Forums / In game politics / Russian Empire Wants You!

Russian Empire Wants You!
16:58:11 Aug 14th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

 Originally starting out in Zetamania as the Russian Federation, RUS was invaded by Majority Rules.  After a staggering war, the Russian Federation succombed to the choking hands of oppression and was forced to disband.  The great strength of the Russian people eventually rallied and re-established the Russian State, known as "Russians." The Russians were once again invaded by another army of slaves, Dragon's Lair, hoping to ruthlessly oppress the Russian people, but once again, the Russian armies stood inpenetrable as a bulwark to what was right! As if being invaded twice was not enough, the kd Elf Lords the Reborn saw itself fit to challenge great Russia, but to no success on thier part, as the Russians once again, though weary of battle, charged to the front lines to take down oppression in its path! Now, the Russians advance to the next era, and they will make the step towards becoming an monarchical EMPIRE!


Our Leaders: Our Tsar (King) is His Imperial Highness Tsar Aleksandr Romanov (formerly Anatoliy Grushkov).  He is a veteran of many wars and has many eras experience.  He has known VU since the era of Ezatious.


Our Prime Minister is Mr. Valenx. He too is a battle hardened veteran and knows VU like the back of his hand.  He is the advisor to the Tsar.



Overall, you will not have much independence in the Russian Empire.  You will be evicted from the KD for disobeying orders.  You will have to work fast, hard, and diligently to make Russia stronger!  We train people to be the very best they can, militarily and diplomatically. We are not a soft and cuddly kd. We are here to preserve freedom and peace, not to practice it.   We accept all players, newbies and vets. Either way, alot will be expected of you, but in the end, glory, wealth, and honour are your rewards.


rusimperial.jpg picture by caesar490


SNAMIBOD.jpg picture by caesar490   

01:37:17 Aug 21st 07 - Sir Anatoliy Grushkov:

ok we re-starting in Mantrax for those in that world who need a good kd.

12:12:20 Aug 22nd 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

I would like to remind you, you were fighting with corsairs and shen al calhar agianst a completey new kingdom.

same with dragon lair they were a new kingdom and might have been able to win if not for the treachory in there ranks.

well it dosent matter any more you fought good.

i would like a alliance between ELF and Russians

05:40:37 Aug 24th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

we stand fighting against 600,000 frensh man with napleon returning only 100,000 to france  , we feel shame we onlt killed half a million , we had to kill all of them ,

same with the mustach guy , hetlar , he walked by a car to see the armies going to us , he took 4 hourse , for his luck sebrea get him his leaders back ,

back with a lose


we can't be taken ,


we are the russians ,

07:44:20 Aug 25th 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

hey there are 2 kingdoms of russia!?

08:46:42 Aug 25th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

we are switching lead to alkesander romanov, the prime minister said yes

04:21:08 Aug 26th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven,

I assume you are a member of Elf Lords?  That was a war which could have been avoided, but Elf Lords made the first move on a city owned by PP, our military ally.  Russia and Shen an Calhar's response was mandatory under the International Military Aid Act of the League of Nations of Zetamania's law codes.  Either way, your kd should not have attacked our ally, it ended in your utter demise.

I do not know if we could enter into an alliance with you either.  I am unaware as to whether or not the LoNZ's law codes still function anymore.  I am going to guess that they don't partially because we are missing one of our major participant states, Destiny, and because we are not in Zetamania anymore.  Though I will pass your request onto parliament, it will not pass, as I will not endorse any such alliance, and thus, as the Imperial House is one of two governing bodies, it will not be passed.

Aleksander Anatoliyevitch Romanov
Autocrat of all the Russians

04:22:30 Aug 26th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

As of this date, this forum will also serve as the outer-international embassy of the Russian Empire.

12:48:12 Aug 26th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

elf lords destroyed my southern core in zeta last era , that is enough reason ........

13:26:27 Aug 26th 07 - Lord Crom:

lol starvation,deseases and the winter killed most of napies men i think.


22:34:55 Aug 26th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

yeah, crom is right i say.  Russia just kept retreating and retreating so that france would run out of supplies.

10:05:15 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

ther was also a swidish prince tried to invades russia , same happneed to him , we are unbeatable

11:34:38 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

How about the Crimea war when France crushed russia?

12:59:30 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

when ???

15:00:49 Aug 27th 07 - Lord Yerean:

The Crimean War (18531856) was fought between Imperial Russia on one side and an alliance of France, the United Kingdom, the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the Ottoman Empire on the other side.

geeez, 1vs4 !
now france didn't crush anybody.
almost no territory was lost, only a few clauses about having a max number of ships in the black sea.

Oh, btw, for you frenchie lovers, here's my favrite magazine:

17:54:21 Aug 27th 07 - Mr. Soccerrocker:

best mag ever! nice work!

