Forums / In game politics / Send in Applications Please

Send in Applications Please
22:31:07 Dec 18th 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

Hello everyone.  My name is Gennady Mikhailov.  I am Chairman of the General Assembly of the RDR.  We are currently accepting applications, preferrably from experienced players, but we will accept new players, and we will train you *how generous*

RDR Facts:

  • Leader: Gennady Mikhailov
  • Government: Democracy
  • GEP: 89%
  • Military Vice: Genghis Kahn
  • Diplomatic Vice: Rephekul


Application Requirements are listed as follows

First, tell us:

  1. What was your first era?
  2. List of previous kds
  3. What type of player are you (example: attacker, diplomat, defensive)?
  4. Preferred Race
Note: All players must be ACTIVE.  I am on every day, so you should be too! Players who are absent for more than 2 days WILL BE EVICTED if they do not write of their leave in the forum prior to doing so!

AND we have Anna Kurnikova!

22:46:53 Dec 18th 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

Yeah, she is good looking girl though lol!!!



23:36:12 Dec 18th 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

...and did I mention that Anna Kurnikova is getting a VU account AND joining RDR :)

23:37:37 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

wow, that's good propaganda for you! :O

23:43:32 Dec 18th 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

nah, we sold carnage the technology, as we are the masters of cloning (for reference, see red alert 2).

23:56:31 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Why do I get the feeling this is going to usher in a new age of celebrity-endorsement for kds lol. All in all, I'd say it's a good thing =p

00:44:48 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Hewhowasdeleted:

WOW!! ten max members thats a lot different than last era!!

By the way this is Arthion ......your favorite revolutionist. hehe

01:02:58 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

i like blondes and brunettes about the same but i find that brunettes can be a lot sexier than blondes and with blondes dirty blonde is the way to go

01:13:09 Dec 19th 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

Arthion, my backstabbing old friend? Hahaha jk, or maybe not... Nah, we're good now, after all, jesus says forgive our sinners lol.

Yes, we recognized that although russia is a great democracy that includes anna kurnikova in it, not everyone can be lucky enough to join. 

And, to the bright side, Furion cant constantly call me "land fat" anymore.  Its actually looking like hes the land fat one :O

01:22:58 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Phoenix Fire:

lol hes a funny guy XD    "land fat"     lol

01:27:57 Dec 19th 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

You know whats absolutely hilarious...prepare to be amazed.............

Furion, the great lord of godlike...

WAS ONCE MY SUBORDINATE!!! Yesssss he was once PM of the Russian Empire. Let the truth be known!!!!

02:18:34 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Hewhowasdeleted:

"Backstabbing old friend"

That hits me hard got to admit it did change the era and battle lines dramatically. And man it was a fun revolution!! heck russia had plenty of them.

I still think its funny how you went from like 50+ members to 10 MAX.

02:23:58 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Phoenix Fire:

i witnessed the "revolution" last era it was very...harsh XD

02:24:39 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

My posts in this forum were deleted... you bastards!!

02:28:33 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

so was epyons post with the hot girl =(

02:30:54 Dec 19th 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

@ Hewhow....   yeah it did, we havn't ruled over zeta since ezatious :(  still, i just wanted to kill godlike.

@ Phoenix Fire.... yeah you should have seen the era b4 that when we took on all of Zeon, real bugger that was, got the kd all bollocksed up

@ Trogdor... i hate it when the admins do that it tends to turn other ppls posts into making entirely no sense whatsoever.

02:36:51 Dec 19th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

this is stupid.... all of the friendly posts get deleted and all of the perfectly fine topics get locked and yet there are always those flame threads that go on where people cuz each other out....

*Epyon claps*

congratulations mods, you've done a splendid job!! why not delete the posts people complain about instead of the ones nobody has a problem with?

*Epyon waits for this post to get deleted*

02:39:26 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

omg! i saw epyons post before it was deleted! im more active and pathetic than the mods!

but how would we survive without the flame threads epyon? i mean think about it phi only thrives by flaming its the fire taht keeps them alive! =P

but i am sad that epyons hot girl was deleted.... =(

@ epyon: post her back up there man!

02:41:06 Dec 19th 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

Epyon, you're such a rebel!  You should join rdr :P

Damn, this post is gonna make no sense once the mods delete epyons post. 

We need to make some kinda encrypted language that mods cant read.

Lol, imagine what its like to be a forum mod, they probably delete our posts bcuz they r so miserable. maybe if we bake them a cake, or get them some chocolates!

02:43:14 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

i agree!

but then they will see it as sp@m and it wil lbe deleted anyway....

oh well! lets start on our new langauge!

02:53:49 Dec 19th 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:


Killstone, you don't happen to have an Enigma machine handy do you?

02:58:04 Dec 19th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

woah guys, you're going off topic


*Epyon waits for all of the posts in this forum to get deleted*

02:58:18 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:


 That will be "a".

03:03:08 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Yeah I'm totally with Mikhailov, they must be miserable and thus need cake. Here's a nice cake showing my appreciation (look quick guys, while it lasts).

03:03:58 Dec 19th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

lol nice.. :)

03:20:49 Dec 19th 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

Oh, come on, nobody wants a corpse cake.

rather, show the mods something they want....lets see, they are

  1. Always inside
  2. Never get any fresh air
SO THUS, THEY NEED A..................

Football Cake!!!

03:50:10 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:



dang whats are the other letters all i can say is "a" for now!

03:56:12 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Phoenix Fire:

that is a soccer cake lol XD j/k im sure where you are it is football but a REAL football cake is this:

03:57:26 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

haha ya american football!

04:01:57 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

Considering they sit in the house all day and ruin peoples lives they need some "satisfaction". I propose we send them gift baskets of sex dolls and lube :)

04:05:23 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

Considering the fact that 1/2 of VU runs computers this old I don't think we should load anymore cake pictures.

21:16:34 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Phoenix Fire:

lol cake is good though ;-p

23:47:36 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

my com isnt that old! i made it like 2 summers ago its stupendous!

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