Forums / In game politics / Revenge vs Condinho

Revenge vs Condinho
03:31:15 Aug 2nd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Sir Gonzo The Great

7/21/2008 8:52:25 AM
Total: +488,041 +42,723 +190,771 +1,820 55,459
Army Upkeep: -39,139
Building Upkeep: -35,741
Total Income: +413,161


God dam Axemen upkeep.... -_-

Mr. Osiris Personal Ass Licker


7/21/2008 2:27:08 PM
Total: +799,835 -53,704 +342,057 +0 62,667

Army Upkeep: -112,654

Building Upkeep: -40,734

Total Income: +646,447

dude... this is axemen upkeep
Sir Gonzo The Great

7/21/2008 7:14:38 PM
Total: +473,916 +47,263 +181,733 +2,157 53,060
Army Upkeep: -61,456
Building Upkeep: -34,090
Total Income: +378,370

Im catching ya :P

Mr. Grim


7/21/2008 8:53:13 PM
Total Income: +202,994

crap, i need to invest in maxing teh rest of my mines
Sir Gonzo The Great

7/22/2008 11:16:38 PM
Total: +569,345 +23,699 +229,761 +2,022 64,542
Army Upkeep: -112,092
Building Upkeep: -42,039
Total Income: +435,214

Dont stop me now nigga :P

Mr. Osiris Personal Ass Licker


7/23/2008 12:05:36 AM
Total: +969,866 -64,875 +450,924 +0 62,667

Army Upkeep: -198,551

Building Upkeep: -40,734

Total Income: +730,581

consider yourself stoped!?
Sir Gonzo The Great

7/23/2008 8:05:44 AM

Never! :P

Total: +614,382 +23,812 +250,474 +2,333 64,692
Army Upkeep: -132,908
Building Upkeep: -42,144
Total Income: +439,330

Mr. Osiris Personal Ass Licker


7/23/2008 1:05:52 PM
Total: +1,016,061 -63,903 +476,730 +0 62,668

Army Upkeep: -231,904

Building Upkeep: -40,734

Total Income: +743,423

Sir Gonzo The Great

7/23/2008 4:50:36 PM

This was before Elements attacked.. we were doing ok, I was doing quite poor actually :'(
It was quite funny actually :P

04:25:36 Aug 2nd 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

And what exactly does this prove? I started a week and a half(more like 2) after you and yet here's my army upkeep with everything out and remember I'm a halfling...


Army Upkeep: -134,433

04:35:05 Aug 2nd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Stareted out two weeks into the era.


Total: +2,382,472 -26,164 +1,729,826 +15,137
Army Upkeep: -530,370
Building Upkeep: -181,676
Total Income: +1,870,426


AND thats after elements wiped us out. Been farming for a few days now ;)

Condinho still kicked my @ss tho. =(

18:35:34 Aug 4th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:


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