Forums / In game politics / SiN Invite

SiN Invite
05:43:38 Dec 15th 07 - Prince Sprout:

I would like to Invite any that would like to go to fant to Join our ranks.

We been beat on here good so far but will keep fighting to survive, just figured maybe some might like to play the new map here:)




The goal of this kd before all is its respect to its members and the respect to a honorable game. Sin will stand to protect its members and its relations.

  Win or lose we will have fun, be active, and play with honor.

Honorable Active teamplayers always welcome.


07:38:34 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Neon:

good luck~

08:19:49 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

I must say that if nothing else SIN has been an honorable opponent.

04:42:49 Dec 16th 07 - Prince Sprout:

Hey Neon :p

How is it for you ?

Sir grim U can have a cookie.


 Come on people Some one has to have the ego to try Fant.. ?

Come one come all .. come see the map and then get killed oop :p

HAhaha No really I need some players, wont lie to you it will hard and chance are not on our side  but with some luck we may mange to gain a small foot hold of land to finaly start from.  After that ther seems to be plaenty to war with :)


15:48:33 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

hmmmm......well, i would consider reoining you, only i have my own kingdom

16:27:31 Dec 16th 07 - Prince Sprout:

Well may u have the best of luck then :)

SiN still needs some recrutes so that all the other kds have some people to camp on ... so rite when u get oop they can attack you:)


 Come people this is so much fun ... yeppie yeppie.  

 I would expect this I guess .. I think mantrax and the other worlds have more honor and play a better game than Fant.

 I know fant is the best players,, but why are they the best..... Cause the rank high and can build armies with millions of troops? And flood the market with stone so Stg can be of great value?   or Is it Cause the relations ?

 I would like to think That some are honorable Players in Fant.

 I have met a few players In HC, DB, Legacy, Preds That seem to show the kinda honor I like to see.   Pks came to us with war and won rite oop and they did it fair.  FF come to us now that we reach the end or protection agian and want what we built.   I see no honor or glory or anything but greed when Kds come to take u out  before u even make it oop. I salute u PKS for a fair battle front as we all came oop near.  FF I salute u for Taking out New players to the game rite as they come oop even tho U have other fronts and been oop for much longer.

   SiN will not Fall of the map!  We may not have great victory or even ever get a core, From the looks of it most of the kd will never make it oop for more than a hr or two.


 SO once more I salute all U great honorable players here Fant!!

17:08:03 Dec 16th 07 - Lord Scientist:

Sprout, get over yourself.........

You've been killed off once, by PKS......and you expect us to pity you and wrap you up in cotton won't happen. We're attacking the nearest kingdom to us, which is you and one other..........
It hasn't got anything to do with the fact that you've just spawned there, one of your members has been there a while now........
Our scouts were moving into that area before you lot respawned there........just fight and either live or die........don't complain about being killed..........alot of kingdoms don't get to be killed twice on you should really consider yourself lucky.........

17:20:12 Dec 16th 07 - Prince Sprout:

LOL we will fight the unfair fight U brought to us.

U take my point wrong here.  My post is more about the poor tactics some use in the game. All u have done is shown No mercy when asked.

 Witch will reflect on ur leadership and ur kds name.

But u want to fight on so be it! We will fight you... win or lose :p

Good Luck and god speed!


18:15:35 Dec 16th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

 quoted from prince sprout :

I know fant is the best players,, but why are they the best..... Cause the rank high and can build armies with millions of troops? And flood the market with stone so Stg can be of great value?   or Is it Cause the relations ?

my answer :

even if any of this are the reason, it's all allowed and you have no reason to complain as you can do the same.

19:05:38 Dec 16th 07 - Prince Sprout:

I have done the same.

 SiN still recrutes more players.

 Dont worry we will be here in Fant>>>

19:16:52 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:

Lewatha is so right ...

