16/2009 12:10:54 PMgriffith... you was in iok. then left to try and attack us, THEN GOT us..... i think you are the bigger fail.
See you said the wrong thing there, i left because YOU! didnt know who to lead and by the looks of it still dont.. i offered a nap you *beep*es didnt reply then you prep on 1 of my citys and 3 of my KD members citys so i attack and you, and you blame me for starting it you are a foolish man and a nub

19:02:47 Mar 16th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

I will agree with Osi and gladly hunt down any form of IoK.  :)

19:11:22 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

IoK has been around for less then a day right now.... and my point isnt that you couldnt beat us at full strength. my point is we are not at full strength either,

19:12:49 Mar 16th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

LOL, I cannot even comment on how big your head is swelling...Abydos is more than you will ever be.

EDIT - If your definition of being at full strength is IoK farming 75% of the era and then waitin for an attack then you may last a little bit longer :)

19:18:51 Mar 16th 09 - Duke Random:

LMFAO..... kath, i am actually physically laughing. good job.

19:18:52 Mar 16th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

we could easily beat you at full strength. you really think 5 lazy players not really that active as its valhalla for gods sake is us at full strength?

19:19:54 Mar 16th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Have you people ever considered to shut up and make your words real? ;)

19:21:34 Mar 16th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

oh i think i make my words real pretty often

19:22:40 Mar 16th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Then convince IoK off that. It's pretty simple, none of you will ever say the other side is right, so prove it you're right then... ;)

19:24:16 Mar 16th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Kath has been raising my kill count this era quite a bit :p

19:24:41 Mar 16th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

well i can prove i didnt offer a nap more then he can prove i gave one ^^ and forum banter is fun? if you dont like it why are you in this thread

19:26:19 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

Dark Lord Finwe


3/16/2009 6:18:52 PMwe could easily beat you at full strength. you really think 5 lazy players not really that active as its valhalla for gods sake is us at full strength?

I already said you wernt at full power. your just talking crap now.

and scientist lool you aint even killed 5K troops yet.

19:27:50 Mar 16th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Do I need to save all of my battle reports? Because I have EASILY beaten more than 5K troops.

19:28:18 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Roheran:

Sir Sepelchure Grail


3/16/2009 7:11:22 PM
IoK has been around for less then a day right now.... and my point isnt that you couldnt beat us at full strength. my point is we are not at full strength either,



19:28:34 Mar 16th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

you pretty much implied that both kds at full strength would result in an IoK victory. so come challange Abydos next era if you dare when we both may be at full strength.

19:30:51 Mar 16th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

lol I could've  single handedly killed IoK in my area...but...I let that part of the valhalla pest-control be performed by the Elements (<3)...I believe they took out what was in my area in less then 10 ticks?!  so I'll simply end with...


20:09:48 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

no i implied neither of us are at full strength. and wtf. it took them over a week to take our area. and i mean over a week after they broke into our core. it then also took nearly a week for them to break through so..... what are you talking about?

OKthese are the facts seeing as people seem to have misunderstood.

1)I have no doubts IoK at full power would likely lose to abydos. i wasnt implying anything osi. so go away.

2) the NAP thing there is no point arguing about. Hugues was the one who said he made it i wasnt involved in its 'making'

3)Demonic william the fact you could kill 7 people 4 of which arent oop means nothing. if you couldnt i would be ashamed. all of us are just oop less then a week so.....

4)Roheran explain whats incorrect. This IoK has been around roughly a day since i remade it so...

5)and demonslayer which era did we farm in? all of our era's we have been in oop wars....

20:12:55 Mar 16th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

if you have any questions regarding visual utopia, be sure to check our faq before you contact the admins or ask in the forums. you have 278 private messages.

return of the return of iok

forums / in game politics / return of the return of iok

author message admin
sir sepelchure grail


3/15/2009 4:45:19 pm
there are many who will read this and say :o again. just give up. for those. look to the top right hand of your screen and press x. for those who dont know right and left. it is ---------> that-a-way.

all members from the previous iok's need just send in a app with there old name and which kd's they have been in since then.

imperium of knights

kingdom banner

name: imperium of knights
members: 7
tag: iok
created: 3/14/2009 4:06:09 pm
leader: sir sepelchure grail


the imperium of knights (iok)

the goal of the imperium of knights is to bring peace to the earth. whether the earth wants peace or not.

