Forums / In game politics / SMITE

00:37:46 Jun 20th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

It was fun while it lasted : )

We tried to have much war in the end and got it. We weren't aiming for ranking because doing so would be an insult to those that played it much so far. We thank the people that showed respect to us. And we mean those that gave much effort to destroy us, using considerable tactics and army force. Others would send pathetic troops pumped in arrogance and bloated ego.

And thanks to the few Legacy guys that dared to attack me... They almost made it : P

Thanks to my members that trusted my mediocre leadership. I had some bad turns. Politics, battle commands etc. etc. And I was barely active. they are the best warriors I have seen, the valor that you have shown will never be equaled. All in all, this was a learning process.

This downfall was called for...

01:57:08 Jun 20th 07 - Sir Razios:


04:40:09 Jun 20th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

lol, poor Erica, was nice to have you as a neighbor ;)
you guys really had no chance, and you made it till the end, you were only hit cuz you were the last possible target, they came from many moons away to get your prime real estate.

09:41:27 Jun 20th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Haywood Jablowme declares war on SMITE or whatever is left of it

10:27:47 Jun 20th 07 - Mr. Take The Naked:

Hurrah for SMITE :)

Glad to hear you folks had yourselves a good time. Tis a game after all. A rather sizeable minority seem to forget this and love being arrogant sobs/whiners/dreamers/donkeys/twinkies

Another era or two and you'd be having some good vets. Very few if any do really well their first age with some notable exceptions *cough* raistlin *cough*.

As for ranking, tis just a number on the wall, it's all about the glory! (or rather the fun of it all.)
Ya'all did a fantastic job for your first era on fant.

[for whatever reason Draven keeps pestering me to say "For the Glory!"]
Viceroy Tak

13:35:50 Jun 20th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

took sezy some time to make it to my KD. I guess he still have to finish training first. Lawkes! :P

14:32:18 Jun 20th 07 - The Wise Yarlin:

All around it was good fun. Hope to see you guys next era! =D

*Hugs Erica* I'll stop picking on your scouts now. =P

@Erica-Very nice built cities you have to! (No Rainbows! But the ratio is 1:5 not 1:4. hehe) Don't forget to teach your KD mates how to do that. =D

15:32:43 Jun 20th 07 - Mr. Ali Great:

dont complain yarlin, 1:4 is probly the best i wud have seen this era. Ridiculous amount of rainbows and 1:1  citys.  1:4 can be adjusted easily compared to 1:1.

18:08:31 Jun 20th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

HA SMITE rules unfortunataly only 6 member there is a seventh but he hasn't logged on at all. Any one declaring war on SMITE will have a job of it as there is only 1 major city left (Erica's). The only reason we fell quite quickly was dodgey walls which carnage made the most of otherwise im sure we could have given you a run for your money.

23:18:12 Jun 20th 07 - Sir Razios:

second flipino recognized by top players of this game.

23:23:20 Jun 20th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Who was the first?

01:56:46 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

um, MAD was filipino.

02:11:31 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Sezymon:

Erica, our fight...:(

04:43:24 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Danny Boy The Totally Naked:

Mr. Shyers The Return


6/20/2007 11:40:09 AM
lol, poor Erica, was nice to have you as a neighbor ;)
you guys really had no chance, and you made it till the end, you were only hit cuz you were the last possible target, they came from many moons away to get your prime real estate.



Just to get the records right, Carnage did not initiate any hostilities to Heaven Vengence. They initiated aggression on our cities when the fighting between Phi and Carnage just started and Diesel HOH army was moving east to look for spots/gaps to move down on Carnage.

I have to thank Diesel though. Because of his HOH army movements, I literally moved all my troops towards the east to in anticipation. Heaven Vengence were also moving massive troops to their blockers as well, so it just make my troops movements more justified.

Heaven Vengence thought that our cities near their area were lightly defended and boy were they wrong.

