Forums / In game politics / SUBMIT AND JOIN MY NEW KD

17:55:33 Feb 2nd 10 - Ms. Milla Jovovich:

OK. Its time I made this public. Me and some of my friends will be leaving Domination next era. Reasons are: domi kinda sucks and Lew is a shemale.

Basicly, we're aspiring to be everything Domi are not:
good diplomatics
good leadership
good everything

Therefor we have decided to name ourselves SUBMISSION!!!! =D
Naturally, some in the domi leadership doesnt like this and we're likely to end up warring Domi. Naturally we will win this fight.
I've talked this over with Lew(tbh I still like Lew, its the rest of the dimwits in Domi I can't stand, yes I'm talking about -among others- Rev) and will not leave until end of era.

but, if you want to join me send me a pm or leave a msg here in this thread.

OH. And here's our banner:

18:15:33 Feb 2nd 10 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

Well, good luck!

18:31:03 Feb 2nd 10 - Duke Kevdwayne The Panjandrum:

Several inconsistencies here.....

19:07:35 Feb 2nd 10 - Pirate Candybeard:

Well than...

good luck I guess Augh :/

. . .

19:09:12 Feb 2nd 10 - Ms. Milla Jovovich:

Hey TBL :)

Our memberlist so far has 15 names on it(all highly skilled, active and sexy ppl, basicly the cream of Domination, hell, the cream of VU!)

If you want your name added to the list and a chance to play with some of the best players in VU give me a hollah.

/the One and Only Augh

19:43:41 Feb 2nd 10 - Sir Kobuskan:

Submission is the name of a racis move against the Islam, not a good name for a kingdom i think.

Don,t want to get associated with that.

19:47:19 Feb 2nd 10 - Ms. Milla Jovovich:

I dont know of that movement and I think most people in the world doesn't. Besides, with our banner and our kd description there will be no way the two of us can be mixed toghether.

19:49:54 Feb 2nd 10 - Duke Kevdwayne The Panjandrum:

and Domination is a fringe lifestyle practiced by what some would refer to as 'deviants'...... where does this end?  At what point do we finally say, admit that Political Correctness is nothing more than an infringement on Freedom of Speech and Expression? 

19:51:53 Feb 2nd 10 - Sir Kobuskan:

Have to correct myself, its not a rasicm movie, but it is a movie against woman abuse in the Islamic world.

Also not a good name for a kingdom or is it ?

19:51:57 Feb 2nd 10 - Ms. Milla Jovovich:

Is that your way of saying you want to join Kev?

19:52:13 Feb 2nd 10 - Lady Astoria:

Hmmmmm I'm actually a little interested :p

19:53:04 Feb 2nd 10 - Sir Kobuskan:

btw is Rev also belonging to the cream of Dom ?

19:57:05 Feb 2nd 10 - Lady Rev the Hedgehog:

Sir Kobuskan


19:53:04 Feb 2nd 10
btw is Rev also belonging to the cream of Dom ?

Im the cream of teh crop sir.

20:07:20 Feb 2nd 10 - Ms. Milla Jovovich:

rev is the scum of Domi imo.

but its up for interpretation (I'm not here to make more enemies than I already have.)

20:29:27 Feb 2nd 10 - Mr. Gauntlet:

Best of luck Augh :)

20:31:53 Feb 2nd 10 - Mr. Arzun:

You deleted my off Facebook Augh you bastard. Your Kingdom is destined to fail now!

23:10:53 Feb 2nd 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

lol arzoon :D Goodluck Augh :D

23:12:28 Feb 2nd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Well best of luck.. Though can you post the members that are planning to join so i can decide whether to Tolerate some of ya or downright despise ya ;p. lol jk, ill play the nice neutral party like always.

00:32:34 Feb 3rd 10 - Ms. Black Mamba:

How can this kingdom contain the cream of VU without me being in it?


00:51:44 Feb 3rd 10 - Endless Spankings The Naughty:

so, submission aka submissive? (trait of yielding to the expressed will of another or some display of force)  as in everybody's favourite treat next era? or something else ^^

00:57:06 Feb 3rd 10 - Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer:

Ms. Milla Jovovich


01:09:12 Feb 3rd 10

Our memberlist so far has 15 names on it(all highly skilled, active and sexy ppl, basicly the cream of Domination, hell, the cream of VU!)

Does that mean Domination is disbanding?

Ms. Milla Jovovich


23:55:33 Feb 2nd 10
I've talked this over with Lew(tbh I still like Lew, its the rest of the dimwits in Domi I can't stand, yes I'm talking about -among others- Rev) and will not leave until end of era.

