Forums / In game politics / Shaken Lords - Recruiting.Zeta

Shaken Lords - Recruiting.Zeta
15:30:03 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

For those on zetamania. Shaken Lords is up and active.

Definate members are.

Mr. Shakenbake

Mr. Benji V

Mr. Rocio Octofasciata

Mr. Barbaros Pasa

Mr. Nialas.

Bors Baledwyr

Possible members are.



if ur interested post here

15:34:21 Sep 7th 08 - Lord Slade:

Shaken Lords

Kingdom Banner

Name: Shaken Lords
Members: 1
Tag: SL
Created: 9/6/2008 6:09:16 PM
Leader: Mr. Shakenbake


Might wanna add that


i will join you some time shake


15:36:12 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

ohh right haha new i 4got somthing!

haha looking foward to it mate

15:38:04 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

hey shakes, hope you are well. i'm sure i'm fighting benji v on mant?!

15:42:11 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

hey bro im ight u? yeh u are corect all tho ive made the kd isnt in full effect till next era.. just trialing stuff. so the members hvnt joined yet

but they will be.

08:27:17 Sep 9th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I just learned that Shake needs to "zip his lip" or in easier terms...shutting the hell up...his mouth is going to tarnish his KD's cleanliness so far...

08:36:27 Sep 9th 08 - Lord Slade:

Lord Charley Deallus


9/9/2008 10:27:17 AM

I just learned that Shake needs to "zip his lip" or in easier terms...shutting the hell up...his mouth is going to tarnish his KD's cleanliness so far...


Look whos talking

13:53:49 Sep 9th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

since when did ernie become an *beep*? i aint taken any *beep* from u i dont care who u r..i aint talking *beep* from u or any1...playin that *beep* on me just cos i said wed catch your kingdom? and that i reckon we could go well vs preds? son get ur game straight come back to me when ur worth talking to son

13:58:04 Sep 9th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Lol, Shake doesnt have a reputation to tarnish, Charley. xD

And Shake, your last post speaks for itself. I reckon you should stop acting ghetto and speak decent English or your 'KD's cleanliness' will fall drastically. Not that it was ever up to begin with. xD

14:07:55 Sep 9th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

Lord Incognito


9/9/2008 1:58:04 PM

Lol, Shake doesnt have a reputation to tarnish, Charley. xD


exactly...who exactly is he?! :P

14:53:24 Sep 9th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

icon i aint changin the way i speak for u or for any1 else for that matter quot bitin i apologies i didnt go 2 school like u guys do? that wat u want me 2 say? if ima build a reputation fine my reputation will be of not taken *beep* from people. on ur bike son. get outa my topic aint yall got somthin better to do then flame

16:21:33 Sep 9th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Lord Incognito


9/9/2008 8:58:04 AM

Lol, Shake doesnt have a reputation to tarnish, Charley. xD

And Shake, your last post speaks for itself. I reckon you should stop acting ghetto and speak decent English or your 'KD's cleanliness' will fall drastically. Not that it was ever up to begin with. xD

I dont care how he talks...when he starts threatening me he needs to shut his big mouth before someone decides to shut it for him...

16:57:20 Sep 9th 08 - Mr. Benji V:

charley , inco u either *beep* or GTFO

charley : u dont see anyone telling u to stop rping everywhere , do u ?? , its rly annoying but u still dont see people shouting at u to stop it , plus u started with the whole threating thing , so dont start *beep*ing and plz if u want to wish him luck or conratz him do it and get out

inco : i dont rly see what ur problem is but if he wants to talk gangsta i dont see why anyone wont join him for that

everyone : this thread is only for wishing shake luck , congratzing him or asking if u can join .

good luck shake ^_^ and im sure next era will be fun

17:40:39 Sep 9th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

...Benji you are one of the top reason why I left RoC in the first place so shut it.  RPing everyone?? Oh you mean me speaking in RP format while in RoC...sorry for being too "complicated" for you to understand.....should I speak S-L-O-W-E-R for you??? Maybe the fact that I like to have fun in this GAME is part of it...I would have not had any problems with Shake but when he starts saying how he is going to kick my ass with his 4 person kingdom composed of members he doesnt even have really pisses me off.  Talking like they are Fant veterans.....I dont consider myself a veteran at anything at at least I am not too full of myself.  If Shake decides not to start talking sh*t  again then fine...GOOD LUCK

18:35:19 Sep 9th 08 - Mr. Benji V:

lol how was i the reason u left ??? xD u left ROC coz u wanted to and i tryed to stop u but no u just left

oh and btw ROC is a much funner place without you ^_^

and u are typing u are not speaking so u cant "speak" S-L-O-W-E-R in the forums
and no it wasnt that complicated and no im not saying that i know english that good , but atleast i know how to speak another language that u wont be able to speak right even if u tryed

and how is u *beep*ing to wraith about ROC "having fun" oh no wait flaming everyone that came up with a good idea is having fun

so i think that ur the one that should shut up and if u rly think that shake cant kick ur ass prove it to him on the battle field not here

23:09:49 Sep 9th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Lol this is hilarious. I have to agree with Charley, although Shake did piss me off an era or two back so I'm not going to be polite or nice to him. More like spit in his face if I ever see him.