04:52:18 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

i got only 2 cities from SMITE :(

10:01:39 Jun 21st 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Just to get the records right, Carnage did not initiate any hostilities to Heaven Vengence. They initiated aggression on our cities when the fighting between Phi and Carnage just started and Diesel HOH army was moving east to look for spots/gaps to move down on Carnage.

I have to thank Diesel though. Because of his HOH army movements, I literally moved all my troops towards the east to in anticipation. Heaven Vengence were also moving massive troops to their blockers as well, so it just make my troops movements more justified.

Heaven Vengence thought that our cities near their area were lightly defended and boy were they wrong.

Not at all Danny boy. Carnage was the one who initiated the agression by letting xns attack us. We saw troops going for us as well. and not to mention army movements by orc guy, and also xns has confirmed that hostilities will continue even after that first attack. I didnt took your defenses lightly. actually, I planned it too much that my members got bored and since im not very active and it was like this was our first complete era. those armies just went down the tubs. But I admire the skills and tactics that you have shown. May they have been a show of dignity and power like Xns and that orc guy. or sly tricks like convincing the traitorous Fizban to open the gates or just riverjumping and merging. and dont forget that making a wall over the next side of the river to make a scout then merge... wait... I didnt saw the last one from carnage :P

10:45:14 Jun 21st 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

One more thing. We did not know any movements of the KDs from the far south so how was we to know what is happening there.

11:07:26 Jun 21st 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Yeah! MAD was filipino its name was derived from a political party.

Dont worry Sezy dear, Im comin for ya! XD

Too bad twa :P
Dont worry Ill get one from your KD mates and give it to you : )

12:01:50 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:


12:16:04 Jun 21st 07 - The Wise Yarlin:

She is already dead unless you count one tiny army and alot of scouts. Maybe a runaway city somewhere at most.

Sorry, we didn't feel like sharing this time. =P


12:34:31 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Danny Boy The Totally Naked:


As far as I can remember, Carnage didn't initiate agression against Heaven Vengence as we are too busy mustering troops against Phi. We knew something was amiss when we saw massive Heaven Vengence troops movements around your blockers but we did not initiate any attacks.

There wasn't any Carnage armies moving up against you until your mate, Mr. Eason sent 4 Corp sized units out of the blocker and prep on 4 different Carnage cities. He lost all four Corp units before he took any of our cities.

Yes, Carnage crossed swords with Heaven Vengence and spilled Heaven Vengence's blood at the doorstep of our cities. After this, Xns is the first Carnage lord to send her army against your kingdom.

I was the only who move troops to the east on purpose to deal with Diesel (he turned back west half way thru) but ended up using them against your kingdom after Mr. Eason's attempted attacks. The rest of my kingdom mates in the area just happened to have troops trained in the area and all started moving against your kingdom.

In summary, Carnage had no intention/plans of attacking you or your kingdom mates as we intend to have a good 1 vs 1 fight against Phi (it also does not make sense for us to open another war front when we need to concentrate against Phi). We got attacked by your kingdom mate first and we just retaliated.

That is what happened.

On a different note, I was surprised by the number of troops that you and your kd mates have churned out considering the number of kingdom mates you have. If you and your kingdom mates have co-ordinated better (more active?), I might not have been able to pull off all my stunts.

13:01:17 Jun 21st 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Ms. Xns [Havoc] (6/7/2007 5:39:17 AM) GOOD BAD
why did you return his wall omg that is so uncool of you your not my friend anymore
this friendship is over i thought you liked me but i guess i was wrong you liberating maniak phuh it is over between us finito

Ms. Xns [Havoc] (6/7/2007 9:53:26 PM) GOOD BAD
ok you may take it if you wan't but i'll will come back this is so much fun this era was getting boring
You (6/11/2007 8:06:14 PM)
It is getting quite boring :P

I have to thank you for stirring some excitement in my KD.
Ms. Xns [Havoc] (6/12/2007 6:59:54 PM) GOOD BAD
no problem but it ain't over yet :p

That was before eason's attack :)

But im really thankfull that she did, I did not really want to farm to the end of the era. :P

13:46:54 Jun 21st 07 - The Wise Yarlin:

Yeah Xns was the bored, lone crazy lady.

