Forums / In game politics / Salute to SoS

Salute to SoS
20:49:02 May 28th 07 - Sir Fizban:

You all fought a good fight, and many interesting tricks were used by all. A great showing for your first time in Fant. :-)

21:04:31 May 28th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

*bows*  *but loses balance and ends up on his head*
oops, sooo slarry, i guess, fizzy pouryed toos much ale in me cup *hick* goods fighting! helds up up longer than them guys wit there yellow faced flags! *hick*

02:13:44 May 29th 07 - Mr. YI Sun:

*he dances around as a beggar, who was one of the lords at SoS land*

Great tactics by DB. For me, DB wins hands down :) We've learned a lot throughout the war!

02:40:53 May 29th 07 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

Goodluck to you in the next era :)

definitely held out for a long time. Hopefully you take the city by river lesson and apply it next era.

17:22:49 May 29th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

nice one SoS *salutes and then waves*

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