And besides that, I can hardly understand what he says. He does know how to speak properly, so 3why doesnt he? Cos he thinks its cool, thats why ¬.¬

03:49:58 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

1stly icon.. i dont even know u man soryr if i offended u but dude its the internet who gives a *beep* wat other people think. charley inno maybe u just offence i never said anythin bout kickin ur ass  i explained it to u twice. so before u call ben slow check urself 1st dude..i said "we gna catch you on hoh kd %" if u took it as kicking ur ass sick 1. but all it ment is we gna try get to ur % never said we were goin 2 fight u. so before u get agro son get ur game straight.

thx ben for realisin what this forum is for ur a good guy.


also icon last time i played was 3 eras ago in inno how i pissed u off last era or the 1 b4 that.

now get outa here yall stop flamin


03:59:07 Sep 10th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Oh, my bad. 3 eras ago in SK. Sure you know me, too daft to figure out who I am.


1) I still cant figure out half of what you write
2) How the hell do you get 'Icon' out of 'Incognito'?!
3) Bastards burn in hell, and I plan on sending you there.


Ben, you can stop sucking up now. We know you're his biatch now.
Btw, all Kd forums are here for flaming the Kd and revealing their real colours. :p

Ooo! And lastly;

4) If people think badly of you, how will you get members?  Hence you should care what people over the internet think of you.

04:14:28 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Benji V:

Ben, you can stop sucking up now. We know you're his biatch now.

inco i am not sucking up to him im defending the kd that im gonna be in

and so what if im sucking up to him , i dont have a prob with it and if u do deal with it

plus i get payed being his biatch ^_^

04:14:51 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

my apologies i guess the amount i care of wat u sayin shows up in ur name..which isnt much no i cant remember u. explain it to me once again sorry if i offended u tell me wat i did. ben aint my *beep* hes my friend. stop running ur mouth.

1) ohwell aint my problem. u seem to be able to flame it ight so u must understand somthin.

2) no idea bro lol my bad.

3) oh wow e-banging now wat a new level im pretty scared now. dont hurt me over this game please..

true colours when u reveal my true colours or my kds..u will find we good people when u know us. and we are ight players.

how can u talk bout true colours comin up here trashin i aint flamed on u once.

if people think badly of me because of how i talk..shows how ignorant they are. far its 2 people. im sure more hate me..but sick its the internet u aint gna touch sure ill get people.

once again get to me before u flame me..u might see im a good guy.



05:06:11 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Not flaming any kingdom or trying to piss anybody off but: Anybody who speaks gangsta while posting on the forums of a game is trying to make up for having no real life. Your one of those ppl that learned everything they know about the outside world from watching YouTube Videos. Your really pathetic man, you really are.....

Not saying anything about anybody with bad spelling or anything, just saying.... If you speak gangsta on here, you really need to take a break from VU for a while and learn that the sun won't hurt you if it touches your skin ;-)

06:51:56 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

i dont know why every1 thinks im talkin gangsta like seriously if this is gangsta then go look at places like crenshaw south houstan compton..thats gangsta. i actually lived in some bad neighbur hoods im not sayin im a gang banger or anything not even a gang member..i highly doubt u even know the difference.

i lived in a place with gang members n gang bangers. im not talkin gangsta im talkin quite normaly. if i tried talkin gangsta id probably stuff up. this aint no act son this is how i speak on here on msn on the phone in real before u start *beep* sayin how im a poser when u dont even know me son u got it wrong and i aint no white boy so even if i was a nerd or somtin sun aint gna help me. tho ill respect u because u put ur point through with out flamin.. even tho its wrong.

15:07:54 Sep 10th 08 - Duke Slade:

Lord Incognito


9/10/2008 5:59:07 AM

Oh, my bad. 3 eras ago in SK. Sure you know me, too daft to figure out who I am.


1) I still cant figure out half of what you write
2) How the hell do you get 'Icon' out of 'Incognito'?!
3) Bastards burn in hell, and I plan on sending you there.


Ben, you can stop sucking up now. We know you're his biatch now.
Btw, all Kd forums are here for flaming the Kd and revealing their real colours. :p

Ooo! And lastly;

4) If people think badly of you, how will you get members?  Hence you should care what people over the internet think of you.


............You have some problems :) (also the bit below doesnt really aplly to you Inco)

Seriously people if your going to talk trash about some one and then start your b!tching after they hurt your feelings in retaliation just *beep* off.

Shakes trying to recruite for his kingdom hes not doing the best of jobs but hes atleast trying.

so unless your going to say Good luck or as somthing about his kingdom OR! join then just leave the thread alone.

15:09:15 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Benji V:

owned xD

15:16:15 Sep 10th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Duke Slade


9/10/2008 3:07:54 PM

............You have some problems :) (also the bit below doesnt really aplly to you Inco)


I have many problems. you know that. ;)


But I couldnt b!tch when he pissed me off. The little girl ran away :(

Anyway, wont bother here anymore. I'll let my soldiers do the talking. You're no fun to annoy   :(

15:26:52 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

haha.. ran away? i just couldnt be bothered arguing with u when u were swearin ur head at off me..i was chill n tried 2 solve the problem but i had 2 resort to block u because u wouldnt stop running your mouth. i cant even remember wat its bout..if u take net stuff seriously..sorry dude...i apologies please forgive me...

i will give u and rubyian for atleast hatin with some dignity.

15:35:21 Sep 10th 08 - Duke Slade:

Lord Incognito


9/10/2008 5:16:15 PM
Duke Slade


9/10/2008 3:07:54 PM

............You have some problems :) (also the bit below doesnt really aplly to you Inco)


I have many problems. you know that. ;)


But I couldnt b!tch when he pissed me off. The little girl ran away :(

Anyway, wont bother here anymore. I'll let my soldiers do the talking. You're no fun to annoy   :(



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