Forums / In game politics / Ruffcrew look here

Ruffcrew look here
22:36:59 Nov 4th 13 - Ms. Alrisaia:

Hey man - we're forming up a new kingdom (guild) on this game. I'm not sure what World we'll be on yet, but we've been playing around in the Midgard world and I think we did pretty well there... we made a LOT of mistakes though starting out.

Anyway - I'd love to have you join us. Make a character and join us there (our kingdom name is Fires of Valhalla) - we can show you some basics while we get wiped out from the most powerful kingdom there while you're in protection... you'll get to watch and learn.

Meanwhile we're planning on starting up fresh on Valhalla. Anyway... lemme know if you can't figure it out - I'll walk you through it on the chat in AL if you like.

- Alri

23:31:37 Nov 4th 13 - Bran (Duke Bran):

id join you id i had a spare character

04:11:24 Nov 5th 13 - Ms. Alrisaia:

would love to learn from you bran

06:23:28 Nov 5th 13 - Ms. Crushbone:

We're over on Valhalla world. Make sure you join our kingdom BEFORE you create a new character here. To do this, select "Do not join a kingdom yet" and uncheck the box "spawn on map". When you do this it will say you've been defeated etc. Click the Kingdoms icon and then find "Tribunal" and send an application (post here that you sent one) After I accept it I'll post here and you can create your character to join us and spawn in our core. I know its complicated, but otherwise you'll spawn in a random spot on the map.

12:07:21 Nov 6th 13 - Ms. Sashimono Minamoto:

Or you know you could press Kingdoms before you land and search for Tribunal and apply.. 

17:50:24 Nov 6th 13 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrissaia):

doesn't look like he's going to join us :(

00:39:24 Nov 7th 13 - Cheonje (Mr. Quellious):

Ah that's a shame. Would have been nice to have another player with us.

20:04:37 Nov 7th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Snowman):

I would join but I don't have the activity required to participate in an all out war.

15:09:01 Nov 8th 13 - Prince Pesterd:

Moved to In Game Politics.

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