Forums / In game politics / Sarafan Knights Recruiting

Sarafan Knights Recruiting
05:18:18 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

Sarafan knights are recruiting once again. many things have changed from eras before we have a new look and some new members we are a very expirienced KD and looking for members to join.

 We are only looking for active members or atleast semi active.

new players must be active so we can teach them.

expirienced players should be active but can take a bit of time off.

Send in an application and ill check it out

05:22:14 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Chucky:


05:24:28 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Hey it's the leader that destroyed SK ._. oh wait...that was me AND you...oops
PS-Dont accept farmers also ._. that drove me CRAZY when I was in it....

05:26:44 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Chucky:

ooh yeah, damn farmers, they helped destroy it as well =]

05:28:08 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

But it was mostly you and farmers at first....then it was me later on =\ 
You just had to go off and forgive me DIDNT you?

05:29:51 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Chucky:

yep =]

05:30:14 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Chucky:

[13:28] <@Charley> me and you will ruin it XD
[13:28] <@Charley> talking about how we destroyed it
[13:28] <+Chucky> haha yeah
[13:28] <+Chucky> lets like just attack it to destroy it
[13:28] <@Charley> You were off making babies...and I was telling people to leave it
[13:28] <+Chucky> lol
[13:29] <+Chucky> i got the good part
[13:29] <@Charley> Making PJ Jr
[13:29] <+Chucky> :P
[13:29] <@Charley> ._.

haha lolz

05:36:59 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

What??? SPIES!? *Cough*  No Comment >_>

SK is a good KD, just needs to keep the farmers out and keep the leaders from being inactive nubs *coughPJcough*

05:41:23 Aug 22nd 08 - Lord Nephilim The Redeemer:

you two are both Nubs

Charley you b!tch more then a Chick on her rags

and PJ you just a plain old inactive nub

(i say this because you a flaming my Recrutment thread0


05:42:23 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler: sorry...but this is an "I ruined the kingdom" reunion...but you can join since you helped XD

06:10:55 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Chucky:

no one is flamming it you wanker!!

now i will flame.



06:13:09 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Sir Chucky


8/22/2008 1:10:55 AM
no one is flamming it you wanker!!

now i will flame.



Of course that is true on the condition that this is Slades thread and not Shakes....Shake is kewl XD

But yes...Slade does like little boys...

06:13:43 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Chucky:

yeah i like shake =]

06:15:05 Aug 22nd 08 - Lord Nephilim The Redeemer:

WTF i dont like little boys Douche bag

And Charley shut up and dont you have @ss kissing to do
im sure Sci wont be Mad you were Late

And David take you Nub ass to Survivor im sure he wont be mad that its been tainted a few hundred time


06:16:30 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Chucky:

what does *beep* mean?

does beeping have a meaning?

06:20:30 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Slade keeps using that stupid ass kissing insult against is becoming really dull and least I don't chase little boys Slade....

06:21:47 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Chucky:

he chases little boys to do a bit more then just kiss their asses

06:22:57 Aug 22nd 08 - Lord Nephilim The Redeemer:


Dave the beep was fuk

and Charley you are such a douche

06:26:23 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

All you ever do is say §tfu and call me a douche...please be more original.  I deserve at least insults of the teen level...

06:26:26 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Chucky:

you swore

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06:30:12 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol wow issues in the world of SF

06:31:50 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Chucky:

lol its funny

06:32:40 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol it is funny. Just slades got some issues/ You and charley are joking around then you got slade with the seriousness

06:35:08 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

I was shocked and awed ._. I was trying to be carefree and loosen up a little....Onex would be proud XD

06:58:14 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Gravity:



you guys are all *beep*s.

08:00:36 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Chucky:

i think SK once killed this young lady

19:13:26 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

lol SK are actually backstabbers.but there learning its not good to backstab people.

23:39:39 Aug 22nd 08 - General Zondervan:

blah blah blah

09:37:02 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Chucky:

SK are backstabbers now, they werent last era =]

09:51:32 Aug 23rd 08 - Lord Nephilim The Redeemer:

Sir Lord Nitral


8/22/2008 9:13:26 PM
lol SK are actually backstabbers.but there learning its not good to backstab people.


