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Return of the imperium
21:31:15 Dec 13th 08 - Sir Corollin II of Acre:

Imperium Of Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Imperium Of Knights
Members: 1
Tag: IoK
Created: 7/30/2008 11:25:40 PM
Leader: Sir Kathandarion


The Imperium of Knights (IoK)

The goal of the Imperium of Knights is to bring peace to the Earth. Whether the earth wants peace or not.

If a few lives must be lost for our goal. So be it.
Sharpen your blades, Polish your armor, for legends shall be made today.

We Are once again recruiting!!!

In your application include:
- Experienced or New
- Eras played
- Race you wish to play
- Kingdoms Played in
- Reason for Joining

For any questions or concern contact our King Sir Corollin II of Acre 


We look forward to your surrender



Open to all former members and any new ones.We will be on Zeta Next era If i get atleast 11 people interested in joining.Dont bother trying to apply i havent remade it yet.Send me a message if you wish to join us with the application requirements above.


Sir Corollin II of Acre

21:41:47 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

So after changing your name was a complete failure, your changing back?

And why not try and Fant again, you seemed so sure of yourself this era......

*you got slaughtered!*

21:47:27 Dec 13th 08 - Sir Corollin II of Acre:

wtf....N.o1 changing the name was always a temporary thing.


N.o 2   sure of ourselves....all i done was copy our old info and change the member count wtf.


and N.0 3 how did we obviously we got slaughtered...but then again we lost to the same people who RET did except RET attacked us too.

22:00:42 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

Who did Ret lose to that you lost to... You got destroyed while Ret/Lgc were still winning the war.... Basically, a few armies from some random kingdoms destroyed you.....

I was talking about the end of last era and beginning of this era when I said you were sure of yourselves. I remember you flaming PKS and saying you were beating them when in reality you were facing 4 of them>.< And you were rather proud of planning on going to Fant at the end of last era. Learning from the best is a good thing, but getting slaughtered by them and having nothing to show for it wasn't smart.

"and N.0 3 how did we obviously we got slaughtered...but then again we lost to the same people who RET did except RET attacked us too."

And don't even try to compare IoK to Ret...-.-

22:31:48 Dec 13th 08 - Sir Corollin II of Acre:

Heaven had 2 corps , Fusion Rejects attacked , RET attacked , FATE attacked Aurora attacked and we were fighting PKS for over 2 weeks before we got killed and were winning.


If you dont know what your talking about please just leave.

22:49:52 Dec 13th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

*Thumbs up to Random*

03:33:57 Dec 14th 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

Maybe if you could have seen more of the map you would have seen the real battles-.-

I'm done on this thread. I haven't been active enough this era to do much of anything either so I'm not one who can say a whole lot, but honestly, IoK's first era on Fant was a failure... You didn't learn anything from it, and your not going back next era(for some reason...). What more can I say....

04:30:50 Dec 14th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



= ]

15:23:47 Dec 14th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

not on you guys...

im just mocking the whoe peace thing...

good luck to you all.. too bad you are going to Zeta, because BC and you guys would make a good team

16:01:47 Dec 14th 08 - Sir Corollin II of Acre:

Were we head to is still overall undecided depending on how manyplayers i get.

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