You already knew Revenge was a BFC (Big F-iing Clown) from the stunts he pulled in Elements, yet you joined Domination regardless... *shrug*

01:01:33 Feb 3rd 10 - Mr. Landry:

nice banner.  very grab ya.

01:50:49 Feb 3rd 10 - Duke Salad:

Ms. Black Mamba


02:32:34 Feb 3rd 10

How can this kingdom contain the cream of VU without me being in it?


Well if you think about it, if you are part of the cream of VU. Then you must have already joined Aughys KD :O

08:34:34 Feb 3rd 10 - Ms. Milla Jovovich:

Arzun, sorry, but I have a policy against being friend with people who invite me to fake facebook-groups. Just like I ask people who send chain-mails to me to remove me from their e-mail contacts.

Oh, and Teirdel, I'm sorry but the list will stay secret for now. However if you are interested in joining we could perhaps talk in private.

TBL, as far as I know Domi is not disbanding.

11:14:56 Feb 3rd 10 - King Dragon of Wrath:

Duke Kevdwayne The Panjandrum


19:49:54 Feb 2nd 10
At what point do we finally admit that Political Correctness is nothing more than an infringement on Freedom of Speech and Expression? 

Hear ye! Hear ye!
Well spoken Sir, my hat off to you

23:53:56 Feb 3rd 10 - Lady Rev the Hedgehog:

You already knew Revenge was a BFC (Big F-iing Clown) from the stunts he pulled in Elements, yet you joined Domination regardless... *shrug* "

Coming from the guy that bent NAP's to their breaking points and swapped cities to try and prevent DVS an era win :o?

03:02:54 Feb 5th 10 - Ms. Milla Jovovich:

I'm gonna make a statement here:

EVERYONE who joins Submission(and everyone else)WILL get to see my tits.

03:40:55 Feb 5th 10 - Mr. Skinnyvinny II:

i am not a big fan of Dom but that is harsh.

22:11:44 Feb 5th 10 - Ms. Niques The Mystical Priestess:


Good Luck Augh! Maybe sometimes, I can play again with your side. ^^

22:38:16 Feb 5th 10 - Mr. Edd The Lazy Bum:

omg im joining augh's kd! if the statement above is true

09:04:03 Feb 6th 10 - Lady Rev the Hedgehog:

lol, why did Lew's thread get locked?

15:54:13 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

cuz the mods dun like her :P

16:33:53 Feb 6th 10 - Pirate Candybeard:

LoL wth

You (2/5/2010 9:38:03 PM)
hey man, why the hell lock my recruitment topic? There was a lot of spam on it but I couldn't help it. Why lock it because we are a bit disliked?
VU Admin (2/6/2010 1:14:40 AM) GOOD BAD
You did already catch enough fish.

18:56:14 Feb 6th 10 - Lady Rev the Hedgehog:


19:25:03 Feb 6th 10 - Duke Kevdwayne The Panjandrum:

"Language is the dress of thought; every time you talk your
mind is on parade."

-- Dr Samuel Johnson

17:44:38 Feb 7th 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

lew wants my fish

20:36:03 Feb 7th 10 - Pirate Candybeard:

I only like big fishes... no sardines.

20:36:06 Feb 7th 10 - Pirate Candybeard:


20:57:07 Feb 7th 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

shush miss pink you said you wanted to anal rape me, remember? ;)

21:45:01 Feb 7th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

she had to settle for that becuse she doesnt like sardines stirlin. its ok, not ur fault :)

08:25:25 Feb 8th 10 - Duke Random:

wait... what... double O.o

11:33:10 Feb 8th 10 - Mr. Dalak The Dodgy Gynaecologist:


16:42:08 Feb 13th 10 - Duke Salad:


01:32:56 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Ms. Milla Jovovich


19:02:54 Feb 4th 10 I'm gonna make a statement here:

EVERYONE who joins Submission(and everyone else)WILL get to see my tits.

Im just gonna come out and call you out on bullshit!

good luck Augh

01:50:49 Feb 19th 10 - Endless Spankings The Naughty:

manboobs :(

03:30:44 Feb 20th 10 - Duke Salad:

THe KD is up.. send in your APPs peeps

03:50:19 Feb 20th 10 - Swedish chef Brashen:

I low u Milla your so damn hot (exept in jean dīdarc)

14:40:13 Feb 20th 10 - Ms. Milla Jovovich:


14:46:25 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Basch:

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