Forums / In game politics / Slovaknia we lost already

Slovaknia we lost already
00:12:19 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Icerendash:

OK we lost so leave us alone god you dont have to wipe us out.

ill leave your lands in 3 real time days because its a long way out becasuse of the bridge blcked and we whant out. ill leave for 3days of cease fire.

01:03:42 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

No, you will be hunted down and killed unless you manage to hide, in which case someone will find you later and wipe you out later.

They do, indeed, want to wipe you out.

02:40:18 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Icerendash:

whats wrong with you. do you have any dignity to anyone.

03:05:06 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Kelthas:

A fair prize considering the fact you actually attempted to humiliate us on the forums.

Might i suggest you start at Mantrax?

Though i admire your will to keep on struggling, i see no reason for you to do so :p Especially if the conditions for you to be able to is us letting you

03:08:53 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Icerendash:

kelthas im not going back to that place. im not going to fight anymore. so let us leave from your core so we may go some place else. ok?

03:15:36 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

I suggest you take their advice and go to Mantrax Icerendash, but are you in Slovaknia? Who are you fighting?

(Edited by Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince 3/31/2007 3:16:28 AM)

03:18:37 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Icerendash:

mirror and i already surrenderd

03:32:23 Mar 31st 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

Surender isnt the way to solve a war Mostly a war is keeps going till only one KD stands or the situation improvements and thay nap

I also sugest you go to mantrax it isnt a shame to play there it wil only be a lot easyer for you.

03:32:33 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

I suggest you run fast or commit suicide right now, because if Azaruc ever catches you, you're in for the maddest butt-sexxor of your life.

03:36:00 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

So what if you surrendered? They want your cities because they want to win, and most of all defeat you because you post and act so *beep*ic in the forums. If you don't care, why do you keep posting? I thought you didn't have nerves or something...

03:42:44 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

Never surrender!! Beware the mad butt pumping!!

03:44:38 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Icerendash:

one day they wil be the only kingdome left and what are you going to say thast we should have killed them earlyer when you had the chance. but no they will kikll you. instead,

04:09:51 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

Why would there be only one kingdom left?

04:12:53 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Soccerplaya:

well, clearly, he will kill all the others and leave mirror till the end ;)

04:16:36 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

I'm not sure if he's saying that Mirror will be last or he will be the last kingdom

04:17:29 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Icerendash:

mirror will be the ruller of the kingdomes of fantasia and destroy all.

04:18:06 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

No they won't... look at the KD list, Legacy is winning.

You don't know what that is, do you?

(Edited by Mr. Wizardus 3/31/2007 4:18:24 AM)

04:23:18 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Icerendash:

you dont undertand even if they are strong it dosent mean that they weill die.

04:24:32 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Soccerplaya:

no, i sure dont understand. im pretty sure its better that way...........

05:00:05 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

Even if WHO is strong???

05:01:52 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Icerendash:

mirror qill soon rule fantasia and destroy all kingdomes.

05:02:48 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

see someone thinks we will!
LGC watch out this is a prophesy right here. =P

05:04:36 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Icerendash:

hey most f them where correct. something will happen if thery arent messed with so make use of that time and destroy mirror.

05:06:53 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

I think some people will cheer if Mirror wins...
Why do we want to kill them? Why don't we kill Legacy first?

(Edited by Mr. Wizardus 3/31/2007 5:07:11 AM)

05:27:18 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Basch:

Icerendash if you think mirror is unstopable then you've got no idea how powerful kingdoms can get you'll probably have a heart attack if you were on mant 2 era's back when flame was so strong that not even every last person on mant who wasnt in flame could stop em not even all of mant working together was enough to beat em and beleive me flame is probably nothing compared to legacy so what makes you think mirror is gonna take all of fant? lol thats never happened before and probably never will happen

(i dont mean any offence to any of the mirror members i'm just trying to tell icerendash how weak he really is)

(Edited by Mr. Basch 3/31/2007 5:28:58 AM)

05:39:27 Mar 31st 07 - Lord Oya:

lol at the above post.....anyone with any experince can win on mantrax....i taught the guy who led flames :P.....fantasia has kingdoms doublely as powerful as the flames kingdom was so what you say is inaccurate, mirror are a great kingdom and arent a comparison to flames if you know teh history :)

07:28:20 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Auron:

lol yea ther a tough kd and i doubt that flame are as strong them

(Edited by Mr. Auron 3/31/2007 7:30:19 AM)

07:47:38 Mar 31st 07 - Mr. Draven:

i was in flames when we ruled mantrax, we were strong but really it was only 5 good players. we had a good start on fantasia but internal probs broke us apart, i dont think we had the players mirror does though. but it wasn't a bad run for a kingdom though. learned alot, taught alot. fantasia is much more fun though :P

10:48:52 Apr 1st 07 - Mr. Auron:

what could have possibly broken flame apart? i would have loved to see them in action on fant

11:19:21 Apr 1st 07 - Lord Osiris:

they would probably have been put back on mantrax without a lucky starting position and some friends :)

17:48:21 Apr 1st 07 - Mr. Draven:

ego's and internal member arguments broke us, we all split off and joined other kingdoms, i made a lot of friends there though, and still respect the  leader.  mainly some of our members, as in the vets, wanted to claim the fame of the success, when it was a team effort, i went  with a  close friend who wanted me to join his kingdom and i'm still there, this is our second era reformed together, you'll find us in the top 4 on fant now;)

(Edited by Mr. Draven 4/1/2007 5:50:00 PM)

16:37:07 Apr 6th 07 - Mr. Aloy:

Draven I am honored you still respect me after I disbanded like that :-(
BUT now for the real business
Lord Oya


3/30/2007 10:39:27 PMlol at the above post.....anyone with any experince can win on mantrax....i taught the guy who led flames :P.....fantasia has kingdoms doublely as powerful as the flames kingdom was so what you say is inaccurate, mirror are a great kingdom and arent a comparison to flames if you know teh history :)

OYA WTF!!!! for the last time YOU DID NOT TEACH ME, if anyone was going to take the credit it will be the leader of what if I was in your KD for 1 week. And I agree, Flames wasn't that all powerful, just Mantrax weak, and we could of been rather good if like Draven said we didn't have inside problems.....

and if you really want to know what broke up Flames, msg me in-game and I will tell you.

21:13:07 Apr 6th 07 - Mr. Draven:

Mr. Aloy (New) you were always good to me mano, i think you did a great job with us on mantrax, learned alot from you my friend. You weren't too blame for the split, in a way we all were. I will always respect the way you taught and took in the newbs and i wish you success in your next venture, even if it's not Flames, but i hope it is coz we had the best run to date on mantrax imo ;)

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