if a few lives must be lost for our goal. so be it.
sharpen your blades, polish your armor, for legends shall be made today.

we are once again recruiting!!!

in your application include:
- experienced or new
- eras played
- race you wish to play
- kingdoms played in
- reason for joining

for any questions or concern contact our king sir sepelchure grail

we look forward to your surrender


dark prince stirlin


3/15/2009 5:26:07 pm
do you not get bored?

mr. justin


3/15/2009 5:29:43 pm
thought you were joining us end era kath?

sir sepelchure grail


3/15/2009 5:49:27 pm
i might if i cant get enough people to join me :( i just wanted to try one last time. and no stirilin its quite funny reading peoples comments. especially gallyon. he never evne says anything he just agrees with ruby :p

demonslayer scientist


3/15/2009 5:52:30 pm
april fools! oh...well i guess i might as well say good luck despite your negative words against me.

duke random


3/15/2009 5:53:19 pm

mr. ruby knight


3/15/2009 9:17:39 pm
why....-.- why can't you just leave it alone... you killed it, its dead. you killed it 5 or 6 times now. bury it, burn it, chop it into little bits and feed them to your dog. but please, leave it dead t.t

lady santa the green eyed


3/16/2009 1:31:25 am
at least you know they wont lay down and die, which i consider a good thing so...go knights!!!

sir roheran


3/16/2009 2:05:56 am
good luck

mr. jarhead


3/16/2009 2:50:23 am
:'(.... my x is on the left side. what do i do??!?! :p

sir sepelchure grail


3/16/2009 3:36:59 am
mr. ruby knight


3/16/2009 2:17:39 amwhy....-.- why can't you just leave it alone... you killed it, its dead. you killed it 5 or 6 times now. bury it, burn it, chop it into little bits and feed them to your dog. but please, leave it dead t.t

we disbanded once..... all the other times it was because of our members leaving for fant..(where most still are) so we had too few members to continue era end and me not being active to recruit between era's so having to remake at the start of the next era.

but lets not get into that. thats your opinion. like mine is that your a prick but thats not important. :p and i dont have a dog so that might be why i dont follow that advise

mr. griffith


3/16/2009 10:54:10 am
dear god no... please no

iok was an epic fail when it started.. and guess what it still is!!!

mr. hiroshima infected form


3/16/2009 11:05:37 am
just rofl, i admire krath's determination...well i did until i relized he needs to wise up and train on fant to get better before he starts or even thinks about starting up iok again..hmm...can someone say 'no brains from kathy' 3 times fast? :p

sir sepelchure grail


3/16/2009 12:10:54 pm
griffith... you was in iok. then left to try and attack us, then got us..... i think you are the bigger fail.

and hiro... you nap'd us then broke the nap.. then guess what.. you died.

dont you see a pattern. that except bow and heaven(and fuzzy but they merged with heaven so :p) and our era on fant which wasnt even me leading..... we have killed everyone who has ever come our way.

i guess those kd's we killed were even bigger epic fails. and griffith and hiro seeing as you lead two of those kd's i wouldnt talk :p

demonslayer scientist


3/16/2009 12:17:13 pm
you aren't killing abydos despite your stubborn efforts to keep attacking.  i am the only person who can be bothered to go after you.

sir sepelchure grail


3/16/2009 12:20:19 pm scientist. you attacked us wtf.and we messaged you for a cf / nap so what you mean our stubborn affects. all i have done is take my cities back...... and you i dont count as someone fighting iok as most of us were near to death when i founded iok from those loyal from koc. and.... your only fighting me and i was basically dead when you attacked.