Danny Boy made a good point still. Far as i know no one else was planing on attacking till you guys came out in force. You could have just dealt with 1 but you chose to involve others. Just stating the fact, not trying to flame. =)

You guys made a good run at it though but the biggest mistake you made was underestimating your enemy.

I did warn you about that Erica when those troops first started advancing but you all tried anyway and that proves alot in my book. =D

Lady Erica Brahmins [SMITE] (6/12/2007 9:20:53 AM) GOOD BAD
weeee! party!!! :P
You (6/12/2007 9:25:48 AM)
(This part is not important and edited out)

So pick your towns carefully or you may end up with your whole fleet dead in one shot.
*Hugs* anyway!


13:52:41 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Jesus:

that's not true!

14:19:14 Jun 21st 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Ms. Xns [Havoc] (6/12/2007 6:59:54 PM) GOOD BAD
no problem but it ain't over yet :p

14:35:23 Jun 21st 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Darn Im so slow... anyway that last post of your member proves otherwise. It clearly states that hostilities will continue. :P
and I did saw your armies moving yarlin. Its kind of  funny that your still denying that fact. I did not underestimate your KD, Doing so would be foolish. They just kinda went off without me. :)

anyway im stopping here since I dont want a friendly conversation to turn sour. :)

15:02:44 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

I still love you erica:D

Dont listen to my carnage brethren, they just dont know how to treat a lady (at least we hope you're a lady, with the internet you can never be sure)


maybe some pictures.....;)



15:30:27 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Woopie:

this town is really worthless that i took from smite... :P

it's seems to be that the name is correct :P

Slaves >>>
No one
Magic Towers:

15:36:53 Jun 21st 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

hahaha! You fell for it whoopie :P

I have a picture here somewhere but Im not telling where it is storm ;)

Actually Im this macho man trapped in this oh so sexay bod of     a          girl.

Damned filter :P

15:41:22 Jun 21st 07 - The Wise Yarlin:

Nah, i was moving to defend and if you noticed, that army never moved north. I just reacted to movements of your own KD armies but i would have defended my cities behind the blocker that i "Stayed" in if needed. =)

Quote Xns but she never said the rest of us, just her.

Ms. Xns [Havoc] (6/7/2007 9:53:26 PM) GOOD BAD
ok you may take it if you wan't but i'll will come back this is so much fun this era was getting boring


So i stand by my words posted above. =)

I'll take it friendly if you do.

16:29:00 Jun 21st 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

So she is not one of you?

A  member of a KD is an act by a KD as a whole. Then again were a new KD with new members so your KD might have shared a different magna carta.

16:34:02 Jun 21st 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Oh wait... I said im stopping from here :P

Im getting bored again :P

16:36:07 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

Well Erica is right in this regards, xns is a part of carnage, and with her acting aggressively with HV, it means carnage was acting aggressively towards HV. Several of us in Carnage also tried to work things out with HV because we really didnt want to fight up north, but no positive replies from HV, it seems they wanted to fight (more power to them).

The issue is kind of moot at this point however.....

Cant we just have a group hug now?

16:57:44 Jun 21st 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Yeah... Right on stormvenz

We wouldn't have learned much if we did not have war with anyone. Having that war took away all the boredom from this boring era. I couldn't let that slip away by asking for peace. I did try once to ask stormvenz for a NAP but I decided to let it slip as a joke in a split sec. lest we might end up farming again. besides if it is not carnage. It would have been Legacy or Mirror. It was not a matter of choice. I just wanted to clear out that Initiating the first attack thing.

Thanks for being a gentleman stormvenz :)

One more thing...

I want to prove to the fallen Osi posi that our KD never whored to survive.