19:45:46 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Chimaira:

It dose not mater who right or who's wrong the purpose of this thread it to obtain  new  SiNners

So what do you say people come join us on fant
exp. player will get the fight they are looking for and newer players will get the chance to be and learn on fant. great experience if i must say so my self right Oop war (never happened to me before until now)

This is a great chance to show what you are made of people

We will live on fant as long as possible we will do whatever we can to make it the best era SiN has had so far

so join us it would be greatly respected  we don't want the member whom join because they pity us we want member who will stand and fight even if the odds are against them loyalty is very important to us honor is also a key ingredient to a SiNner



20:18:39 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Soc:

honor is also a key ingredient to a SiNner

just thought that was a funny sentence :)

good luck sin, i hope all goes well with u guys and u get some more players!

20:36:20 Dec 16th 07 - Prince Mielo:

I see no honor or glory or anything but greed when Kds come to take u out  before u even make it oop.

Does war strategy game say something to you? Perhaps you could lead that out of your summary of Fantasia is a harder world due to the greed blah blah ...

experienced kingdom have the experience to war OOP that is a remarkable skill and you are rewarded with the income boost of the players and the kingdoms who don't fight OOP, but by begging for mercy I don't think you'll gain much cities from that.
Please consider that before you make an ass of yourself :)

20:55:07 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Chimaira:

thanks soc i was hoping to get a laugh out of that :p

21:37:00 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Good luck to SiN. I appreciate the honorable actions taken by you guys. I'm sorry we couldn't have been friends, but strategically, it would be a bad decision. We're already in a pretty crappy position with so few players.....can't afford any more disadvantages. Sorry, but that's how WE do it! :p

21:49:55 Dec 16th 07 - Prince Sprout:

That doesnt make sence...   If u have problems in other fronts why make more fight?  U would think It would be better to allie and work together but ... Doesnt look like U guys do that ehhhh? 

   U guys send ur troops and stop talking about it already.


21:53:47 Dec 16th 07 - Prince Sprout:

Good luck to SiN. I appreciate the honorable actions taken by you guys. I'm sorry we couldn't have been friends, but strategically, it would be a bad decision. We're already in a pretty crappy position with so few players.....can't afford any more disadvantages. Sorry, but that's how WE do it! :p
 Why would that be a bad Strategically?


 I would really like to why I keep hearing this .. Can some please explain this in detail?   I mean I have seen FF ranks fall alot so I know they are waring others,, why is it bad to Secure ur back door?  U guys could of Used us to hold off any from the rear.. But instead go ahead and spread ur troops out.

 This isnt on topic Sorry ..

 Once more New players welcome.. we will take any in that can handle the beating  :p

woot !


22:05:15 Dec 16th 07 - Prince Mielo:

Used us to hold off any from the rear.. But instead go ahead and spread ur troops out.

Maybe the guess you guys wouldn't hold out?

22:14:35 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Basically what Mielo said....even you are making a big deal about how it's unfair since you had to restart. Well, I don't think anyone who comes to kill us is gonna care and decide not to blast their way through you :p

Also, that is a nice position for us to expand to with little difficulty in terms of extra defense. And the cities would help too.

Sorry, but that's how it is :(

00:09:26 Dec 17th 07 - Prince Sprout:

I havnt respawned myself..... its been hard but I have been able to keep alive.

U will win this battle I am sure but The fight isnt gonna End here. 

Sin Still recrutes Players... come on in  :P

00:51:32 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Chimaira:

come on lets go where are you SiNners you guys need to join we could use an one willing to stand ground and not buckle under pressure

btw Sprout are we the only one recruiting or trying to at least

03:23:09 Dec 17th 07 - Prince Sprout:

Its seems that wayu :p

 We need player that want to try ther luck on fant agianst all odds.  Only the really Strong will make it but are welcome to try if u dare :p


04:16:33 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Chimaira:

The enemy has 4694 soldiers armed with Sticks and leather armor. They have 0 peasants traveling with them. We have 0% chance winning this battle.

this is what we are up against

04:17:08 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Chimaira:

try your odds

join today

04:33:35 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

Stop complaining Music had to deal with an Abydos, Phi  OOP gangbang so shadup.

05:02:25 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Chimaira:

i am not complaing it like the army i'm recruting

16:21:32 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Chimaira:

really people no one want to join??

04:29:39 Dec 21st 07 - Prince Sprout:

Guess Not :p

O well ... they prolly think it is to late to start in fant :p


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