demonslayer scientist


3/16/2009 12:31:05 pm

you messaged about a cf / nap? you kept telling me we had a nap so i would stop attacking when osi never made any agreement with you.  you tried stalling for time so i wouldn't kill you :)  if i am not fighting iok, and you just told me that you are also dying on starta...then what would be considered fighting iok? you are the leader right? :p

sir sepelchure grail


3/16/2009 12:32:46 pm
:p :p it counts as iok but not a proper war. and we died on starta already lol thats why bow is on that list.and osi told me we had a nap. demonic william berkely also thought we had one. i wernt stalling at any point. your the one who said you would withdraw then wouldnt.,

mr. hiroshima infected form


3/16/2009 12:35:45 pm
kathy i relized my kd was weak, which was why it no longer exsists!(take a hint here boy) my kd was just  fun for me nothing too serious as i know i wouldn't make it far. you blab about killing my kd?! ha! you fools practically merged the 2 dieing kd's on the map! you teh *beep*s and another kd who's leader had gone off and left his kd. your kd was nothing and still is nohing, it only becomes something when something else bigger and better joins you for an era! and i never nap'd you guys, one of my best players got scared and felt like he was fighting the battles alone so he joined you thinking he was saving us. i never wanted to be saved which was why i broke it off. plain and simple: your a new player player, you want me to prove it? i'll have no trouble kickin your a&&...

sir sepelchure grail


3/16/2009 12:41:54 pm
...koc... you mean the kd that was top of valhalla ...when we merged we were in 1st and second place. epic fail. go away.

and new... i was new 19 eras ago when i joined mayb.
*beep*. come with even 1 fact next time

dark lord finwe

3/16/2009 12:42:28 pm
sir sepelchure grail


3/16/2009 12:32:46 pm
:p :p it counts as iok but not a proper war. and we died on starta already lol thats why bow is on that list.and osi told me we had a nap. demonic william berkely also thought we had one. i wernt stalling at any point. your the one who said you would withdraw then wouldnt.,


i did no such thing and i have every msg ive sent or recived this era so dont even try spreading your lies, you dishonour yourself and your kd in your pathetic attempts to dishonour us. if you see an abydos flag in future eras and indeed this one be prepared to be wiped from exsistance

sir sepelchure grail


3/16/2009 12:48:06 pm
lol osi dont start thinking your powerful because you defeated a already dead kd. so far the new abydos has accomplished nothing.. even less then the new iok. so i see no reason to fear you. except that you could ban me :p

dark lord finwe

3/16/2009 12:50:03 pm
we have been round what 8 days? and have hmm 5 active members :) what are we supposed to have achived? you really think your kd is something special that we couldnt beat at full strength... apparantly you know nothing of abydos. at least we dont make up filthy lies in an attempt to gain sympathy it really is pathetic i will def look for your kd on the battlefield next era

mr. griffith


3/16/2009 12:51:32 pm
sir sepelchure grail


3/16/2009 12:10:54 pmgriffith... you was in iok. then left to try and attack us, then got us..... i think you are the bigger fail.
see you said the wrong thing there, i left because you! didnt know who to lead and by the looks of it still dont.. i offered a nap you *beep*es didnt reply then you prep on 1 of my citys and 3 of my kd members citys so i attack and you, and you blame me for starting it you are a foolish man and a nub

demonslayer scientist


3/16/2009 1:02:47 pm
i will agree with osi and gladly hunt down any form of iok.  :)

sir sepelchure grail


3/16/2009 1:11:22 pm
iok has been around for less then a day right now.... and my point isnt that you couldnt beat us at full strength. my point is we are not at full strength either,


change your mind much?

20:14:24 Mar 16th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

ooook that isnt right..

20:15:23 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Dos Cerveza:


20:17:17 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Strontium:

your right, Elements DO kick ass...

20:26:45 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Sir Sepelchure Grail


3/16/2009 3:36:59 AMMr. Ruby Knight


3/16/2009 2:17:39 AMWhy....-.- Why can't you just leave it alone... You killed it, its dead. You killed it 5 or 6 times now. Bury it, burn it, chop it into little bits and feed them to your dog. But please, leave it dead T.T

we disbanded once..... all the other times it was because of our members leaving for fant..(where most still are) so we had too few members to continue era end and me not being active to recruit between era's so having to remake at the start of the next era.

but lets not get into that. thats your opinion. like mine is that your a prick but thats not important. :P and i dont have a dog so that might be why i dont follow that advise


Lol, seriously, grow up. I had that arguement with you and I won. But if you want to start it, there you go.

1)You disbanded it and ran from us on Mantrax after you failed at trying to Mass-NAP all of Mantrax against us. Mega-fail. You then blame it on a vice saying that it was his idea. Your the leader, only you can do it!