We did not ask for any NAP from any KD after Music has turned down my official NAP request. Which was way before we had the NAP with DB.

17:13:43 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

it's true

17:19:13 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Darkmarsbar:

long live predators and Lady Erica Brahmins

18:36:13 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

dont you mean predators and SMITE?

23:24:46 Jun 21st 07 - Mr. Darkmarsbar:


00:59:37 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Take The Naked:

wait. Storm's a gentleman *convulses with laughter*

also can we ban yarlin and xns and storm from the group hug?

A pity I never got the chance to fight on the eastern front. All my stuff there was wiped out more than a week ago.

In the ruins of the Great Hall of Carnage a man, tearfully holds his Excalibur up high as the fiery golden red rays of the dying sun symbolizing the decline of the Carnage Empire.
"Who wants to live forever!!!! CHARGEEEEEEE!"

01:16:46 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

decline of carnage empire? whats that mean?

01:27:44 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

Dont mind Tak, he's been a bit overdramatic these days;) You ought to see what he posts in our kingdom forums:P

01:43:09 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Take The Naked:

Storm I wasn't being serious

if i was, i'd be a life sentence with some random chick that'd claim to be my wife and dupe all my friends, family, relatives and the lawful authorities with pictures, inane yelping screaming brats et cetera.

02:06:21 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

o ok. i was about to say jester might have a chance! one less enemy! too bad it was just a misunderstanding! drat!

03:26:21 Jun 22nd 07 - Sir Razios:

I seen Erica's pic, why?

I think Erica should be a perfect candidate for soem other kingdom. BTW how many Flipinos play this game 'cept for Twa, Erica and MAD? (PHi is and insult to filipinos everywhere)

@ Erica *hugs and cries* I feel bad or your poor little scouties. Have a nazgul army instead!

09:19:13 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

"(PHi is and insult to filipinos everywhere)"

*slaps razios*
wtf are you talking about?  Marcjen and Zerocool are nice guys.

11:08:52 Jun 22nd 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

*slaps twamao.*

Marcjen is nice

but zerocool is not nice :(

21:15:32 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

Mr. Danny Boy The Totally Nake psst. i can see you, i know what happened, it doesn't matter, thou. You don't need to try to convince me or is it cause your worried cause of stuff like this?:

Lady Erica Brahmins [SMITE] (6/19/2007 9:20:53 AM) GOOD BAD


you are so wonderful, i just have to profess my love to you! you are the greatest man in the world. I know your with Quietone but truly can't you have me too? I can share, i know how wonderful you are and just a piece of you is enough for me to happy for the rest of my life!

yours forever,

your little kitten

p.s. i'm sending you some new pictures of me in my new outfit.

You (6/19/2007 9:25:48 AM)



don't worry i keep my personal affairs out of the game and don't hold it against you that you attacked her.....or do i?

13:54:40 Jun 23rd 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:


01:13:46 Jun 24th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Hear ye! Hear ye! we will be entertaining new applicants as of today! :D

Yes! We are now opening recruitment, and we will be needing these informations

1. Why you wanted to join us?
2. How many Era's you have been playing
3. Why do you think twamao is *BEEEP*?
(whoa! :o I didn't know that word is uber evul!!!.)
4. Who is your crush?
5. When was your first kiss?
6. Do you think SMITE is kewl? if not, submit a 50 paged essay about the theory of relativity.
7. What is love?
8. What is the meaning of life?
9. What is your motto?

No you do not PM that to any of us. You have to post your answers here! Yes! Right here in this thread! we are currently infested of twamao's spam that our PC crashes whenever we open the messages :(

*Sets an anti twamao bucket of... something on the top of the door.*

03:10:01 Jun 24th 07 - Sir Razios:

1. I like annoying you

2. I don't like math

3. You really wanna know?

4. That bug on the floor


6. Yes

7. Torture of a Living Soul ;P

8. Live it and die

9. Have no peace and slap anyone that gets in my way


Shyers gets all da love 'round here?

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