12:14:40 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

yerean , it's called the world war 1 ,

2) the allince won ,

3) during the war , the sovits rised , and the russians won


12:24:43 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

ops , not the world war 1

but i never hear of it

16:18:52 Aug 28th 07 - Lord Yerean:

XD what kind of WW1 could happen in 1850s???
mate, learn some history :P

18:13:30 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

mmm , oh yea i didn't notice ,

i know the history which is past and which is coming so give that advice for yourself , and you said russians was crushed then you said no body won , then i know that the allince in WW1 was between britain and france and RUSSIA , WOW they really worked it out :P

18:50:10 Aug 28th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

The Russian Empire was eventually defeated.  I am trying to go thru Russia's history.  First, my kd was called "Kiev" then "Dutchy of Moskva" then "Russian Federation" (not the one that exists today, i am talking about fed. between rep. of novgorod and kd of kiev in medieval  time) and finally Russian Empire.  Next, we will be the USSR, and finally, Russian Federation.   After I am done with Russia, I probably do Germany, starting with the German Confederation >> going up.

20:31:36 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

russia lost against afganistan not too long ago :)

20:46:50 Aug 28th 07 - Sir Ragnarr Stormguard:

Russia left WWI because the armies rebeled and many extremist groups were causing havoc in the cities. All the trains were on the front and no food could be transported to the cities,....
Then the rebellion happened.
I don't know if it won the war, since after that the USSR was kind of isolated from the other Europeans, + the RUSSIAN EMPIRE was an ally to the rest, not the USSR, so,.....
anyway they sure kicked-a-s-s in WWII ((:

21:07:39 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

No nation is good, Soviet was *beep*ing great though. Stop talking *beep* about Russia Alex, and go back to a socialist republic.

21:36:50 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

what without the sovits the world is nothin i mean ther was a balance in the world , i am not a sovit

afganestan beated the USSR by the help of america , it was a nice plan .

but then afganistan felt in a civil war

22:31:45 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

Soviet fought the wrong kind of war in Afghanistan. It was honourable to try and save the Afgahan people from Islamism and bring them Socialism but they did it the wrong way.

Soviet didnt bring ballance to the world, but it brought a little support for justice.

22:34:08 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

Mr. Lassie


8/28/2007 2:31:45 PM
Soviet fought the wrong kind of war in Afghanistan. It was honourable to try and save the Afgahan people from Islamism and bring them Socialism but they did it the wrong way.

Soviet didnt bring ballance to the world, but it brought a little support for justice.
who are you to decide people need to be "saved" from Islamism? That is disrespectful to the millions that practice the religion!

22:44:34 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Yea, what he said lol. Wtf are you saying? "save the Afgahan (spelled wrong, not that it matters) people from Islamism (by which I assume you mean Islam....)".....dude, you really can't say crap like that about other religions...and who are you to say that socialism is right and Islam is wrong?

01:02:32 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

So I take it you guys think the Afghan people deserved the Taliban regime. The soviet constitution guatanteed freedom of religion.

ARTICLE 124. In order to ensure to citizens freedom of conscience, the church in the U.S.S.R. is separated from the state, and the school from the church. Freedom of religious worship and freedom of antireligious propaganda is recognized for all citizens.

01:40:32 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

at the time of the war, there was absolutely no way of knowing the taliban would take over. that is a worthless point.

04:49:56 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Mr. Lassie


8/28/2007 7:02:32 PMSo I take it you guys think the Afghan people deserved the Taliban regime. The soviet constitution guatanteed freedom of religion. your previous post you were talking about how Soviets were trying to "save the Afgahan people from Islamism," and now you're talking about freedom of religion....I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here...

05:20:06 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

Mr. Soccermorning


8/29/2007 6:40:32 AMat the time of the war, there was absolutely no way of knowing the taliban would take over. that is a worthless point.

Lol soccer so those fellows that the yanks were giving guns to were the local boy scout troops then?   The Americans were at that time siding with taliban mujehideen guerillas and they gave guns to them. I guess they did not think those very same guns would be pointing right back at them in a few years. 

the soviets were trying to do the afghanis a favour, but american govt did not want a  middle eastern country, especially an oil rich one like afghanistan becoming communist.

08:55:11 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

Is it to hard to understand Atredeis that the radical islamists that America supported would have gotten rid of freedom from religion. Soviet on the other hand let people believe in whatever religion they wanted, and also protected the rights to criticize it.

16:51:36 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

the taliban and the mujahideen are totally different! the mujahideen were many different groups with different ideals and the taliban came from refugee camps, and were united!

17:01:01 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

Soccer, havn't you heard or read any of Bin Laden's speeches? He always refers to himself and to the taliban as the "Mujahideen" and he says "We defeated the Soviet Union, now we will defeat you [Americans]"

17:12:58 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Time to bring the pain for you CCPC.

17:27:39 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Ok, sorry about my previous seems when you said Islamism you didn't mean Islam, you meant radical Islamic governments, which is completely different. Still, you are arguing that Afghanistan was not fine without Soviets enforcing Communism on them? Americans equipped local guerrilla fighters. How could they have predicted they would organize and completely take over as the Taliban regime? And yes, the Taliban did sort of beat the Soviets because they were the same people!

