Forums / In game politics / SafaranKnights!

19:48:59 Sep 1st 08 - General Zondervan:

We are on Mantrax!

We are recruiting 2 eras+, will accept new players that are active enough to train.


The other Safaran Knights will be joining soon.

21:51:53 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

yay for the new SK old sk members hurry n join

22:06:50 Sep 1st 08 - Sir Charley Deallus:


22:14:48 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

wheres my multi?


22:24:43 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

General Zondervan, U give me an EXPLANATION RIGHT NOW!!
U are mine..
U applied to me, and were gonna stay with me this era..

When u asked permission to leave I told u this..
instead u ignored me..
and went to Sk..after you told me u were gonna stay with us..

I gave u permission to switch next era. Now ur just a dirty traitor. Prepare to die early unless u come with a good deal

22:27:37 Sep 1st 08 - Sir Kathandarion:

....Gallyon.I know were you stand but Zondervan was a SK member before he was a Insubordination member.infact a SK leader.

22:30:09 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

^^ gallyon.

a) he was ment 2 be sk from the start,

b) he isnt a traitor cos 1...he didnt give info or show me where ur base is.

c) he left in the 1st 2 ticks so dont count.

d)he was planned leader for over a month.

f) i told him to give u info on us.

22:32:57 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

still..that doesnt matter...he shouldn't have applied if he was going to do that. He has hold of VERY precious information to me. I will not just let him walk away with that.

a) he joined Fuzzy, not sk
b) he left fuzzy without permission
c) he lied, by saying he would stay, which he didn't(he said this a few hours ago)
d) he WANTED TO BE A VICEROY IN MY KINGDOM (Which i didn't promote him to yet, but he will never become it now)
e)if he would've been patient, we might have gotten a deal. now het just destroyed himself.

he is a traitor by leaving a kingdom during an era.

22:36:57 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

^^ i am not goin 2 accept any info from him. i dont want anything on u.

he isnt a traitor.

ill take full responsiblity..i was inactive till era started and we didnt accept him cos we werent on.

he was ment to be in sk and lead and is.

i dno why he would of said he staying. but i conviced him 2 join sk where he should be

22:38:44 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Well, it is your fault he wasn't there in the start..Not his.
therefore, u cant steal him away from us now.

Anyway, u made ur decision.
I will make mine tomorrow afternoon with my council

22:51:13 Sep 1st 08 - General Zondervan:

what do i need to explain? it is not traitorism if it was the start of the era. and yes i wanted to be vice because i was suppose to be a leader and anyone would take a leader spot over a vice anytime. and i don't know what info i have. i know of 1 thing that it could be i will not say it and don't know why it it such a big deal.

23:01:34 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

You know more then you think you do :)
All my members know of it unknowingly.
Every other King could figure it out if they had the information.

Well, first Explain to me why you lied, second explain to me why you joined me in the first place while u knew u were perhaps not going to stay here. third why didnt u even send me a message when u left?

23:07:34 Sep 1st 08 - General Zondervan:

first i'm not your dog. i do as a please. i leave when i want, your not my keeper. i never lied you knew i was lined up with another kd. and i joined in the first place to have a kingdom incase mine didn't happen.

23:10:23 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Euranus:

Now that clears up everything! Who wants beer?

23:13:54 Sep 1st 08 - General Zondervan:

give me a keg.

23:18:34 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

u join a kingdom for an era..not for a few ticks.
u did lie to me..
u said u were gonna stay with us after i said why i didnt want u to leave
though u did leave when I got back.

We solved this situation now, so no need to talk ab it anymore.

23:23:58 Sep 1st 08 - General Zondervan:


23:34:22 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Heripy:

Dont join Sarafan Kites. This be the second era in a row they left the KD they originally joined....Unless of course you like being hated by the rest of the players in game...

23:38:33 Sep 1st 08 - General Zondervan:

and you are?


also Me and shakenbake made this kingdom so a different one. and almost same name.

23:38:59 Sep 1st 08 - Sir Kathandarion:


23:41:55 Sep 1st 08 - General Zondervan:

not all of us are if any. idk. so JOIN!

23:44:08 Sep 1st 08 - Ms. Pimpin:

wooooooo! sarafan knights!