Fuk off Kath you faggit Kingdom Attack First so go fuk yourself

09:55:19 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Roheran:

if slades message is an indication of the kd's maturity and political skills you guys are in trouble!

10:03:01 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Chucky:

lol i agree, thats the worst example of diplomacy ive ever seen

10:53:39 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

not true.. being a political leader you need to have lots of intergrity, honor, and a knowledge of everything that is right! now.. to be a good leader you just need to know how to kick some ass and thats slade "_"

11:00:09 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Chucky:

he dosent kick ass, he just has a bad mouth

11:06:23 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Roheran:

to be a good leader you need ALL of those qualities. you could be great at this game but if you don't manage your kd well it can undermine everything you are doing... you are naive if you think anything else

11:41:31 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

who cares about managing kingdoms "_" its about firepower and the ability to use that power

14:41:14 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

The only people in SK who were backstabbers were those who left it to kill Trog's multi *cough* because he decided that he wanted to start a war with everyone at one time...making me stay up until the crack of dawn fixing his stupidity. Finally I decided that we had too many farmers, PJ our glorious leader was inactive,  and Trog was being a complete *beep*.  A number of us left and I encouraged every player that wanted to stay and fight, to join another kingdom.  We then KILLED Trog(was completely one sided but who cares)and blew up Zeta.  Then Slade comes back from his trip, Trog lies to him and says that everything was our fault, Slade gets pissed at RoC, then finally figures out that Trog is a lying retard and pretty much said stuff to make himself look good.  Since then, Trog swore he would get his revenge on RoC for killing him.  So if you look at it in a certain way...I did not kill SK, PJ did not kill SK, even SLADE did not kill SK, but people like Trog who like to wage personal wars between KDs that he hates for faults that are probably his own in the first place...take a bow Trog

SK was a good kindom but needed to be stricter on farmers and people who hopped KDs to stay alive.  We had a few good people who were doing everything but we had a TON of people who sat back, did nothing, and/or did not follow rules of the leadership and showed complete disrespect for it.  They did what they wanted, when they wanted, and did not care about the KD as a whole, but only for themselves.

16:21:53 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

and to summarize.. people give to much *beep* for this game its just a game!!! people will betray, like ive done, some people will stay loyal forever like some of you people do.. and some people despite your their intentions will piss people off

16:32:59 Aug 23rd 08 - General Zondervan:

more blah blah

06:22:55 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Chucky:

yay i didnt kill SK =D

screw you trog =]

07:14:58 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

umm....sarafan knights is awesome....luv slade =)


P.S -- Sir ernie the orange are u...didnt talk to u for a long time...

07:21:44 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Chucky:

SKSarafan Knights5Lord Nephilim The Redeemer0

bottom of Valhalla...

07:41:51 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

one time i took this kingdom on by myself.....and won.

07:44:58 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Chucky:


08:12:26 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Lord Nephilim The Redeemer


8/23/2008 8:51:32 AM
Sir Lord Nitral


8/22/2008 9:13:26 PM
lol SK are actually backstabbers.but there learning its not good to backstab people.


Fuk off Kath you faggit Kingdom Attack First so go fuk yourself tell me why you left us mid-era allied all our enemies and then over the killing of what was it again a battalion THAT WAS PREPPING ON US AND GIVEN 24 HOURS TO MOVE you started a war that any jackass knew you couldnt win as You were in our core yes.BUT SORROUNDED AND OUT i remember your cities were gone within a day.

08:15:38 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Chucky:

lol no surprise, slade gets very *beep*y

16:03:30 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:


16:28:35 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

uuugh cmon guys if u wana bust on slade fine. but remember we are recruiting and also were at the bottom because a none of our members r doing anything we waitin for next era..



16:40:49 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Shakenbake


8/24/2008 11:28:35 AM

uuugh cmon guys if u wana bust on slade fine. but remember we are recruiting and also were at the bottom because a none of our members r doing anything we waitin for next era..



I agree with Shake because he is a nice guy ☺

16:44:57 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

awww thnx charley haha.. help us get more members :D

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