18:55:11 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

sock it to em atreides!

20:06:03 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

the taliban formed FROM the mujahideen. the mujahideen had various leaders, and were distinct different groups. i guess ill give the full run down:

there is the Junbish-i-Milli faction (the Uzbeks), the Hezb-e-Islami faction (Pashtuns), the Jamiat-e-Islami faction (Tajiks), the Ittehad-i-Islami faction (general Arabs), and the Hizb-e-Wahdat faction (Hazara).

after many years of fighting together, these groups finally broke out into civil war. only after years of this civil war, with the warlords switching sides continuously, did the Taliban come into play. during the civil war, which had no group gaining groun, the Taliban gathered in refugee camps and began training. as a united front, they took over Afganistan and so forth and so on.

20:20:56 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

"How could they have predicted they would organize and completely take over as the Taliban regime?"

When you give the most fanatical group in one of the worlds most backward countries weapons for 56 billion dollars you can kind of suspect what will happen.... No offence with the last post, I sounded a little hostile, didnt mean that!

20:29:47 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

America didnt give a fanatical group weapons. they gave a bunch of various groups, with different ideals, fighting in the mountains, hiding in caves, fighting against a super power, weapons.

America could not have predicted some of them would band together and eventually attack their providers!

21:44:07 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Hephaestus:

Lesser of two evils.

America thought that the Soviet Union was more "evil."  So they helped the afghan extremists get rid of that evil.

Now that the USSR is gone, now the Taliban are the most "evil."

And of course this works on the flip side... the Afghans fought off the evil USSR, and now they're fighting off the evil American Empire.

Ah, gotta love politics oO  Throw in religion and you get quite a bloodly gentleman's game.


Oh, and unrelated to the above debate, good job to the Russian Empire.  They seem to be doing pretty well in Fant, 11th place, with a score/player ratio of 4.

23:39:10 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

Hephaestus: thanks, mate.  Fantasia is really bollocksed up tho.  Every kd is napped and mapped with every other kd, typical farmers.

Mr. Soccermorning


8/30/2007 1:29:47 AM

America didnt give a fanatical group weapons. they gave a bunch of various groups, with different ideals, fighting in the mountains, hiding in caves, fighting against a super power, weapons.

America could not have predicted some of them would band together and eventually attack their providers!

As lassie said, when you give guns and money to angry people, bad things happen.

r. Heroix


8/29/2007 10:12:58 PM
Time to bring the pain for you CCPC.

First of all, its CCCP standing for  soyuz sovietskikh satsialisticheskiy respublikii. Second of all, its 9 very experienced free men vs 27 slaves, and this whole bloody war is gonna be our own little thermopylae :) so bring it on, xerxes.

00:37:01 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

Sounds like 300 :P


00:49:42 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

300 died tho :) (at least, in the movie!)

02:54:43 Aug 30th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

300 was a good movie. 

03:40:03 Aug 30th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Great movie....

04:35:44 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Great story
And you guys are doing pretty darn good.

04:51:02 Aug 30th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

Our story, right now, is no different than that of those 300 men who sacrificed themselves for the cause of freedom at thermopylae.  This brief conversation describes the type  of people we are up against.  This is referring to a city which they built in order to make troops to kill our core.  By the time this had all happened, we were already under an attack by them for a few days now. 

Mr. Grizzly [ZEON] (8/30/2007 7:00:33 AM) GOOD BAD
do NOT attack thsi city unless you wish a full scale war, we are not unprepared for you.
You (8/30/2007 7:24:39 AM)
Oh! Bugger that?! What city?

Bienvienuto al porta.
Mr. Grizzly [ZEON] (8/30/2007 7:49:19 AM) GOOD BAD
the one you just destroyed, you guys are dead now...!
You (8/30/2007 8:07:18 AM)
Oooohhhhh, that city! Yes, I remember now! Yeah...uhmmm, a little tiny problem, yeahhh, i kinda, well, you know, burnt it TO THE GROUND. After that, we all urinated on the ashes, and erected a flag pole draped with our banner.

You think I'm afraid of you, persian?

Death to the oppressor! LONG LIVE FREEDOM!

We will fight these oppressors, and we will win or die trying, but let this be known to every member of ZEON, we do not tremble in the face of tyranny, your armies may be vast, but we are fighting for our homeland, and one man who fights for his home can take our ten of yours!

So thank you all, Atreides, Hephaestus, and all you others out there who see our struggle! Long live freedom!

05:44:46 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Ataka:

Yes thank you to everyone who has supported Russia and who still does. It's people like you that give me the motivation to keep on going. And it's the kind of people that are in Russia, too. This is a great kd and I'm very glad I joined last era.


As for you, Zeon...*beep* you guys and your talk. Let's see if you really can survive the frigid winters and infinite determination of the Russian Empire.

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