04:34:28 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

nitral..why u hatin on us nigga? show us love

06:23:22 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

whats the deal here? :S
why is everyone switching?
inactive leader? :P

10:37:15 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Kathandarion:

I hate slade not SK.Shake is good although Slade got him killed last era and general is funny :P although ive never seen him play.but a weak link in a chain can collapse the whole thing. As you saw last era Shake Slade doesnt have the competence to lead sheep.starts wars he cant win and then abandons his KD to there Fate.but now general is running the show(i just saw) PEOPLE JOIN SK.

12:19:36 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Knigh:

um why are there two sk? one on mantrax and one on zeta?

12:33:40 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Kathandarion:

because they want to have two. -_- ur just angry coz there is only one Fuzzy.

13:44:18 Sep 2nd 08 - General Zondervan:

we are special :)

13:47:29 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Stirlin:

who is Mr Knigh? hes not in my KD(Fuzzy) so why is he angry that theres only one of us? oor maybe we have an admirer :)
your true love,Stirlin

17:14:31 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Kathandarion:

WTF YOUR TRUE LOVE.GET HIM HIS *BEEP* jus messin with you.or am i.nah im going now.or am i .good bye.or hello.

18:39:19 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

ur just angry coz there is only one Fuzzy

:s..u just said that towards a none fuzzy member :p...strange ;)

19:07:47 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Pimp shakes his head and vows to burn all KD's...just when you thought it was safe to go outside...

20:03:26 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

lol wat song is that?


to all. there are two sks...cos the zeta 1 is run by slade whos hasnt signed on we made a new 1...and also! i hasnt been zond its been me but yes zond has helped i like zond :D he can have a free hooker.

Sk are not traitors  zond was ment to be with make that ONE era. i suggest u do join...or atleast stop hatin on us..if u wana flame us by sayin dont join...maybe get the *beep* out n go bak 2 r thread :D

02:21:48 Sep 4th 08 - Lord Slade:

Sir Kathandarion


9/2/2008 1:38:59 AM


Shut up douche





02:36:16 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Charley Deallus:

I think Safaran Knights has a catchy sound to it...

07:52:23 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

lol fuk me..why does sk always get flamed or *beep*med i its topics..people stay on topic yall dont hate on us...if u want sure we can flame it out

07:59:09 Sep 4th 08 - Lord Slade:

O_O why would i hate a copy of my KD


07:59:45 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

lol shut up slade u know that aint directed at u

08:40:39 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Kathandarion:


(i think)

10:25:04 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

mmm kinda lol u did call us a traitor kd even tho i like u..its directed at any nigga or cracka who aims flames at us

06:34:47 Sep 6th 08 - Lord Slade:

Sir Kathandarion


9/2/2008 12:37:15 PM
I hate slade not SK.Shake is good although Slade got him killed last era and general is funny :P although ive never seen him play.but a weak link in a chain can collapse the whole thing. As you saw last era Shake Slade doesnt have the competence to lead sheep.starts wars he cant win and then abandons his KD to there Fate.but now general is running the show(i just saw) PEOPLE JOIN SK.


Why does everyone Hate me?

what did i do?

06:39:27 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Kat:

i don't hate you

06:51:02 Sep 6th 08 - Lord Kevdwayne:

Lord Slade


9/6/2008 12:34:47 AM
Sir Kathandarion


9/2/2008 12:37:15 PM
I hate slade not SK.Shake is good although Slade got him killed last era and general is funny :P although ive never seen him play.but a weak link in a chain can collapse the whole thing. As you saw last era Shake Slade doesnt have the competence to lead sheep.starts wars he cant win and then abandons his KD to there Fate.but now general is running the show(i just saw) PEOPLE JOIN SK.


Why does everyone Hate me?

what did i do?

I think it is the sheep thing  :P  and give mine back thief!

08:02:29 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

lol everyone hates slade because its slade

23:00:03 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

u guys disbanned didn't u??

23:52:25 Sep 7th 08 - General Zondervan:

doesn't the kd list say so?

01:05:22 Sep 8th 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

omg then why are people still talking in this thread?

they wouldnt have recruited anyone anyway

02:08:14 Sep 8th 08 - General Zondervan:

accually we did.

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