2) Make a big deal of taking IoK to Fant. You start on Fant, make a big deal of PKS warring you when its only 2 members attacking you and end up getting pwned big time.... Of course you argued on the forums and made all sots of excuses which made it an even bigger fail

3)You disbanded it just to change the name.... Then when that was an epic fail you completely disbanded and formed GODLIKE which was even more of a failure.

3) Your tried to reform, talked big on the forums once again, got your ass kicked and failed once again.

4) Once again your talking tough on here saying your reforming and everyone else can click the X if they don't care. More talk, another era, same old Kath. See the pattern???

Thats just the highlights of it from the parts I payed attention to. Every era you anounce some kingdom, whether its IoK reforming, or some new IoK-In-Disguise and every time it fails. Why won't you learn!? I'm no leader, so I don't try to lead. Your even worse at it than me, so why must you keep trying?

20:37:41 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

1)You disbanded it and ran from us on Mantrax after you failed at trying to Mass-NAP all of Mantrax against us. Mega-fail. You then blame it on a vice saying that it was his idea. Your the leader, only you can do it!

The fact of the matter is we both had eachothers passwords due to me going to school most of the day but holding the blockers, i know see how dumb this is but its to late.

2) Make a big deal of taking IoK to Fant. You start on Fant, make a big deal of PKS warring you when its only 2 members attacking you and end up getting pwned big time.... Of course you argued on the forums and made all sots of excuses which made it an even bigger fail

This is the one that really pisses me off. I was attacked by atleast 5 dif members. you didnt even have the LoS to see what was happening. and there was 6 of us Vs 7 of them

3)You disbanded it just to change the name.... Then when that was an epic fail you completely disbanded and formed GODLIKE which was even more of a failure.
GODLIKE lord V asked me to make coz he couldnt. i made it then left.. wtf.

3) Your tried to reform, talked big on the forums once again, got your ass kicked and failed once again.
This one didnt even happen lol

4) Once again your talking tough on here saying your reforming and everyone else can click the X if they don't care. More talk, another era, same old Kath. See the pattern???
Nope.. whats the pattern?

Thats just the highlights of it from the parts I payed attention to. Every era you anounce some kingdom, whether its IoK reforming, or some new IoK-In-Disguise and every time it fails. Why won't you learn!? I'm no leader, so I don't try to lead. Your even worse at it than me, so why must you keep trying?

So so far only like 2 of your points make sense. and no one is even arguing with you get lost :P

20:40:55 Mar 16th 09 - Ms. Whatjusthappened:

I dc wtf u lot think buh IoK Rocks =P wooohh !!

ur kds are gd + maybe more powerul bu myn is the nicest =D  

20:50:09 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Roheran:

that just hurt my eyes.

21:01:21 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

She's a vice of IoK-.- Nuf said.

This is my last era anyway so I won't be around to watch you fail. But rather than argue on here I'll let your failure do the talking :P You will lose next era. And when you do, I hope you disband for good and join a real kingdom. That's the only way you can learn how to lead a kingdom. Trying to lead a kingdom every era and failing every era is a good sign that you suck at it.

21:04:30 Mar 16th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Sir Sepelchure Grail


3/16/2009 3:09:48 PM
OKthese are the facts seeing as people seem to have misunderstood.

2) the NAP thing there is no point arguing about. Hugues was the one who said he made it i wasnt involved in its 'making'

4)Roheran explain whats incorrect. This IoK has been around roughly a day since i remade it so...

5)and demonslayer which era did we farm in? all of our era's we have been in oop wars....

4) Just because you changed from Kingdom of Cyprus to Imperium of Knights doesn't mean it is a completely new KD.  You have basically the same members as the remains of Cyprus before you switched.  Don't act like it is a completely different KD now.

5) I was saying that the only way you would ever consider yourself at 100% is if you farmed for most of the era.  I didn't say you have farmed :)  I basically said you would need to farm 75% of the era in order to consider yourself "100%" and prepared for Abydos :p  Of course you won't live long enough to try that thanks to making Osi an angry enemy.

@Osi - Delete your post ffs :p

@Ms. Whatjusthappened - Abydos is like one big happy and slightly mentally unstable family :)

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